Federal Politics

Donald Trump uses Presidential Twitter account to attack retailer over Ivanka's business

Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter. Call it the double espresso of news – the morning news kickstart for busy people who want to know what they need to know before they get going.

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1. President Trump spruiks Ivanka's shoes

And this is where the tweet-hasty President needs to be very careful.

Earlier this month, the US department store said it would stop selling the Ivanka Trump fashion label due to poor sales. [Bloomberg]

(Don't forget the tacky "style alert" sent to jouranalists pimping for an $11,000 bracelet Ivanka wore from her own range in the family's first television interview post-election. The company later apologised). [Fortune]

Nordstrom's decision follows a campaign online to boycott any companies tied to the Trump family, although the department store says the brand's performance and not her politics were the reason. [GrabYourWallet.org]

Now Donald Trump is using his position as President of the United States to admonish a department store for making a commercial decision relating to his daughter's private companies.[Lindsey Rupp/The Washington Post]


Nordstrom's stocks tumbled (and then rebounded) following the President's tweet, which even more outrageously was retweeted by the official POTUS account. Expect to hear a lot more about conflicts of interest here.

Ivanka Trump's ties to Rupert Murdoch came under fresh scrutiny today.

Chloe and Grace Murdoch were flower girls at their father Rupert's wedding to Jerry Hall.

Chloe and Grace Murdoch were flower girls at their father Rupert's wedding to Jerry Hall. Photo: Snapper Media

Britain's Financial Times reveals Ivanka was a trustee of a bloc of shares for two of Rupert Murdoch's daughters during the election campaign and until December 28, well after her father was elected President. [Matthew Garrahan]

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump dance at the Freedom Ball in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017. (Doug Mills/The New York Times) Trump

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump dance after the inaguration. Photo: New York Times

It follows the First Lady, Melania Trump's lawsuit against the Daily Mail alleging defamation over an article which wrongly claimed she was once an escort.  In that suit, Melania said the article damaged her ability to build "multimillion dollar business relationships". Today she denies she intends to profit from her role as First Lady. [Tom Hamburger/The Washington Post]

Should we really be surprised that a country which gave us the Kardashians gives us a political equivalent in the Trumps?

2. Putin rival silenced

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny speaks to the media at his headquarters in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013.Two exit polls in Moscow's mayoral election are predicting a stronger showing than expected for opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Sunday's mayoral election is a potentially pivotal contest that has energized the small opposition in ways that could pose a risk to the Kremlin in the days and years ahead. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Photo: AP

Yesterday Putin's Russia was decriminalising domestic violence, today it's silencing President Vladimir Putin's only viable rival.

A Russian judge has convicted Aleksei A. Navalny of fraud - barring him of running in next year's presidential "elections." [Ivan Nechepurenko/The New York Times]

Why the juvenile parts of the right, like George Christensen and Pauline Hanson, have developed a sudden love-affair with Putin is quite honestly, unfathomable, and when you consider an issue like domestic violence, (let alone MH17) quite at odds with those they claim to represent.

3. "What's Cristal?"

I absolutely love this. Watch at 1.09. 

As Malcolm Turnbull let rip on "simpering, sycophant, social-climbing," Bill Shorten in parliament yesterday, Chris Bowen, Labor's treasury spokesman, turned to Tanya Plibersek and asked "What's Cristal?"

Cristal, often sung about by bragging hip-hop and pop stars, is an expensive champagne made by Louis Roderer. 

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 21 November 2016. fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor's Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Member for Sydney informed the western Sydney Member for McMahon that it was a type of very expensive champagne. Bless Bowen's cotton socks. 

Now to Turnbull's speech. An absolute ripper. Keating it was not. For that the PM would need to have matched the insults with some policy points. No - this was personal. [Tony Wright/The Age]

Labor's view is that politicians screeching at each other is a major no-no and a huge turn off. [David Crowe/The Australian]  (Oddly that wasn't the argument they made when Julia Gillard ripped Tony Abbott a new one and called him a misogynist.)  

