Daddy cool: John Travolta cuts a stylish figure on the slopes as he watches over son Ben, six, during ski lesson in Austria

He's one of Tinsel Towns most famous faces, having been a fixture in the box office since the '70s.

But John Travolta was enjoying a break from the sound stages of Hollywood on Thursday, as he enjoyed some quality time with his son Ben in Austria.

Having left the balmy climes of Los Angeles for the cool pistes of the Austrian mountains, the 62-year-old actor and his six-year-old looked the part as they hit the piste.

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John Travolta was enjoying a break from the sound stages of Hollywood on Thursday, as he enjoyed some quality time with his son Ben in Austria

John Travolta was enjoying a break from the sound stages of Hollywood on Thursday, as he enjoyed some quality time with his son Ben in Austria

Clearly enjoying some quality time with his little boy, the Saturday Night Fever star was all smiles as he and Ben took to the snow with an instructor.

Heading out with his and Kelly Preston's youngest child, the actor looked the picture of a proud father as he watched the youngster get his balance on his skis.

The veteran of the slopes hung back as his little boy acclimatized to the new mode of transport.

Daddy cool: Having left the balmy climes of Los Angeles for the cool pistes of the Austrian mountains, the 62-year-old actor and his six-year-old looked the part as they hit the piste

Daddy cool: Having left the balmy climes of Los Angeles for the cool pistes of the Austrian mountains, the 62-year-old actor and his six-year-old looked the part as they hit the piste

Smiling as he watched Ben set off on his ski lesson, John looked the picture of a doting dad.

Clad in a thick black quilted jacket, teamed with a pair of blue denim jeans, the actor looked to be anticipating zero falls on the slopes - obviously being a dab hand at carving up the piste.

Finishing his look of with a black baseball cap and a pair of shades, John looked a pro as he glided down the slopes on his skis, poles in hand.

Following you ,son! Clearly enjoying some quality time with his little boy, the Saturday Night Fever star was all smiles as he and Ben took to the snow with an instructor

Following you ,son! Clearly enjoying some quality time with his little boy, the Saturday Night Fever star was all smiles as he and Ben took to the snow with an instructor

He's a pro: Clad in a thick black quilted jacket, teamed with a pair of blue denim jeans, the actor looked to be anticipating zero falls on the slopes

He's a pro: Clad in a thick black quilted jacket, teamed with a pair of blue denim jeans, the actor looked to be anticipating zero falls on the slopes

Gliding around town... Finishing his look of with a black baseball cap and a pair of shades, John looked a pro as he glided down the slopes on his skis, poles in hand
Gliding around town... Finishing his look of with a black baseball cap and a pair of shades, John looked a pro as he glided down the slopes on his skis, poles in hand

Gliding around town... Finishing his look of with a black baseball cap and a pair of shades, John looked a pro as he glided down the slopes on his skis, poles in hand

Just checking: John was attentive to his son on the slopes, and even Ben's instructor couldn't keep a smile off her face as she watched the two bonding

Just checking: John was attentive to his son on the slopes, and even Ben's instructor couldn't keep a smile off her face as she watched the two bonding

Ben wore a matching jacket to his dad, but replaced the jeans with a pair of practical salopettes, whilst he also sported a green helmet.

The two were clearly enjoying some father-son bonding time, as Kelly and the couple's 16-year-old daughter, Ella, were nowhere to be seen.

John and Kelly tragically lost their eldest child, son Jett, in 2009, when he had a seizure and struck his head against a bath during a family holiday in the Bahamas. 

Lead the way! Ben wore a matching jacket to his dad, but replaced the jeans with a pair of practical salopettes, whilst he also sported a green helmet

Lead the way! Ben wore a matching jacket to his dad, but replaced the jeans with a pair of practical salopettes, whilst he also sported a green helmet


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