Federal Politics


Cory Bernardi defection sounded the death knell of 'moderate Malcolm'. He won't be back

For all its stupidity, Cory Bernardi's defection has already shifted the needle in Canberra, strengthening the right's grip, and ensuring that 'moderate Malcolm' is consigned to history.

Superficially, Bernardi's crazy-brave gesture had two relatively benign implications for Turnbull beyond its initially poor optics: the removal of a pesky internal critic (good); and, the prospect of an even less compliant Senate (business as usual).

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Cory Bernardi quits Liberal Party

South Australian senator Cory Bernardi says the Liberal Party has lost its way as he jumps ship to set up his own right wing party.

What is more important however, is that the defection has given material form to what, until now, was just a theory.

Rendered in flesh and blood, the risk to Turnbull is now very real and crucially, is more likely come in the House of Representatives where the Coalition's majority hangs on a single seat.

While the Bernardi enthusiast George Christensen has reaffirmed his party loyalty in recent days - notably to Barnaby Joyce alone - the ultra-conservative's issue-by-issue leverage is now acute.

Perhaps Tony Abbott's ex-chief of staff Peta Credlin explained the underlying dynamic best on Sky News in the hours after Bernardi's self-immolation.


She acknowledged that Turnbull had indeed shifted rightward to hold his party together, but said precisely because of who he is and where he's been, such concessions will never be enough.

Despite adopting Abbott's positions on emissions trading and renewables, 18C, the negation of marriage reform, and the protection of negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions, the right does not trust Turnbull, and remains hyper-alert for signs of the old Malcolm.

As one MP put it, Turnbull can never overcome the flaw that he is a centre-left leader of a centre-right party. 

So, having disappointed countless middle voters, Turnbull has secured few, if any, durable converts in the party room.

From this, three other conclusions flow: First, is the right's clear ultimatum "our way or the highway".

Right on cue, Christensen says he would regard any step towards a parliamentary vote on same-sex marriage as a breach of the Coalition agreement between the Liberal Party and the Nationals. Ditto on other progressive issues.

Second, left-based critics who urge Turnbull to use a progressive issue such as marriage equality to rebuild his position and win back middle-Australian voters, have failed to understand this new reality. A reality in which Turnbull is locked in to pursuing his party room, rather than leading it.

Third? Notwithstanding their obscurity, MPs as religiously conservative as Christensen have more sway in the Turnbull era that at any time in living memory. 

Moderate Malcolm has left the building. He won't be back.


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