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Falling tree leaves infant orphaned

  • News Desk
    News Desk

    The Jakarta Post

Jakarta | Mon, February 6, 2017 | 01:16 pm
Falling tree leaves infant orphaned A fallen tree on five cars parked in the parking lot of the Attorney General's Office in South Jakarta is seen in this recent photograph. (Kompas/FX Laksana Agung Saputra)

A falling tree in South Jakarta has claimed the lives of Miftah Abdillah Achmad, 27, and Rustiana Imala Putri, 25, on Saturday afternoon and left their infant orphaned and crying for milk ever since.

Nine-month-old Alfa Naufal Nareswara cried on Sunday as the bodies of his parents arrived at their home in Pabuaran, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java.

However, the baby, who cannot speak yet, may not yet be aware that his parents are dead. According to his grandmother, Alfa has been crying for milk since Saturday evening.

“He only drinks breast milk,” Alfa’s grandmother told Beji Police chief Comr. Bambang as quoted by wartakotalive.com.

A tree with a diameter of 4 meters fell and hit the couple while they were riding a motorcycle along Jl. Lenteng Agung Timur, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, at around 5 p.m. on Saturday afternoon.

“The baby has been waiting for his mom to drink breast milk. I am so sad to hear his cries as now his mom is no longer alive,” Bambang said. (vny)


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