Run into Malia Obama! Weinstein Co. uses former first daughter as a selling point as it auctions off an internship for charity

  • The Weinstein Co. auctioned off a three-month internship on Wednesday 
  • A press release about the internship boasted that the winner could 'even run into Malia Obama' in the offices 
  • The former first daughter is interning in the company's New York offices this spring, reading and pitching scripts 
  • On Wednesday she wore an over-sized flannel shirt, black leggings and tan boots to work  

Malia Obama has only been interning at the Weinstein Co. for a little less than two weeks and the company is already using her employment as a selling point. 

This week, hosted an auction for a three-month internship at the film company. 

In a press email about the auction, sent to the Hollywood Reporter, The Charity Network wrote that the internship is 'a special chance to learn all in the ins and outs of the movie biz and maybe even run into Malia Obama while you're at it'.

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Former first daughter Malia Obama is currently interning at the Weinstein Company's offices in New York City (she's pictured above showing up for work on Wednesday) 

Former first daughter Malia Obama is currently interning at the Weinstein Company's offices in New York City (she's pictured above showing up for work on Wednesday) 

On Wednesday, an internship at the company was auctioned off for charity and winners were told that they could 'maybe' run into Malia on the job
Malia is seen on Wednesday arriving for her job

On Wednesday, an internship at the company was auctioned off for charity and winners were told that they could 'maybe' run into Malia on the job 

The eldest daughter of former President Barack Obama is working in the company's New York office, reading spec scripts and pitching them to executives. 

Photographers caught her showing up for work on Wednesday looking 90s grunge in an oversized flannel, black leggings and tan boots.  

With minutes left in the auction on Wednesday, the top bid was more than $15,000. 

The Weinstein Co. was founded by Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein (pictured on February 2 in New York City) 

The Weinstein Co. was founded by Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein (pictured on February 2 in New York City) 

Daily Mail Online reached out to to find out the winning bid, but did not immediately hear back Wednesday morning. 

Proceeds from the auction will benefit Railway Children, a non-profit that helps homeless children in India, East Africa and the UK.

The Weinstein Co's latest film, Lion, has partnered with the organization to raise funds for their good work.

Lion tells the real-life story of Saroo Brierly, an Indian boy who became separated from his family and put up for adoption in Australia. Many years later, he used Google Maps to help route him back to his native village.

Former first daughter Malia graduated from high school last spring, but is taking a gap year before starting at Harvard College next fall. 

She landed the Weinstein Co. internship after spending the fall travelling South America. 

While Malia is living it up in New York City, her parents are settling into their new home in Washington, DC. 

Barack and Michelle Obama are staying in DC so that their youngest daughter Sasha can finish high school.  


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