
Sexual assault allegations rock Victorian Young Labor

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Labor's youth branch has been rocked by claims of sexual assault.

One Young Labor member has been barred from any future events run by the organisation, after another member identified him as their attacker shortly before the organisation's national conference in Canberra at the weekend.

It is understood the accused person was warned against going to the conference, which was attended by several hundred people.

A statement on a Queer caucus Facebook page says it came to light that a member of the caucus was "a survivor of sexual assault".

"The perpetrator was also a member of YLU [Young Labor Unity]. They have been removed from caucus, they will no longer be attending events, caucus, campaigns or anything more to do with YLU and never will again," the post says.

A post on a separate Right faction Young Labor page states the incident was "part of an ongoing pattern of behaviour by an individual in our caucus".


"Young Labor Unity supports and stands by the victims and survivors of rape and sexual assault and we will support and assist any further investigations regarding the perpetrator."

Counselling services have been offered.

It is understood that the assault is alleged to have taken place in the past, not at the conference or in the lead-up to the event.

Some party members are concerned that the alleged victim is being "discouraged" from talking about the issue.

One person said there was a "veil of silence".

Following initial inquiries, a message was sent to some Young Labor members to not answer calls from any phone numbers they did not recognise and if Fairfax Media called, they were instructed to give no comment.

Victorian Labor branch secretary Sam Rae would only say, "This sort of allegation should be properly investigated by the relevant authorities."

National secretary Noah Carroll did not return calls.