Law firms embrace flexible working

Firms are becoming more flexible to keep up with staff demands and improve retention.
Firms are becoming more flexible to keep up with staff demands and improve retention. iStock

Law firms are increasingly embracing part time work and flexible arrangements as pressure mounts to provide a better work-life balance, and not solely due to child care needs.

Ten per cent of the almost 3100 partners covered by the latest Australian Financial Review partnership survey work part time or have flexible hours — an extra 100 on the previous year, in a trend led by mid-tier firms.

"Childcare remains the most common reason for a flexible arrangement," said Johnson Winter Slattery professional development director Robyn Howard.

"But we are now seeing more requests for flexibility from staff who want to pursue other interests whilst still having a fulfilling legal career, and we support that wholeheartedly."

That applied to all staff, she said, giving the example of a Melbourne lawyer who works a four-day week to free one day for his musical career.

Almost one quarter of partners (23 per cent) at JWS were on part time or flexible hours as at last month, closely followed by HopgoodGanim (22 per cent) and Maddocks (21 per cent).

They were just nudged out of the top spot by TressCox Lawyers, which recorded the highest proportion of flexi partners at 24.1 per cent of their pool of 29 partners. The firm's executive chairman, Scott Chapman, said flexibility was a "key driver" at all levels from graduates to partners, to help staff achieve a balance between work and personal commitments.

"Bringing flexibility policies to life isn't always easy," said Mr Chapman

"The need to be even more client-centric, and the manner in which we motivate and retain our top talent to enable this change, is crucial."

He said the firm was seeing an increasing number of flexible working arrangements among clients, as "increased connectivity" provided new opportunities.

Demand for flexibility without sacrificing pay or promotions is increasing, which is upsetting the old law firm model that favours presenteeism and long office hours. Colin Biggers & Paisley is one of just two firms listed on Diversity City Careers, a job site specifically targeting women who want flexible careers.

Corporates have proven effective at luring top lawyers by offering opportunities for flexibility, including Telstra which has long embraced job sharing.

From children to parents: the switch

HopgoodGanim partner Meryl Snow said flexibility was important for staff retention.

"To hold on to your good staff you have to look at ways that you can keep them," said Ms Snow.

"You want to try and keep the benefits flowing both ways."

Ms Snow has worked a four-day week throughout her 16-year career at the firm. Although she started the arrangement for child care reasons — her children are now 23 and 21 years old — she maintained the shorter week as they grew, switching focus to her parents who are now in their 80s.

"We normally spend Friday together," she said. "We do the shopping, we go out for lunch.

"I think it keeps them young, spending the time not only with me but with their grandchildren. They've been with them from day one."

Ms Snow's parents cared for her children three days a week when they were little. They're still in their own home and "fighting fit".

Technology has dramatically improved the ability to work flexibly, but Ms Snow, a commercial and retail leasing lawyer, admits it is difficult in any area of law.

"You're going to have deadlines. We have multi-million dollar transactions. You have to be organised, flexible and have a good support network.

"I'm totally upfront with all my clients; they know that if they need me I can be there. They are fine with it, provided you've got the back up and support that you need. It's just a matter of communicating."

Increasingly, clients themselves have a point of contact who works part time or job shares, and not just for child care reasons. The firm promotes a work life balance to staff, which could involve flexible hours.

Not just for working mums

TressCox also have the most women (41.4 per cent) in partnership ranks. It is a result that would seem to suggest a virtuous positive correlation between women at the top and a firm's flexible work policies, but although the result was repeated across a range of firms it was not universal.

Lander & Rogers, Squire Patton Boggs and Gilbert + Tobin have among the strongest rates of women in partnership, all about one third or more, yet all fall short of 14 per cent of partners on flexible arrangements.

The nation's biggest firms, with more than 100 partners, had relatively low part-time figures. The top ranking in that size category was 20th-placed Corrs Chambers Westgarth with 13 per cent of its 115 partners working flexibly.

Norton Rose Fulbright and Allens had 13 each, marginally more than the 12 at King & Wood Mallesons and Herbert Smith Freehills. Ashurst and Clayton Utz had seven and eight respectively.

In the January 2016 survey, about 7 per cent, or 203, of those surveyed worked flexibly.

Among the biggest jumps over the year were those at Sparke Helmore Lawyers, going from one solitary part timer to nine, Moray & Agnew adding seven to bring their tally to 12, McCullough Robertson increasing part timers from three to eight, Maddocks boosting their base of 10 to 15, and Herbert Smith Freehills almost doubling the seven recorded in January last year to 12.