
Oakley's Radar Pace smart glasses are sunnies that boss you around

If you love gadgets and sports then try out a pair of Oakley Radar Pace ''intelligent'' sunglasses, a real-time voice activated coaching system developed in collaboration with technology company Intel.

It's like having a personal trainer give you instructions through an earpiece as you run or cycle. At $590 it's an expensive pair of smart glasses, but cheaper than a flesh-and-blood trainer.

The glasses pair to the Radar Pace app on your phone, creating workout sessions based on age, height, weight, physical fitness, goals, and so on. Workouts are adjusted over time from performance information gathered by internal sensors in the frames, as well as paired third party sensors, such as heart rate monitors. The coaching focuses on technique, endurance, speed and strength.

The superiority of the Oakley Radar Pace glasses lies in the connected wireless earpieces. Voice communication is through these rather than your phone. You can ask questions about workout plans, possible strategies for improvement, and request spot-checks on your heart rate. Mostly it understands, but it can feel ridiculous running and talking into the air.

The sunnies are lightweight and supremely comfortable to wear, even with the earpieces. But as a fashion statement, they are no Tom Fords. The first thing that struck me about them was how unattractive they are, but the shape of the lenses has been around for a while and they do appeal to a certain type of sports fan.

Unfortunately, the phone is needed when you're exercising, which is annoying when you want to run unencumbered by too many gadgets. As soon as all the intelligence is built into the earpieces the glasses will be optional, and hopefully the phone can be left at home too.