The best trail-blazing mountain bike gear

I tried riding a road bike for the best part of four years, pedalling along beside angry utility drivers rushing to their next building site. I've copped stuff thrown at me, stuff yelled at me, and cars swerving at me.

I've also had enough of the attitude of a lot of roadies, sizzling along in their full-on team kits and wraparound sunnies. Plus, I always felt like a bit of fake; weighing in at more than 70 kilograms, never shaving my legs, and hating the 5am starts.

And so, I'm going back to my wholesome roots as a mountain biker. I miss the bracken-lined trails, the sandstone escarpments and the scent of eucalyptus. Most of all I miss the solitude that only the Australian bushland can provide.

Mountain high

Mountain biking isn't yet 'the new golf'; not many suits are networking along the single tracks of the nearest National Park. And that's what's so great about it. Cycling along a forest trail is as far from the office and the deal making as you can possibly get.

Pedalling a MTB through the bush is one of the few opportunities left where we can still turn on, tune in and drop out.

Where to ride? Thankfully,this country is blessed with a multitude of trails within easy reach of the capitals, so there's really no excuse not to throw on the knobbly tires and the baggy shorts.

Check out our gallery of the latest and greatest MTB bikes and equipment.