Ted Cruz is mocked during debate with Bernie Sanders after he CONGRATULATES a woman for dealing with multiple sclerosis 

  • Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders debated the future of health care in America
  • Cruz is a staunch opponent of Obamacare, while Sanders defended it
  • Republican was mocked during debate for congratulating a woman with multiple sclerosis for 'dealing with it'   

Ted Cruz was mocked during a debate with Bernie Sanders on the future of health care in America after he congratulated a woman for dealing with multiple sclerosis.

Cruz is a staunch opponent of Obamacare, while Democrat Sanders defended the Affordable Care Act as a crucial measure that provided millions of Americans with care and consumer protections.

During the CNN debate Cruz was chided for his awkward exchange with Multiple sclerosis patient Carol Hardaway, from Maryland. 

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated the future of Obamacare during a face-off live on CNN

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated the future of Obamacare during a face-off live on CNN

She had asked Cruz how she was going to remain insured if the Senate got rid of Medicaid, which she and millions of other low-income Americans depend on.

He replied: 'Congratulations on dealing with MS. It's a terrible disease and congratulations on your struggles dealing with it.'

He went on to say that while Medicaid might work for her, it's 'profoundly troubled' on a national scale, with '54 per cent of doctors' refusing to take on new patients covered by the low-income provision.

MS is a chronic illness that disrupts communication between the brain and the body, causing symptoms such as vision loss, pain, fatigue and impaired coordination. 

The awkward exchange led to Cruz being mocked by viewers on social media.

One, Sarah Jones, wrote: 'I don't know a single person with a chronic illness who wants to be congratulated for living with it.'

Another said: 'Congratulations Ted Cruz on your struggle with being a human being.'

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated what the future of healthcare should look like in America

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated what the future of healthcare should look like in America

During the debate Cruz said: 'The last election was a referendum on Obamacare, and the American people decided, quite rightly, that it wasn't working.' 

He added: 'It was government control that messed this all up.

'Instead, we're going to give you choice.'

However Sanders defended Obamacare and said 'the overwhelming majority of the American people say, 'Do not simply repeal the ACA, make improvements.''

The Democrat added: 'The United States is the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people as a right.'

To that, Cruz shot back: 'You have a right for government not to mess with you. So what is a right? It's access to health care.'

Sanders fired back: 'Access to what? You want to buy one of Donald Trump's mansions? You have 'access' to do that as well.'  

Cruz, who lost out to Trump in the Republican presidential election, is a staunch opponent of Obamacare

Cruz, who lost out to Trump in the Republican presidential election, is a staunch opponent of Obamacare

Sanders also pointed out how the 'very rich' can get the best healthcare in the world and pointed out that 'Scandinavian countries, Canada and the UK ensure health care to all its citizens.'

Cruz criticized Sanders' international comparisons, claiming those countries have long waiting times and inferior quality care.

He thinks other countries have it better than America,' Cruz said. 'Well there's a reason we pay more than those countries. We got a lot better and a lot more than other countries.' 

President Donald Trump has already signed an executive action which is meant to 'ease the burden of Obamacare.'  


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