But this is different. If you watch anything, witness Barnaby Joyce's face as he listens to Turnbull's speech.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce laughs as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attacks Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce laughs as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attacks Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Photo: Andrew Meares

Turnbull needed to rally the troops and he did. He has finally woken. 

And he needed to land a blow on Shorten, who has many unlikeable qualities.

Nobly, although misguided, Turnbull didn't want to embrace the personal attack tactic during the campaign and copped taunt after taunt about his wealth.

Now he's had enough and gave it back. And boy did he.

Shorten's face said it all. He knew it hurt him even if the PM's critics can accuse him of snobbery.

Insiders loved Keating's blows, reminds Michelle Grattan, "but the voters came to hate them," she warns. [The Conversation]

"It was a speech of a politician who knows everything is ranged against him, that adversity sits in front of him, and poison and dysfunction behind," observes Katharine Murphy in a beautifully written piece. [The Guardian]

It was a "stunning political blow," says Dennis Shannahan. [The Australian]

It "electrified his colleagues," says Laura Tingle. [Financial Review]

Labor began this personal class war, they may regret it.

In other political news:

  • Indonesia has accepted Australia's apology over material at an army base in Perth that mocked its state ideology Pancasila. [Jewel Topsfield/Fairfax]
  • Paul Maley reports the US Government wanted Australia to take Guantanamo Bay inmates in exchange for refugees from Nauru. [The Australian]
  • South Australia suffered another blackout. Last night the state suffered a deliberate cut to power during a heatwave. [Ben Harvy,Tory Shepherd/The Advertiser]
  • The Parliamentary Budget Office warns against raiding the Future Fund when its kitty is opened up in 2020. [Jacob Greber]
  • The pension age is no longer going to rise to 70 and Treasurer Scott Morrison is willing to kiss goodbye $2 billion of savings to pass $4 billion in welfare cuts. [Philip Coorey/Financial Review]
  • George Christensen claims he will cross the floor to establish a banking inquiry. [Amy Remeikis/Fairfax]

On leadership:

Nikki Savva writes, "Abbott has grown ­nakedly defiant and increasingly confident that he will reclaim the leadership." Although Savva says there's no chance of Abbott coming back. [The Australian]

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 23 November 2016. fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

This is consistent what I have heard, should there be any change it would be to a new leader, possibly someone like Peter Dutton, whose gym sessions are being noticed by colleagues. 

4. British politics

So Malcolm Turnbull gives a ripper speech and Jeremy Corbyn ambushes Theresa May and totally owns Prime Minister's Questions! [BBC]

The world really is upside down in 2017!

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow says he is strongly opposed to Donald Trump addressing parliament.

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow says he is "strongly opposed" to Donald Trump addressing parliament. Photo: Screenshot/BBC

Earlier this week I reported on the extraordinary statement made to the House of Commons by the Speaker John Bercow who said Donald Trump's "sexism and racism" disqualify him from addressing Parliament. 

Now the knives are out for Bercow with his critics, mainly fellow Tory MPs, claiming he has compromised the neutrality of the speaker. Bercow says he was commenting on an issue within his remit - ie. determining who should address the parliament. 

But ITV's political editor Robert Peston says the Speaker may be about to face a vote of no-confidence. [Facebook]

5. Rolf Harris not guilty...

Rolf Harris in London.

Rolf Harris in London. Photo: Mike Bowers

...Of groping two women and a teenage girl.  He could walk free this year.

But he could still face a retrial on four other counts of groping four different teenagers, our Europe Correspondent Nick Miller reports. [Fairfax]

6. Merkel to increase deportations

German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers a speech at a local meeting of her Christian Democrats, CDU, in Grimmen, northern Germany, Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Merkel said there's no solution yet to the problem of how to fairly share the burden of migration among European Union member states. (Stefan Sauer/dpa via AP)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo: Stefan Sauer

Angela Merkel's tougher stance on immigration continues ahead of this year's elections. 

The German Chancellor is set to unveil plans to increase the number of failed asylum-seekers it forcibly deports. 

Tunisian Ani Amri, who drove a truck into Christmas night markets in December last year, was a failed asylum seeker. [The Times]

And that's it from me today, you can follow me on Facebook for more.

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