ACT News

New town crier

Canberra's new town crier is lubricating his vocal chords to bellow at official events in accordance with ancient tradition.

Chief minister Andrew Barr has handed over the bell from former crier Alan Moyse to Joe McGrail-Bateup.

The hollering role was revived in 2011 for the first time since 1925 after a radio competition.

Mr McGrail-Bateup said he's looking forward to doing a cry at his 12-year-old daughter's school fete.

"I've been waiting for this moment since I knew about it in mid-December," he said.

"I've been practising with my daughter, and she'll go 'no dad, not right' and 'yeah that's good'."


Mr Moyse was recently appointed to the town crier role in Bega Valley.

"I'm sure my replacement will eminently represent the ACT because he's been involved in local theatrical productions here for some years now," Mr Moyse said.

"The only tip I really have for him is to enjoy himself."

Mr Barr said Mr Moyse had set an excellent benchmark.

"It's a great tradition," he said.

When asked if he'd consider the role after his time as chief minister, he said: "I'd never do it, haven't got a loud enough voice."