Facebook Login for your Apps & Websites

Account creation in two taps
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The world’s number one social login product
Tens of millions of people login with Facebook every day.
Cross-platform identity
Make it easy for people to log into your app across apps & platforms.
Higher lifetime value
People who log in with Facebook stay longer and do more.
Personalized apps
Deliver relevant, engaging experiences from the beginning.
TripAdvisor sees 27% higher engagement using Facebook Login
Facebook Login gives TripAdvisor users a seamless experience across multiple channels. People plan their trips on the TripAdvisor website and then take their itineraries on the go with their mobile devices. This is all made possible by Facebook Login. Last year, TripAdvisor more than doubled their acquisition of new users by using Facebook Login, which lets people login quickly wherever they are.
Fast and secure authentications for millions
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