It's the Mother of Parliaments... not mothercare: After Chloe Smith's took her baby through the voting lobbies, RICHARD LITTLEJOHN wonders how long before nappies are changed at the Dispatch Box?

As MPs trooped into the voting lobbies to authorise the triggering of Article 50, Chloe Smith, Tory member for Norwich North, turned up clutching her four-month-old son, Alastair.

She had interrupted her maternity leave to take part in the division and decided to bring her child with her.

Miss Smith was obviously aware she was breaking with protocol and looked somewhat awkward. But Speaker John Bercow, who never misses an opportunity to demonstrate how modern and inclusive he is, was delighted.

Speaker John Bercow appeared delighted when MP Chloe Smith arrived with her four-year-old child for the vote

As soon as he spotted the child, he gushed ostentatiously: ‘I say to the honourable lady, don’t be sheepish about it. The little baby is welcome to come in. There’s no problem.’

That’s Bercow nailed on for Mumsnet’s Man of the Year award.

Miss Smith explained that the vote was too important to miss, despite the fact that the Government had a comfortable majority pushing 400.

Of course, these days, everybody has to be in the movie. But why did she have to bring her baby son with her? Surely it was well past his bedtime.

Couldn’t she have left Alastair with her mum, or a nanny? And if she had to bring him to Westminster, there’s a creche on site, capable of catering for up to 40 children.

Look, I can understand that she wouldn’t want to be parted from her fairly newborn child. But that’s what maternity leave is for.

Carting the kid through the voting lobbies wasn’t necessary. It was done for effect. Look at me, everyone, I’ve gotta bay-bee.

At the risk of sounding all Sir Bufton Tufton, is nowhere sacred? I know some of the behaviour in the Commons is childish at the best of times, but that’s no justification for turning the chamber into a kindergarten.

Miss Smith must have known she was out of order. But she almost certainly also knew she could rely on Bercow to back her up. There’s nothing the Speaker loves more than burnishing his caring credentials.

Chloe Smith, Tory member for Norwich North, turned up to the Brexit vote clutching her four-month-old son, Alastair

Last year, he commissioned a report which recommended that MPs should be allowed to breastfeed in the chamber. It would sweep away ‘antiquated’ attitudes and showcase the Commons as a ‘role-model, parent-friendly institution’.

The report, by a professor of ‘gender politics’ at Bristol University (you couldn’t make her up) also recommended installing transgender toilet facilities in Parliament. Of course it did.

And how many transgender MPs are there? Precisely.

The new loos, I suppose, might come in handy if ever Bunter Soames decides to identify as a woman and starts turning up for work in a tutu and demanding to use the ladies’ toilets.

Even so, I can’t imagine too many honourable lady members being that thrilled about sharing the powder room with Bunter, especially if he starts making ‘woof, woof’ noises while they’re putting on their slap.

Chloe Smith (file picture) had interrupted her maternity leave to take part in the division and decided to bring her child with her

More to the point, why would any woman MP want to breastfeed in the Commons chamber, apart from the purpose of showing off?

Depressingly, our elected representatives are not immune from the cult of the trophy bay-bee. It’s bad enough when footballers insist on taking their designer brats up the steps at Wembley to lift the FA Cup. If children are admitted to the chamber of the House as a matter of routine, anarchy will ensue. Where will it all end?

We’ll have snot-nosed kids running up and down the aisles, clambering over the green benches and swinging the Mace like a lightsaber. It’ll be like debating in an adventure playground.

Soon there will be demands for nappy-changing facilities at the Dispatch Box. You can just imagine Theresa May trying to respond to a difficult question at PMQs, while a few feet away a Labour MP is peeling off a Pampers and powdering the bottom of his screaming baby.

If MPs can start bringing their children to work, at what age will be the cut-off? Five, ten, 15?

I have visions of the Chancellor getting up to deliver his Budget, only to be interrupted by a surly Kevin the Teenager character moaning that the proposed tax on fizzy drinks is: ‘Soooo Unfair!’

And once you let kids into the chamber, why not elderly parents? After all, we are always being urged to look after our ageing relatives, rather than put them into residential care homes. I’m sure they would bring a wealth of experience to the proceedings.

