ACT News

Full steam ahead for Annabelle's playground - but that's just the start

It's full steam ahead out Belconnen way on a dream princess playground for terminally ill three-year-old Annabelle Potts.

But what started as a beautiful gesture for the little girl has become something even more through the generosity of Canberrans and local businesses.

Thanks to donated resources and labour, the family home is also getting something of a makeover.

Volunteers are  painting the house, building a pergola, constructing a new bathroom and doing over the driveway.

Tradies have been working non-stop since Monday to get the work done in time for the weekend when Annabelle and her family are due to return home from Sydney where she is having radiation to treat a rare and aggressive brain tumour.

Neighbours have also pitched in, even baking treats to keep the volunteers going. A magical castle is also due to be unveiled for Annabelle, thanks to Geocon Construction.

The effort was kickstarted by local radio station MIX 106.3.

We hear the volunteers still need a shower screen and a black external securiity door and frame if anyone can help. If you can, please ring 106.3 on 61234158