Dozens protest outside the Army Corps of Engineers offices in Los Angeles after the agency said it will clear the way for completion of the $3.8billion North Dakota pipeline

  • Dozens protested outside Army Corps of Engineers office in Los Angeles 
  • Protest came after agency cleared way for completion of Dakota pipeline
  • Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) received final permission from Army Wednesday 
  • The Standing Rock Sioux tribe fears a leak would pollute its drinking water
  • But ETP says the pipeline is safe and operations could begin as early as June 

Dozens gathered outside the Army Corps of Engineers offices in Los Angeles on Wednesday after the agency said it will clear the way for completion of the disputed $3.8 billion North Dakota pipeline project.

Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) received final permission from the Army to proceed with a crossing of the Missouri River in southern North Dakota.

The stretch under Lake Oahe is the final big chunk of work on the 1,200-mile pipeline that would carry North Dakota oil through the Dakotas and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois. 

ETP had hoped to have oil flowing through the pipeline by the end of 2016, but construction was stalled while the Corps and the Dallas-based company battled in court over the crossing.

Dozens (pictured) gathered outside the Army Corps of Engineers offices in Los Angeles on Wednesday after the agency said it will clear the way for completion of the disputed $3.8 billion North Dakota pipeline project

Dozens (pictured) gathered outside the Army Corps of Engineers offices in Los Angeles on Wednesday after the agency said it will clear the way for completion of the disputed $3.8 billion North Dakota pipeline project

Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) received final permission from the Army to proceed with a crossing of the Missouri River in southern North Dakota. The stretch under Lake Oahe is the final big chunk of work on the 1,200-mile pipeline

Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) received final permission from the Army to proceed with a crossing of the Missouri River in southern North Dakota. The stretch under Lake Oahe is the final big chunk of work on the 1,200-mile pipeline

ETP had hoped to have oil flowing through the pipeline by the end of 2016, but construction was stalled while the Corps and the Dallas-based company battled in court over the crossing

ETP had hoped to have oil flowing through the pipeline by the end of 2016, but construction was stalled while the Corps and the Dallas-based company battled in court over the crossing

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose reservation is just downstream from the crossing, fears a leak would pollute its drinking water and is likely to file a legal challenge to the Army's decision to grant an easement. 

Public opposition has drawn thousands of people to the North Dakota plains, including high-profile political and celebrity supporters. 

Large protest camps popped up near the site, leading to several violent clashes and some 600 arrests. 

But ETP says the pipeline is safe and operations could begin as early as June. 

David Archambault II, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said Wednesday that the tribe may have exhausted legal options to stop the project.

'We're running out of options, but that doesn't mean that it's over,' Archambault II, told Reuters in a telephone interview. 'We're still going to continue to look at all legal options available to us.'

The US Army said it had granted the final permit for the pipeline after an order from President Donald Trump to expedite the project. The army owns the land through its Corps of Engineers.

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose reservation is just downstream from the crossing, fears a leak would pollute its drinking water. But ETP says the pipeline is safe and operations could begin as early as June

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose reservation is just downstream from the crossing, fears a leak would pollute its drinking water. But ETP says the pipeline is safe and operations could begin as early as June

Native American tribes and climate activists have vowed to fight the pipeline, fearing that it will also desecrate sacred sites. Supporters say the pipeline is safer than rail or trucks to transport the oil

Native American tribes and climate activists have vowed to fight the pipeline, fearing that it will also desecrate sacred sites. Supporters say the pipeline is safer than rail or trucks to transport the oil

Native American tribes and climate activists have vowed to fight the pipeline, fearing it will desecrate sacred sites and endanger drinking water. Supporters say the pipeline is safer than rail or trucks to transport the oil.

The opposition sensed victory last year when the administration of Barack Obama, delayed completion of the pipeline pending a review of tribal concerns and in December ordered an environmental study.

But those fortunes were reversed after Trump took office on January 20. 

Trump issued an order four days later to expedite both the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and to revive another multibillion-dollar oil artery, Keystone XL. 

 The Obama administration had blocked that project in 2015.

On Wednesday, some 350 people also converged in lower Manhattan, hoisting signs such as 'Water is Life,' 'Dump Trump' and 'Respect Native Sovereignty'.

'This isn't just a Native American problem, this isn't just an issue over race, this goes way beyond that,' said Matene Strikefirst, who said he is a member of the tribe of Ojibwe and Dakota. 

'We need to get over our dependence on fossil fuels; we need to ensure drinking water for everyone,' he added.

On Wednesday, some 350 people also converged in lower Manhattan, hoisting signs such as 'Water is Life,' 'Dump Trump' and 'Respect Native Sovereignty'. A demonstrator is pictured holding a sign outside the White House in DC

On Wednesday, some 350 people also converged in lower Manhattan, hoisting signs such as 'Water is Life,' 'Dump Trump' and 'Respect Native Sovereignty'. A demonstrator is pictured holding a sign outside the White House in DC

Another 100 (pictured) gathered near the White House, denouncing Trump, who issued an order four on January 24 to expedite both the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and to revive another multibillion-dollar oil artery, Keystone XL

Another 100 (pictured) gathered near the White House, denouncing Trump, who issued an order four on January 24 to expedite both the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and to revive another multibillion-dollar oil artery, Keystone XL

Another 100 gathered near the White House, denouncing Trump.

'We know there is going to be bloodshed,' said Eryn Wise, spokeswoman for the International Indigenous Youth Council.

'This is cultural genocide,' said Linda Black Elk, a resident of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

The permit was the last bureaucratic hurdle to the pipeline's completion.

The tribe said on Wednesday it would attempt to use a 'legal battle and temporary restraining order' to shut down pipeline operations.

But Wayne D'Angelo, an energy and environmental lawyer with Kelley Drye & Warren in Washington, said he believed the Trump administration was on 'pretty solid legal ground'.

The tribe would have to prove a very difficult standard: that approval for the pipeline was 'arbitrary and capricious, an abuse of discretion or inconsistent with the record before the agency,' D'Angelo said.

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