
Updated: 08:09 EST

The youngest man in Britain to have a double mastectomy

NEW Giles Cooper (left and right), 56, from Conderton, Gloucestershire, was diagnosed in 2014 with breast cancer - the same disease that killed his father Stephen (left inset) and uncle Christopher (right inset). Just 350 men are diagnosed with the form of cancer annually, compared to the 55,000 women that suffer from it each year. But in a desperate attempt to save his own life, the chartered surveyor had the operation that left him without nipples. He is now urging other men to check themselves regularly for lumps to prevent any unnecessary deaths.

Accident and Emergency sign

NEW Figures for December reveal just 86.2 per cent of A&E; patients were seen within four hours at NHS hospitals across England – the worst figure on record.

Lyn Lewis CEO of Journelle and Teddies for Bettys founder Ashley Kelsch have revealed their little known tips for selecting the perfect (and most comfortable) bra every time.

Experts from the University of California, San Francisco, claim dense tissue makes tumours harder to spot on mammograms - and that women should seek other screening alternatives.

Mother with cancer told it was menopause by doctors

Cheryl Byron, from North Wales, has been diagnosed with a brain tumour after she was told symptoms of tasting ginger in her mouth were the menopause. She could have 18 months to live. She first went to her GP in June last year after she had strange episodes tasting and smelling ginger and dizzy spells, which was diagnosed as burning mouth syndrome. But she then collapsed and a scan revealed a large shadow on her brain and a tumour which had been growing for eight months. Pictured, Cheryl with her daughter Jamie-Lee.

A survey of councils revealed many vulnerable people routinely face delays of more than six months before they get the help they need with tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking.

A new blood test could give doctors a simple way of diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Until now patients had to undergo a spinal fluid test to determine whether symptoms are caused by Parkinson's.

High-powered intrabeam radiotherapy, would save women with early-stage breast cancer up to six weeks of daily trips to hospital for lower-strength conventional radiotherapy.

midlife malnutrition FACE reveals nutrients body needs 

Malnourishment is not something we associate with our pampered 21st century lifestyles. But few women reach their mid-40s in a nutritionally good place. Published studies conducted by nurses and nutritionists have discovered that, by the end of their childbearing years, up to 80 per cent of women have inadequate levels of magnesium. Many are also low in iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D and essential fatty acids. To cure crow's feet try cheese and almonds, for cracked lips try potatoes and fortified cereals, for red skin try yoghurt, for dry skin try liver and sweet potatoes, for dandruff try eggs and wholegrains, and for thinning hair try citrus fruit.

What WAS Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's brain tumor?

The tumour which Tara Palmer-Tomkinson suffered from kills just a minority of patients, medical data suggests. Although it's not known why the 45 year-old died, a number of key sources infer the overwhelming majority of those diagnosed with the benign mass survive long enough to enjoy a normal life expectancy.

Removal is the standard treatment for appendicitis. But experts at Southampton Children's Hospital have now found simply treating the problem with antibiotics can be just as effective.

Making small changes to your diet and lifestyle can sufficiently increase your brain power and help you perform better at work. Nutritionist Amy Morris offers her top tips to improve your brain health.

Ketamine is a Schedule III drug in the United States, alongside anabolic steroids and testosterone. In the UK it is a Class B, with cannabis, codeine and amphetamines.

Eating a higher fibre diet with whole grains led to the loss of an extra 100 calories a day, or 700 calories over a week, according to a new study from Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Steeping or cooking it in excess water flushes out the industrial toxin, which has been linked to health problems from heart disease to cancer, says a contamination expert from Queens University Belfast.

Ryan Gosling's trainer for La La Land reveals her top tips

They say behind every successful man is a great woman, and you could say the same for La La Land's Ryan Gosling.  His internationally recognized trainer Ashley Borden has had the enviable job of keeping him fit, as well as Hollywood's beautiful beaus Reese Witherspoon, Mandy Moore and Christina Aguilera.  Recently Ashley, who has a retreat in California and numerous DVDs, has made her transforming workouts available online; The Body Foundation is a 21 day or six-week program that you can do at home without equipment, incorporating the workouts she actually uses with her clients.

Zeljku Nosicu, 57, was meant to have corrective surgery after a tissue disease left his penis with a lump that made it curve when erect. But the Croatian artist says it shrunk by three inches.

The study by the University of Central Florida shows cycling, swimming, jogging or going to the gym followed by a good night's sleep are the best ways to stop people taking home their frustrations.

Kaylee Halko, from Toledo, Ohio, was born with progeria, a genetic condition, that means her body ages faster than normal. It caused the 13-year-old to be completely bald by the age of four.

An early puberty can lead to a reduced amount of oxygen reaching the brain, causing the death of tissue and leading to a potentially deadly stroke, Japanese experts have warned.

It could be because being obese - a known risk factor of osteoarthritis - had differing effects between men and women, a new study by Austrian researchers has discovered.

Do YOU know what mold is lurking in your house?

It's something we don't want to think about - the millions of mold spores growing in our carpets, our wallpaper, our plants, our food, and even in the air. These colorful diagrams look like artwork. In fact, they are real-life scans of many of the little things living around us. For those curious about the microscopic organisms that lurk in our is a closer look.

Professor Roger Ekirch of Virginia Polytechnic and State University claims people used to have a first sleep and a second sleep and it was a normal practice until the late 1800s.

A study by the University of Michigan in the US said teenagers who use electronic cigarettes are four times more likely to smoke tobacco, despite UK research calling them 'significantly safer'.

They say timing is everything. And, when it comes to winning at life, that could literally be true - according to psychologist Dr. Micheal J. Breus from the Center for Circadian Biology.

A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh showed that harsh parenting negatively affected a child's relationship with their friends and lowered their grades at school (stock).

A letter signed by more than 350 leading organizations has been sent to President Donald Trump, taking a jab at him for his views on vaccines and touting their effectiveness and safety.

Patricia Whitehouse, 62, from Stoke-on-Trent, visited her GP seven times in two months complaining of back pain. She was repeatedly sent away with painkillers for a twisted spine.

Royal Blackburn hospital A&E overcrowded

These are the shocking scenes inside the A&E; unit of one of the country's top-performing hospitals. Friends and family members spoke to loved ones as they waited to be treated at the hospital (main picture) while mothers were forced to sit on the floor (inset, right). At one point last week there were 95 seriously ill patients waiting to be seen but only 33 beds. A woman was seen receiving treatment in the corridor (bottom left) while the elderly queued up on trolleys and in wheelchairs (top left). Managers at the Royal Blackburn hospital in Lancashire have even resorted to appointing designated 'corridor nurses' to take care of all the patients waiting without a bed.

Sex expert Tracey Cox is on hand to answer women's quirky but extremely common sex questions revealing more than half of British adults find sex the most challenging topic to talk about.

The GPs running the clinic in Bournemouth insist services are only available to patients who aren't already registered at the NHS surgery, as this would be breaking the law.

Amanda Batterbee''s son Reece, 12, died in October 2016 from a rare genetic disorder. His care left her $61,000 in debt. Now the Colorado mother is fighting for services to help grieving parents.

Health bosses in England spent more than £5billion on a failed scheme to keep elderly patients out of hospital, a scathing report warns today.

Granddad, 98, is oldest man to undergo TAVI heart surgery

John Rowland became the oldest person to undergo the pioneering new heart operation. The 98-year-old patient is seen undergoing the life-extending procedure in the latest episode of BBC2 documentary Hospital. (Pictured: John Rowland before and during his TAVI surgery. Inset: a surgeon performing the procedure)

Women who work night shifts may find it harder to become pregnant, experts have found. Shift work could be linked to lowered fertility, according to a study led by Harvard Medical School.

A study by the University of Lincoln found the majority of couples who stayed together despite unhappiness in their marriage shortly after the birth of a child ended up happy again later on.

After a CDC-sponsored report revealed 61 million Americans face preventable, symptom-less blindness, we explain the tell-tale signs and how to save your vision.

Mum devastated after daughter diagnosed with brain cancer

Laura Sharpe, 29, first believed Faith's (left) imbalance was down to the common, but harmless, part of child development known as Genu valgum - or being bow-legged. But their world came crashing down in 2015 when specialist doctors discovered an aggressive growth on her brain. Surgeons warned that it was impossible to remove, but the six-year-old has defied all expectations to make it past her 12-month prognosis. Her family (right with her sister Lacey, mother Laura, 29 and father Nathan, also 29), from Hampshire, are now hoping alternative therapies may extend her life.

Pregnant women are making their unborn babies obese by drinking from plastic bottles because they contain chemicals that interfere with a hormone that makes you full, a DC study says.

Fiona Holland, a psychology lecturer at the University of Derby, has interviewed six women diagnosed with primary breast cancer about what to say – and not – to someone who has cancer.

A cancer patient in California died after smoking medical marijuana infected with a deadly fungus. Most states do not require quality control testing for cannabis strains.

You've heard of clean eating before, but what about 'clean sleeping'? The Gwyneth Paltrow goop-approved experts discuss what clean sleeping is and why it's so important.

Mother-of-two who was born with two wombs and two VAGINAS

Claire Wright (right), from Stourport, Worcestershire, had suffered years of painful stomach cramps but put the pain down to extensive surgery she had undergone as a child to treat a condition which had left her unable to eat and breathe. It was only when Claire, 34, and husband Mark, 32, (left with their son Jaiden and daughter Jorja) had difficulty conceiving that doctors diagnosed uterus didelphys, which had given her two wombs, two cervixes, and two vaginas.

Doing less than 68 minutes of vigorous daily exercise can cause permanent damage to a youngster's blood vessels, a study by the University of Eastern Finland found.

University College London researchers found people who switched from tobacco to 'vaping' saw the levels of cancer-causing toxins in their body drop by up to 97.5 per cent in six months.

Simple things like choosing the stairs over the lift or playing a game with the kids can boost the number of calories we burn each day, the experts on Channel 4's How to Get Fit Fast point out.

Terminal cancer patient cured thanks to a wonder drug

Bob Berry (left), 60, from Stockport, was given just 18 months to live when doctors diagnosed him with lung cancer in 2014. Both surgery and treatment proved to be unsuccessful, with experts offering him hope in the forms of a clinical trial. He was just one of a dozen people across the world who had been given the chance to try the unnamed drug. And recent scans show he has had a 'phenomenal response' to it (pictured right with his great, great nieces, Maisie, left, and Lydia, right, and great niece, Grace, middle) being left with no trace of the condition.

Researchers from the University of Arizona found that women aged between 50 and 79 who married gained 2lbs or more on average in their study of 79,094 post-menopausal women.

New guidelines have come out for the HPV vaccine to be administered over two doses as opposed to the standard three in an attempt to raise the number of kids who receive the injection.

The idea began at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, where medical staff reported that the toy octopi calmed babies, led to improved breathing and cardiac patterns.

Researchers from the University of Georgia found that those who had experienced a knock to their skull had, at times, the same ability as someone under the influence of alcohol.

Before and after weight loss photos of super slimmers

Harriet Jenkins from Southampton lost 15 st in 15 months, but seven years later she is back to square one. She is one of several ‘Super Slimmers’ to feature in a new Channel 4 documentary. These super slimmers won some of the dieting world’s largest weight-loss competitions, but most of those featured have regained much of the weight. Around 40 per cent of people who achieve extreme weight loss — ie, losing up to 20st — put it all, or more, back on, experts say.

Experts from Ohio State University recently found that the healthier a food's image, the more people expect to pay for it. Yet you can get the same nutrients as those in superfoods for a cheap price.

A male contraceptive jab more effective than the Pill has been found to prevent pregnancy for up to two years, in a dramatic new scientific breakthrough. It is scheduled to be trialed as early as next year.

Health experts at Oxford University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said hospitals are beefing up cleaning rounds in the run-up to an inspection, and then letting standards slip.

Alyssa McDonald, from Cincinnati in Ohio, was just two-years-old when she tipped a the scolding liquid onto her face. Family members said her skin was 'melting off' after the accident.

Exercise may not be the key to losing weight, a new Loyola University Chicago study claims. Researchers found that diet was a greater indicator of whether or not you would manage weight.

Scientists at Cambridge University say that if everyone aged 30 to 60 maintained their weight, one in five cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented.

The breakthrough prostate test ALL men must ask for

Chris Kitcher from West Sussex recalls the moment he was diagnosed with prostate cancer vividly, as he was showed his two tumours on a screen. This saved him a painful op to get the diagnosis. Normally, if a man is referred for a biopsy, the most widely used diagnostic test is with TRUS (Trans-Rectal UltraSound), a problematic technique. Unlike a biopsy for suspected breast cancer, where, thanks to the mammogram or ultrasound scan, the technician knows exactly which spots of tissue are suspect, TRUS is carried out 'blind'.

EXCLUSIVE: Most are spending five hours every day locked firmly in their office chair, managing to escape only for lunch and a quick stretch of their legs, according to a poll of 2,000 British adults.

Last week, Viscount Hinchingbrooke revealed he was prescribed antidepressants he didn't need for 20 years. Now, experts say that for many, the medication works no better than a placebo.

Researchers at the University of Leicester are testing coloured light as a new treatment approach, based on a discovery from research with migraine patients who also happened to have tinnitus.

Barbara Duckenfield from Conwy consults Dr Martin Scurr about her husband's loss of senses. Could this have been caused by his medication for high cholesterol, high blood pressure or gout?

In the past, Peter Fuller from Southampton could smoke 40 cigarettes a day. The habit caused his lungs to deteriorate, and as it spared him waiting for a lung transplant, the new procedure saved his life.

How to replicate Louise Redknapp's taut stomach

The English singer has no trouble matching ex-footballer husband Jamie’s athletic physique. In an image she posted on social media recently, she showed off an enviably taut stomach. The 42-year-old, who recently appeared on Strictly come Dancing, claims she’s no fan of the gym, but keeps her figure in check with a range of other activities. ‘I love Pilates,’ she says. ‘I also do a bit of TRX (a form of strength training). But I don’t do any weights or running.’

Is this the age of the bionic body

Last week, it was reported that former policewoman Nicki Donnelly, paralysed from the waist down, could walk again on robotic legs. We reveal six other bionic limbs recently introduced to medicine. For people with sight loss, there is hope that they could one day benefit from extraordinary new technology to help them 'see' again. Last December, ten blind NHS patients had their vision partially restored using a bionic eye.

A young woman walks past a banner against female genital mutilation ©SIMON MAINA (AFP/File)

The widely condemned practice of ceremonial genital mutilation among girls and young women follows an evolutionary logic, according to a provocative study published Monday.

Researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have made a wearable device that can predict if a conversation is happy or sad.

7,200 midwives are aged over 50, including 1,000 who are over 60. The Royal College of Midwives says they need another 3,500 professionals to keep wards running smoothly and safely.

Professor Tony Gershlick of University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust says collaterals are small blood vessels running alongside the main coronary arteries to the heart and keep it pumping when needed.

Contrary to what The Graduate's Mrs Robinson would have you believe, middle-aged women actually prefer older men rather then toy-boy lovers, new research from Finland has revealed.

Plasters can be rendered useless if they don't correctly fit. A Japanese Twitter fan, @ponzuyo, has been sharing how to keep a Band-Aid firmly in place with a simple cutting technique.

Formerly conjoined twins celebrate their first birthday

Formerly conjoined twins Ballenie and Bellanie Camacho, from the Dominican Republic, celebrated their first birthday just two weeks after the risky 22-hour surgery that separated them. The girls were born joined at the hip (pictured inset) - an extremely rare form of attachment. They were successfully separated after months of preparation at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital in New York.

A constant stream of news, blogs and social media are causing women to feel vulnerable to 'headline stress disorder.' Therapist Dr Steven Stosny explains what it is and why it's so dangerous.

Experts at Yale University warn one in four teens have tried 'dripping', which drastically increases one's risk of being exposed to toxins and nicotine, normally limited by the device.

Consuming grapes for just six months also helped to boost memory, according to research funded by the California Table Grape Commission - designed to expand markets for fresh Californian grapes.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone up or just want to fit back into your favorite dress, try these tips from nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb to help you achieve your weight loss goals healthily.

A new Australian-based study says sitting is not as bad for you as previously believed because of the varied difference between TV sitting time and other sitting behaviors.

Research by the British American Tobacco R&D; Center found lungs exposed to e-cigarettes suffered just two gene mutations - compared to the 123 genes changed by exposure to tobacco.

London woman releases images of bump after tumour removal

Maria Christofi (left), 42, from north London, was diagnosed with a fibroid - a benign tumour in her womb - a decade ago. But after managing her debilitating symptoms without surgery, she was left carrying a mass that weighed 6lb - the same as a newborn baby. It was 17cm long and had left her with a large bump that lead to strangers assuming she was expecting her first child (right). And after being asked so frequently when she was due, she even made up a due date to save the embarrassment. But after battling against the physical effects of her fibroid - which has worsened since 2014 - she made the brave decision to undergo surgery. And last month, the acupuncturist had the large mass removed (inset).

Some 2,348 appeals for British cancer patients were launched on JustGiving in 2016 - a seven-fold increase in just one year, figures obtained by BBC Radio 5 live revealed.

The arm, created by scientists at Imperial College, London, detects spinal nerve signals rather than current models where the user twitches remaining muscle to move the limb.

NHS trusts are not meant to have more than 85 per cent of their beds occupied - but 137 of the 152 trusts are currently operation above this, according to an analysis of figures by the BBC.

Vivienne Swain, 60, from Rochdale, was diagnosed with mesothelioma – a form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs and is often linked to asbestos exposure - in August 2015.

Iris Sibley, 89, had been taken to Bristol Royal Infirmary last June after she suffered a fall at her care home. It took health officials until January 4 to find her a suitable nursing home.

Yes, that IS me lifting weights... At 74! 

When I joined my first weight-training class, I’d just had my 60th birthday. I’d tried all the classes on offer in the university’s sports centre in Aberystwyth, my local market-town — aerobics, Pilates, yoga, step, Zumba... So it came as a surprise to discover that what suited me was lifting heavy weights to loud music. Quite the opposite of my life as a food writer well on the way to frail old ladyhood. (Elisabeth Luard above)

A trial at the University Hospital of South Manchester suggests 63 per cent of women with the most common form of breast cancer could avoid chemotherapy by using a genetic test.

Sick and elderly patients are being given the wrong drugs, overdoses, or no medication at all. 92 per cent of carers have made at least one potentially serious mistake, according to researchers.

The Brownlee brothers captured hearts when Alastair carried Jonny over the finish line in Mexico, but now they're turning their attention to another kind of support - elasticated flight socks.

Changes to seven English hospitals have been confirmed - and another 17 are in the balance. A&E; units are set to be replaced in east London, West Bromwich and Birmingham.

Flavanols extracted from cocoa help tackle cholesterol levels and blood flow. Now a pill that has contains the anti-oxidant nutrient in its purest form has hit the shelves in Britain

Yorkshireman battling MND keeps accent when he can't speak

Experts have created a voice for Jason Liversidge, of Scarborough, who has been battling Motor Neurone Disease since 2014. His new voice has been created from old recordings of home videos and 'donated' voices, including Jason's best friend, Phil White. Donor voices were needed because Mr Liversidge's speech is already slurred. He has said he wanted to have the voice to keep a form of identity.

Instead of letting health workers track the babies' progress, mothers will have to use weighing scales at children's centres without any supervision. It will be introduced in Nottingham in April.

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day. But are we really making the healthiest choices when it comes to fuelling our bodies? FEMAIL talks to Australian dietitian Lauren McGuckin

Doctors have welcomed the introduction of a £40 kit which allows expectant mothers to test themselves for Group B Strep, which is harmless in adults but can trigger deadly illnesses in children.

Systems like Slendertone that slimmers use to target muscle groups could be more effective that compression stockings for poor leg circulation, a study by London hospitals shows.

Twins dealing with double heartbreak opt for mastectomies

Twins Rose and Charlotte Turpie, 27, from Manchester (left) discovered they were carrying the BRCA2 breast cancer gene and both opted to have double mastectomies (right). They had already lost their mother (bottom right) to breast cancer and didn't want their father Paul to see them suffer (bottom right). But they suffered more heartbreak when Paul passed away from cancer months after their surgeries.

A hungover workout can get the heart pumping and increase endorphins after a big night out. But Australian personal trainer Jason Simoes advised doing cardio and skipping weightlifting.

Australian celebrity trainer Michelle Bridges has shared a new Tabata workout for busy women that involves 20 seconds of working out, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for multiple rounds.

A senior paramedic opens up anonymously about the back-breaking work every day working in the British ambulance services and what lies in store for the future with the increasing pressure on our NHS.

Brain tumours are going undiagnosed in teenagers because symptoms like mood swings and tiredness are mistaken for adolescent angst or exam stress, says a Nottingham University professor.


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