'Fantasist' woman 'stole engaged stranger's Facebook photos to create a fake boyfriend for FOUR YEARS by Photoshopping his face next to hers in social media pictures'

  • Jill Sharp, 31, allegedly found pictures of Graham McQuet on his social media 
  • She then 'Photoshopped herself into his images and posted them as her own'
  • Friends say she regaled tales of their romance but no one ever met Mr McQuet
  • Mr McQuet reportedly has another fiancee and has no idea who Sharp is

A fantasist faked a four-year relationship with a complete stranger by stealing pictures from his Facebook and Photoshopping his face next to hers, it is claimed.

Jill Sharp allegedly found pictures of Graham McQuet on social media and doctored the images so she could pretend they were a couple.

The 31-year-old, from Airdrie, then reportedly posted the pictures of her 'fantasy life' on social media, even telling friends she and Mr McQuet were planning to marry.   

Jill Sharp allegedly used a complete stranger's Facebook photographs to pretend she was engaged by Photoshopping her face into the images
He is pictured with his real-life fiancee Marianne Stirling

Jill Sharp allegedly used a complete stranger's Facebook photographs to pretend she was engaged by Photoshopping her face into the images. She is pictured left in the 'Photoshopped' image with Graham McQuet, who is pictured right with his real-life fiancee Marianne Stirling

But friends say they grew suspicious after never meeting Mr McQuet.

They finally tracked him down to report their suspicions - and he apparently had no idea who Sharp was. It also emerged that Mr McQuet, who lives near Falkirk, already had a fiancee, named Marianne Stirling.

According to the Daily Record, Sharp told her friends in the local pub that she had fallen in love with Mr McQuet.

They told the newspaper that she then portrayed a fake life, regaling them with tales of their romance and posting loved-up pictures on social media sites.

It is alleged that Sharp even set up a fake Twitter account for her 'boyfriend' from which she sent herself a string of romantic messages.

A friend told the paper: 'Her posts were all champagne and flowers and how wonderful a life she was living with Graham.'

But friends grew suspicious when Mr McQuet 'was ill or hurt himself' every time they were supposed to meet him. 

Alarm bells then started ringing when Sharp posted pictures of an apparent weekend away in London with Mr McQuet.

Alarm bells then started ringing when Sharp posted pictures of an apparent weekend away in London with Mr McQuet (pictured). They spotted that, in one of the photographs, the ground was wet from rain (right) whereas it was dry in the other (left)

Alarm bells then started ringing when Sharp posted pictures of an apparent weekend away in London with Mr McQuet (pictured). They spotted that, in one of the photographs, the ground was wet from rain (right) whereas it was dry in the other (left)

But friends say the two photographs of Sharp and Mr McQuet were evidently taken on different days. They spotted that, in one of the photographs, the ground was wet from rain whereas it was dry in the other.

It later emerged that Mr McQuet had visited London, but with his real fiancee. It is claimed that Sharp retraced the couple's footsteps a month later before posting the images.

Sharp, who has denied the allegations, has now deleted her Twitter accounts. She denied any knowledge of the matter, telling the Record: 'I don't know what this is about.'

Mr McQuet has declined to comment but he previously tweeted: 'I'm apparently getting married to her in June? First I knew'

Mr McQuet has declined to comment but he previously tweeted: 'I'm apparently getting married to her in June? First I knew'

His fiancee posted that Mr McQuet had been connected to a fake account and that he did not know Sharp (pictured)

His fiancee posted that Mr McQuet had been connected to a fake account and that he did not know Sharp (pictured)

Mr McQuet has declined to comment but tweeted: 'I'm apparently getting married to her in June? First I knew.'

Ms Stirling posted that Mr McQuet had been connected to a fake account and that he did not know Sharp. 

Cumbernauld Police are now investigating the allegations. 

A spokesman said: 'Advice was provided to the complainers on the initial information that was given. Further inquiries are ongoing.' 


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