

The problems Gladys Berejiklian won't want to talk about – but she should

In the three weeks since Gladys Berejiklian was sworn in as NSW Premier she has hit the ground running in at least a couple of respects.

She has announced some priorities – local infrastructure, housing affordability and a strong economy – and is contemplating repairing the damage caused by unpopular and failing policies such as forced council mergers.

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Berejiklian sworn in as NSW Premier

Gladys Berejiklian is officially sworn in as the 45th Premier of New South Wales. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

But there are a few issues you are unlikely to hear the new Premier talking about with any relish.

They include hangovers from her time as a minister, challenges her predecessor Mike Baird either ducked or ran out of time to tackle and reforms in the area of government transparency it seems no one has been willing to fix.

The first and most pressing is whether the Premier will come clean on when she was advised, as transport minister, of the real reasons for a $549 million blowout to the cost of the Sydney CBD light rail project.

In December the NSW Auditor-General revealed that in October 2014 Transport for NSW had reported that 94 per cent of the increase was "due to incorrect estimates" in the project's business case.


Yet as transport minister Berejiklian issued a media release two months later stating the reason the cost had increased from $1.6 billion to $2.1 billion was due to "customer improvements to the original scope" such as longer trams and stops.

The obvious question has been and remains: did she knowingly lie and then keep the truth from the public for two years?

During her first media conference as Premier-elect Berejiklian offered an aggressive defence to questions she knew she would be asked about the matter.

The problem is, her answers dodged the central issue of what she knew and when. She would be wise to clear it up once and for all by releasing documents shedding light on the subject.

In the same broad category – call it transparency and integrity – is the issue of political lobbying.

It's something Baird went some way to addressing after Barry O'Farrell's demise after giving false evidence to the corruption watchdog about a lavish gift from a lobbyist, but which is looming as a far bigger issue for the latest premier.

From day one, Berejiklian has been accused by political opponents and some Liberals of being too close to Liberal powerbroker and lobbyist Michael Photios.

Photios remains one of the leaders of Berejiklian's Liberal left faction to which she is fiercely loyal and whose members were key to securing her the numbers to become premier.

His firm, Premier State, is registered to lobby the NSW government on behalf of a string of private sector clients including mining companies and alcohol and gambling interests.

Baird's reforms tightened the rules for lobbyists and introduced regular publication of basic details of ministerial meetings, but they did not go far enough.

Berejiklian has the opportunity to send a message about how serious she is about not only being a clean government but being seen to be one. 

She should follow the advice of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and extend the requirement to parliamentary secretaries and ministerial staff.

As ICAC has noted, its 2010 inquiry into the subject found that "lobbying tactics and therefore associated risks frequently did not involve the minister". Berejiklian, with six years as a minister under her belt, would know this as well as anyone.

Similarly, the issue of ministerial disclosures needs to be looked at to ensure that they declare not only their own business, property and other interests but also those of their spouses and immediate family.

Labor has implemented this policy in opposition and promised to introduce it for everyone when it next takes government. The government has resisted for no good reason.

So too changes to Government Information (Public Access) laws, which can allow access to otherwise secret government documents. When he was in opposition O'Farrell pledged to abolish the $30 application fee. He didn't and we are still waiting.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of things the new Premier needs to address, but it would be a good start and would send a strong message about the type of leader she wants to be.

The key to Baird's early popularity was his admission after the O'Farrell scandal that changes needed to be made and to act swiftly to address the perception the government was in the thrall of spivs and backroom operators.

Berejiklian has the opportunity to go one better and act without looking like she is being forced into it.

Sean Nicholls is state political editor.