Contact Us

To provide feedback, use our feedback form.

For pre-recorded telephone weather services, see the Telephone Weather Services Directory.

For enquiries, call our main switchboard on (03) 9669 4000, or our Regional Offices.

For more information on a range of tailored products and services to inform better business decisions, see Business and Public Sector Solutions.

Access past weather and climate information from the Bureau's vast data archives by referring to our Climate Data web page. Much of this information is freely available for immediate download. Charges apply for specialised services and assisted information requests.

For Freedom of Information enquiries, refer to our Freedom of Information web page.

For postal addresses, view the list of our office locations.

National Relay Service: a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment:
1. Contact us through the National Relay Service.
2. Give the Bureau of Meteorology's number you want to call (02) 9296 1555.
For more information, visit: