
Updated: 21:24 EST

Tara Palmer Tomkinson longed for love

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, who was found dead in her London flat yesterday aged 45, 'spent much of the past year thinking about death' following a brain tumour diagnosis. The socialite and reality television star admitted in a Daily Mail interview last year she was 'terribly frightened' of the growth in her pituitary gland and worried for her life. It came after years on the London party scene where she battled drug addictions and made her name as the 'original It-girl'. She is pictured left to right at glitzy events from 1999 to 2016.

Madeleine McCann's parents HAVEN'T been cleared says court

Kate and Gerry McCann have always claimed they were innocent of any wrongdoing despite former police chief Goncalo Amaral's allegations Maddie died in their holiday flat and her parents faked her abduction to cover up the tragedy. But Portuguese Supreme Court judges who ruled last week against their last-ditch appeal over Mr Amaral's 2008 book 'The Truth of the Lie' said the lifting of their status as 'arguidos' - or formal suspects - did not mean they were innocent. The statement came in the court's 76-page ruling on the McCann's fight against another court's decision to reverse their 2015 libel win against the former detective.

At the end of his appeal hearing judges said their decision would 'take some time' - but they appeared to rule out a retrial. His wife Claire left the Royal Courts of Justice to huge cheers from supporters.

Police are failing to record tens of thousands of crimes, including victims' reports of rape and serious violence. Almost 60,000 calls are being ignored every year by four forces.

Jeremy Clarkson's ratings have plunged for The Grand Tour as the former Top Gear trio pulled just 2.3m UK viewers compared with 5.8m who watched the last episode of the BBC2 show.

Young people are 48 per cent more likely to sleep with someone before dating. And nearly a third use sex as a litmus test for whether or not they love somebody. 57 per cent of millennials feel lonely.


In 2018, EU consumers should be able to enjoy online streaming services including Netflix (pictured), BBC iPlayer and Sky Sports when they are on holiday in different European countries.

A record number of British tourists visited Spain (pictured, Tenerife) last year following terror fears in other popular holiday destinations including Egypt and Turkey.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson dies aged 45 after brain tumour

Tara Palmer Tomkinson has been found dead at her London home following a battle with a brain tumour. Workmen in her building said they had not seen her since a 'loud bang' came from her flat. The 45-year-old former It girl revealed in November she had been receiving treatment for a non-malignant growth in her pituitary gland. Police were called to a flat near Earl's Court shortly before 2pm this afternoon and found the former model dead. Her family have been told. Palmer-Tomkinson rose to fame in the 1990s as a party-loving socialite in London's celebrity circle. She made headlines with a £400-a-day cocaine addiction, which left her needing septum reconstruction surgery in 2006. The socialite was close to Prince Charles and had a close relationship with the Royal Family. She attended William and Kate's wedding.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead in her London flat yesterday aged 45, after a life in the spotlight from skiing with Prince Charles to making a big impression at glitzy parties around the world.

Piers Morgan and Duncan James have led a host of celebrity tributes to Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, following her shocking death at the age of 45.

Exactly a fortnight ago on January 25, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was photographed for the last time walking outside her flat in London, where she was found dead from a brain tumour today.

Shannon Matthews' family fury over 'sick' BBC drama

The drama, starring Sheridan Smith (inset, centre) as family friend Julie Bushby, aired on Tuesday. It centred on the hunt for Shannon Matthews (right), who was nine when she disappeared from the Moorside estate in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in February 2008, but it was later revealed that her mother Karen (left) had staged it. Miss Matthews' grandparents led the outcry, saying they thought it was a 'disgrace' to dramatise the faked kidnap of Miss Matthews, who is now 18 and living under a new name. June and Gordon Matthews said: 'Shannon deserves to live her life in peace. She deserves to be left alone. What happened to her was a trauma, a tragedy. It is sick and disgusting that it is being turned into a TV show.'

The families of the soldiers killed in the IRA Hyde Park bombing have been refused legal aid to bring a private prosecution against the suspect, John Downey, after the case against him collapsed.

Fraud allegations involving Britain's £12billion aid budget have quadrupled in the five years since David Cameron's spending target was set, a damning report reveals today.

The new wave grammar schools expected to open in 2020 will accept the top ten per cent, while they currently take 25 per cent, minutes from a Grammar School Heads' Association have revealed.

A survey of councils revealed many vulnerable people routinely face delays of more than six months before they get the help they need with tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking.

An avian influenza prevention zone was declared on December 6 and will be lifted on February 28. Farmers disagree with Defra's plan to enforce measures in high-risk areas.

The gap is worst among girls at three years, eight months less than boys. In Wales and Northern Ireland the gap is around two years. In Scotland, the gulf is two years and seven months.

Meghan Dixon, 18, from Enderby in Leicestershire, interviewed for a part-time waitress position at a new branch of Miller and Carter steakhouse and received a blunt text just moments after she left.

Environment minister Lord Gardiner of Kimble insisted there was 'certainly no crisis' over the shortage of lettuce, pointing out that the 'even better' cos variety was still plentiful.

Former BNP member Jack Buckby told student Barbara Ntumy 'I hope you don't get raped' while debating the issue of whether Britain should allow more Syrian refugees into the country.

Gary Lineker saves a fortune by avoiding tax in schemes

From the moral high ground that Gary Lineker so resolutely occupies, he enjoys a crystal clear view of world affairs. Brexit Britain is a 'dystopian land' where the decision by voters to leave the EU makes him 'feel ashamed of my generation'. He has tweeted a number of times and protested against Donald Trump (top inset and right). Public attitudes to refugees can be 'hideously racist and utterly heartless'. Nigel Farage is 'disgusting'. Iain Duncan Smith is an 'irritable dunce'. Then at the weekend, he went into bat against an old foe - popular newspapers (bottom left inset), which had exhibited the temerity to reveal that David Beckham's efforts to manipulate the honours system had been stymied by his equally vigorous attempts to avoid paying tax. Yet one important area of Lineker's life is curiously absent. It also, coincidentally, has almost never been properly addressed in his public statements, or endless commentary on social media. Namely: His colourful tax affairs.

Just in time, Jeremy Corbyn did the business at PMQs. A milky Wednesday sun had risen over Westminster amid rumours (denied) that the Labour leader was contemplating resignation.

Mrs May was confronted in the Commons over the plans by former shadow Europe minister Graham Brady. At PMQs he told her schools in Trafford are among the worst-funded in the country.

The Labour MP (pictured) told David Davis, who is the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, to f**k off when he moved in to kiss her at Strangers' Bar at Westminster.

Former director of the Confederation of British Industry John Cridland warned that the pensions bill is spiralling out of control. 1.2m people already are working beyond state pension age.

Today reached a highest-ever figure of 7.45million weekly listeners between September and December, marking increase of around 400,000 on same period in 2015.

The Church of England through the Investors Group has written to some of the biggest firms in the country to tell them it will fight executive pay deals out of kilter with the pay of ordinary employees.

SNP ministers are coming under growing pressure to tackle Scotland's litter problem with opposition parties backing the Mail's campaign to rid the countryside and coast of plastic bottles and cans.

He has already pocketed £620,000 from speeches to banks and other City institutions but entries released yesterday show he has made £92,000 from just two speeches in January.

BBC radio chief James Purnell said the broadcaster would 'no longer dispense culture from on high' but instead adopt a 'thoughtful' approach without any 'elitism'.

Stoke grandmother accuses local hospital of mistreatment

Patricia Whitehouse (inset), 62, from Stoke-on-Trent, visited her GP seven times in two months complaining of back pain. She was also seen by nurses, a physiotherapist, paramedics and hospital doctors but was repeatedly sent away with painkillers for a twisted spine. The former charity project manager who ran her own crafting business, described on the video (main) how she had asked a locum GP for an X-ray to get to the root of her back pain, but was dismissed with an explanation that 'X-rays don't show everything'. The bed-bound patient added: 'The doctors have failed me, the NHS has failed me.'

Carl Wood, 59, Bill Lincoln, 61, and Hugh Doyle, 49, played roles in Britain's biggest ever burglary. The gang raided 73 safe deposit boxes in London's jewellry district, stealing gems and gold.

Jamie-Leigh Williams, from Oldham was banned from owning any animal for the next five years after pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to dog Lennox by hitting and kicking him.

The ex-Coronation Street actor and Family Fortunes presenter pleaded guilty after being spotted  driving his Audi at 38mph in Liverpool on March 29 last year but was not banned from driving.

White-haired and weedy... the real Mr Darcy

Experts from University College London and Queen Mary London have created the first historically accurate depiction of Mr Darcy, the romantic male lead in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. With a pale complexion with powdered white hair, sloping shoulders, a pointy chin and a long nose, and a physique which was 'more ballet dancer than beefcake', he is quite different to the character depicted in the best-known adaptation where he was played by Colin Firth. The researchers said the genius of the author was to allow each generation to put their own version of masculine beauty onto the character.

The actor, 65, spoke candidly about the aftermath of the affair with ex-model and actress Polly Williams, who was his lover when he was still married to Carolyn Cox. He said he felt 'in a corner'.

It suggests that the nation's youngsters are less likely to feel optimistic, loved, confident and generally content than their peers in many other countries, including Indonesia, India, Germany and France.

By the time they hit 30, 'millennial' men - those born between 1981 and 2000 - have earned around £12,500 less than those in 'Generation X', defined as those born between 1966 and 1980.

There are just 5,000 black rhinos left in the wild as horns are worth £51k per kilo. Black rhino horns are used in Chinese medicine and as dagger handles in Yemen. They are now only found in five countries.

A new blood test could give doctors a simple way of diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Until now patients had to undergo a spinal fluid test to determine whether symptoms are caused by Parkinson's.

High-powered intrabeam radiotherapy, would save women with early-stage breast cancer up to six weeks of daily trips to hospital for lower-strength conventional radiotherapy.

Conservative rebels are said to be plotting with Labour, the SNP and Liberal Democrat and cross-bench peers to pass key amendments to the legislation in the Commons.

Veteran German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said cutting the City of London adrift would be counterproductive because it had capacity that did not exist in the rest of the continent.

Family spend £300 for op to save 20-year-old goldfish

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Dr Faye Bethell (inset) carried out a 30-minute operation to rescue their veteran 20-year-old pet Bob at the Toll Barn Veterinary Centre in North Walsham, Norfolk. Bob's worried owners took action after he developed a lump on his fin and was struggling to swim in his tank. They saw gifted Dr Bethnall had previously operated on a constipated goldfish so took their three-inch pet straight to her. And the gifted vet - who made national headlines when she operated on a constipated goldfish - said Bob's owner were delighted with the outcome because 'he is older than their children and very much considered part of the family.'

Graham Mills said that it was 'grossly unfair' that a Court of Appeal judge had upped his maintenance payments to ex-Maria by over £300 a month, despite the couple breaking up 15 years ago.

Dave Mitchell, 49, of Withernsea, East Yorkshire, who took the trusty handset on military tours, says it is indestructible and only needs charging once every ten days.

Charlotte Caldwell and her 11-year-old son Billy, from Castlederg, in Northern Ireland, are living in LA so he can receive pioneering treatment for his life-threatening form of epilepsy.

Striker Gurdeep Mudhar, 21, was ordered to take the headwear off ahead of Leicester Nirvana's match away at Huntingdon Town in Cambridgeshire in the United Counties Football League.

Aimee Dukes, 21, was horrified when police stormed through her front door in Bristol, after they were given false information by an informant, and left her pet bunnies 'distraught'.

Pam Smart, 59, claims British Gas held up the sale of her mother's Gateshead home after she died in November 2006 - alleging they threatened to break in to take meter readings.

British bride BURIED under debris when roof collapses

Sarah and John Wenham (together top right) had saved for years for 'the wedding of their dreams' in Cuba, costing more than £25,000 for themselves and 24 guests. But they were left fearing for their lives when the lobby roof at Sol Rio De Luna y Mares Hotel in Cuba suddenly buckled and collapsed (main), trapping them underneath and injuring many members of the wedding party including Ruth Ricketts, who required 19 stitches to her head (bottom right). The bride also needed to be stitched up when she suffered a nasty cut above her right eye (left). Sarah said: 'I saw the blood start to gush from my head and I genuinely thought in that moment that I was going to die.' In the aftermath, John desperately scrambled around the lobby to find his wife, and had to get two people to lift the rubble off her body so that he could drag her to safety.

Scriptwriter Alan Simpson (left), famous for creating classic sitcoms Hancock's Half Hour and Steptoe And Son (right) with Ray Galton, has died at the age of 87 after a battle with lung disease.

Former RAF officer John Clayton, 41, left the service to live his dream of being a mature student studying animal geographies at Cardiff University.

Karla Roman - who grew up in Brazil, spoke four languages and moved to Britain five years ago - was knocked down while cycling during rush hour in Whitechapel, East London.

Denise Brewster, from Coleraine, Northern Ireland, argued that she was the victim of 'serious discrimination' when she was denied a 'survivor's pension' after her partner Lenny McMullan's death.

Paul Norman was diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy in 2012 which robbed his ability to speak, walk and care for himself. But he went back to Billericay School, Essex, for one last lecture.

Sarah and John Wenham from Gravesend in Kent had saved for years for 'the wedding of their dreams' in Cuba, costing more than £25,000 for themselves and 24 their special guests.

Shocking footage shows killer hit and run driver mounting the pavement and speeding through red lights after mowing down a father-of-three

Shocking footage shows a killer hit and run driver mounting the pavement and speeding through red lights after mowing down a father-of-three. Shahid Tarafdar, 45, had to be rushed to Manchester Royal Infirmary by ambulance after being struck by the silver Peugeot 306, but died later that night.

Witnesses reported sightings of a man holding a 'massive knife' outside Ealing Broadway Station at around 8pm on Wednesday and police arrested a suspect at the scene (pictured).

PC Zaid Malik, 51, who worked for West Midlands Police, has been jailed after he escaped a road rage charge by persuading his friend, Roger Baker, to provide a false alibi.

Mark MacCormick, 30, from Stockport, who left a friend to die in the wreckage of his car after he crashed it into a lamppost while trying to shake off police at 90mph was jailed for six years.

Ali Qazimaj, 43, is accused of stabbing Peter Stuart, 75, nine times 'with extreme force' before attempting to hide him in tarpaulin in a water-filled ditch near to to his home in Weybread, Suffolk.

Michael March,18, (pictured), from Gateshead, is thought to be the first person imprisoned following the 'killer clown' craze that swept across the UK last year.

Married Bucks mum admits striptease sex with underage boys

Amanda Tompkins admitted having sex and performing sex acts with her victims - knowing they were underage - for months at her home in Bletchley in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. The 39-year-old's upcoming trial by jury was abandoned as she admitted 10 counts of sexual and physical abuse on seven boys under 16. Aylesbury Crown Court heard she twice invited three boys into her bedroom where she would have sex and perform sex acts with them. She also attempted sexually assaulting another boy and had sex with one of the group alone in her living room on separate occasions in February.

Bartholomeo Joly de Lotbiniere, 21, is accused of raping a woman at York University. His victim claims that he came into her room at halls of residence and had sex with her after a night out.

Leanne Fallow, 39, from Middlesborough, has been banned from having animals for five years after keeping a litter of Serbian Mastiffs in such a poor condition that their fur fell out.

The businessman and the Candy brothers fell out over a £12m loan they made to him to help fund the luxury Grosvenor Gardens in London's Belgravia.

Malachi Halstead (pictured), of Newport, South Wales, allegedly drove Teerath Mann, 23, to a secluded area to hack off his fingerbecause suspected he was stealing money.

Baby's death in hospital 'may have been prevented'

Maria Patterson (centre), senior midwife for south west England, said the deaths were not even notified to the proper authorities for two years. She told the Nursing and Midwifery Council that nothing was done to change procedures after the deaths of two babies on the Loveridge Ward at Princess Elizabeth Hospital. Lisa Granville (right) is one of three midwives are accused of a series of blunders in the care of the expectant mother and child in 2012. Granville, Tuija Roussel (left) and Antonia Manousaki (inset) were working on the Loveridge Ward at Princess Elizabeth Hospital (PEH), Guernsey when the child, referred to only as Baby A, was born just after midnight on 30 January 2014. The desperately ill baby required resuscitation and died on the afternoon of 30 January 2014. A subsequent investigation revealed concerns about a similar case of another child, referred to only as Baby B, who died in September 2012.

The swimming pool, in Wales, was closed after a group of children developed rashes during the lesson with an instructor. Paramedics treated the children at the scene.

The white teens (pictured), who deny any accusations of racism, were wearing the outfits at a University of Bristol student party on Friday with the theme of 'teams, memes and 2016'.

Sports Direct's internal system was alleged to have picked up the breach in September but the UK's biggest sports retailer did not learn of the hack until December, despite experts leaving them a note.

The Grand Tour star regards the Corniche coupe (pictured) as 'quintessentially British' and wanted one as far back as 1988. It will be auctioned off in West Sussex on March 19.

Amanda Burns launched an attack on the 87-year-old after arguing with her in January last year. She has been struck off after being convicted at South Cheshire Magistrates Court (file picture).

Members of Unite in the so-called mixed fleet - working on short and long-haul flights - will walk out for three days. The strikers will mount picket lines at Heathrow airport.

Somerset mum in row with neighbours who put up 6ft fence

Kate Chubb, 52, said she erected the two-metre tall wooden structure on the western edge of her six-acre plot to protect cows. But her neighbours Anthony and Janice Hemms say the fence comes within four inches of three of their windows of their cottage in St Catherine, near Bath in Somerset. Ms Chubb said the fence was needed to stop the animals who graze her land, from potentially harming themselves by coming into contact with the windows as they shelter. Mr and Mrs Hemms say they once had an attractive view across fields but can now see nothing but the fence.

York Minster's Police - the UK equivalent of the Vatican's Swiss guard - will gain the same powers as regular PCs this spring, giving them the power of arrest within the cathedral's precinct.

Solicitor Katherine Simpson was convicted of stalking alongside her barrister husband Jonathan (pictured together) following a trial at Southwark Crown Court last June.

Temperatures in the next few days will be up to 5C colder than expected at this time of year, and the Met Office has issued warnings for ice in parts of South West England.

Images of fed-up commuters at Glasgow's Central Station were revealed online. The passengers were unable to buy tickets at their departure station and were forced to queue up.

Pensioner Rod Wilson, 81, was handed a £160 fine from the company which lease the car park behind Sports Direct in Darlington town centre.

The Met's marine policing unit were called to Waterloo Millennium pier, beneath the iconic tourist attraction on London's Southbank, yesterday after reports a body had been found.

The shameless group were captured on camera driving into Barr Lakes Lane in Aldridge, West Midlands. at around 3pm on Monday, before dumping 21 industrial fridges along the road.

Dozens of passengers evacuated from station in Paris

A 'huge explosion' was tonight reported on the Paris Metro which resulted in dozens of commuters being evacuated from the station. Reports suggest that the explosion was caused by an electrical fire, but the incident has raised alarm in the French capital, which is still on a high alert. It has been reported that eight people have been injured following the incident which happened on Line 6 near the Place d'Italie station. Police and security officers (pictured) could be seen surrounding the station which is in the south of the city.

Even though Le Pen looks certain to reach the head-to-head second round, all opinion polls show she will be soundly beaten by whoever she faces, with Emmanuel Macron currently in pole position.

Bare-breasted demonstrators have taken to the streets of Argentina in protest over a recent incident in which police expelled topless women sunbathers from a beach under threat of arrest.

A standoff between the EU and the International Monetary Fund has dragged on for months, raising fears of a new debt crisis and sparking fresh talk of Greece tumbling out of the euro.

The Islamic State put curfews in place in three residential areas in Tal Afar after the man was found dead, and ten people were arrested as they searched for the alleged assassin

The two men, aged 23 and 34, are said to have molested the group of girls by touching them sexually under the water at a pool in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein.

The 23-year-old Eritrean-born migrant is suspected of groping the women on a suburban S-Bahn German train line between Munich and Herrsching on January 29.

Built in 1947, the holiday home on Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia an autonomous region of Georgia, was home to former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin and his family during the summer.

These are the amazing images showing life on board one of Hitler's most unsuccessful submarines, U-976. It was sunk by a flight of two Mosquito fighter-bombers in March 1944.



Where are the serious politicians making the case for lower taxation? There aren't any - or, if there are, they are making so little noise that we never hear so much as a squeak from them.

Amid Britain's social care crisis, it emerges that our embassy in Beijing is begging groups to apply for cash from a £1.3billion aid pot, funded by UK taxpayers - to look after the elderly in booming China.