Speaker John Bercow, who never misses an opportunity to demonstrate how modern and inclusive he is, was delighted when Smith MP arrived

David Blunkett took his guide dog with him, so why shouldn’t other MPs be allowed to bring their own pets? Soon we’d have labradors chasing Siamese cats up hill and down dale, and parrots mimicking the Speaker.

How would Bercow like it if every time he opened his mouth a ruddy great Macaw started cackling ‘Order, order!’ Rural MPs could bring farm animals with them. If female members are to be allowed to breastfeed, then surely MPs from farming constituencies should be allowed to milk cows on the floor of the House.

Would the Speaker still urge someone not to be ‘sheepish’ if they were driving a flock of sheep into the chamber?

Anyway, what’s wrong with ‘antiquated’? Some of us like our institutions to be antiquated.

They remind us of our proud history and maintain an air of permanence and stability in a fast-changing, neophiliac age. Of course, there’s always room for sensible compromise.

But surely our politics can accommodate young mums like Chloe Smith without converting the Mother of Parliaments into a branch of Mothercare.


How thick is Home Secretary Amber Rudd? Some of us were astonished when she was given one of the great offices of state in the first place.

Look Back In Amber’s latest gem is to accuse Donald Trump of acting as a recruiting sergeant for Izal terrorists following his temporary ban on visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Where’s she been since 9/11? Islamist jihadis don’t need any excuse to recruit impressionable young terrorists. They’ve been doing that for donkey’s years, through mosques, madrassas and the internet.

How thick is Home Secretary Amber Rudd? Some of us were astonished when she was given one of the great offices of state in the first place

Even if we gave them everything they wanted, they’d still hate us. They are psychopathic religious maniacs, who were murdering their way across the globe long before The Donald landed.

It’s about time sopping wet, hand-wringing ‘liberals’ like Rudd stopped blaming the West and making excuses for Izal. When they look at the calibre of politicians such as our own hopeless Home Secretary, it’s no wonder the terrorists are convinced that their ultimate victory is only a matter of time.


Now make Shyster suffer 

As someone who has been on crooked lawyer Phil Shyster’s case for 15 years, you’d expect me to be delighted that he’s been struck off for harvesting false war crimes claims against British troops.

Well, up to a point. But the ruling from the solicitors’ disciplinary panel doesn’t go anywhere near far enough.

Self-proclaimed socialist Shyster put hundreds of brave, blameless servicemen and women through hell for more than a decade, while at the same time milking millions from the British taxpayer in legal aid.

An earlier tribunal ruled that he knew the allegations against them were fake, but that didn’t stop him.

I’ve said in the past he should be tried for treason. At the very least he should be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice and obtaining money by false pretences.

This greedy, politically motivated parasite belongs behind bars for a very long time. With any luck he’d find himself sharing a cell with a homicidal ex-squaddie.

Would it be too much now to expect grovelling apologies from his cheerleaders at the BBC and the Guardian, who swallowed Shyster’s lies whole and painted him as the innocent victim of a Daily Mail ‘vendetta’.

What about the posturing grandees of the legal profession and the yuman rites industry, who garlanded him with awards? Will they finally say sorry?

Don’t hold your breath.

More to the point, it’s about time the Government kept its promise to get us the hell out of the European human rights racket — which made Shyster’s monstrous, money-grubbing smear operation possible — and ensured that this kind of outrage is never allowed to happen again.


John Hurt, who played The Elephant Man

I’m surprised that none of the obituaries of John Hurt mentioned his ground-breaking role in a 1976 episode of The Sweeney, called Tomorrow Man, in which he played an early computer hacker.

The episode also featured George Cole, who went on to star in Minder with the Sweeney’s Dennis Waterman. Just think, if Hurt’s fortunes had gone in a different direction, he, too, could have ended up in Minder, perhaps playing Cheerful Charlie Chisholm.

The world was his lobster, but instead he had to settle for critically acclaimed roles in Alien and The Elephant Man and a couple of Oscar nominations. Nice little earners, obviously, but no substitute for a blue plaque outside the Winchester.

In Tomorrow Man, Regan is confronted by computer-speak for the first time. He asks George: ‘What’s a cursor?’

‘Someone we nick for obscene language, guv?’


Pictures have emerged of an Indonesian woman being thrashed 26 times with a cane — a punishment imposed by a Sharia court for the ‘crime’ of having sex outside marriage. I look forward to Lily Allen leading a Million Woman March on the Indonesian embassy in London tomorrow. 

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