WA News


Threat to lives and homes: bush fire warning issued for Bedfordale

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More than 100 firefighters are battling a fast-moving bushfire that is threatening lives and homes near Bedfordale in Perth's east on Monday.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services issued a bushfire emergency warning for people living east of South Western Highway, south of Bedfordale Hill Road and north of Beenyup Road in Mount Richon, Wungong and Darling Downs, Byford, Bedfordale and Karrakup in the City of Armadale and Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. 

Aerial support had been sent in to support the fire crews.

The South Western Highway, Moore Street, Rails Crescent, Stone Street, Dickens Place and Cooliabberra Drive have been closed to traffic due to the blaze.

The fire is out of control and unpredictable and started just before 5pm near the intersection of Admiral Road and Albany Highway in Bedfordale.

By 8.30pm it had burned through 125 hectares of bushland though the cause of the blaze was still unknown at this time.


Earlier on Wednesday a huge plume of smoke could be seen rising above Perth's southern suburbs.

DFES said residents in the area were advised to leave their properties immediately or prepare to defend them. Homes in rails Crescent and Wungong Close were under immediate fire threat.

People were urged not to return home as conditions in the area were very dangerous.

A bushfire watch and act had been issued for people west of South Western Highway in Armadale, Wungong, Darling Downs and Byford in the City of Armadale and Shire of Serpentine.


  • If the way is clear, leave now for a safer place.
  • Do not wait and see, leaving at the last minute is deadly.
  • If your plan is to stay and actively defend, do not rely on mains water pressure as it may be affected. If you have access to a water tank and plan to defend your home, start patrolling with your hose and put out spot fires.
  • If you cannot leave, you need to get ready to shelter in your home and actively defend it.
  • If you are not at home, it is too dangerous now to return.
  • Close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners, but keep water running through the system if possible.

Road information may also be available from Main Roads WA by calling 138 138 or visiting www.mainroads.wa.gov.au or the City of Armadale.


Visit emergency.wa.gov.au, call 13 DFES (13 3337), follow DFES on Twitter @dfes_wa, or listen to news bulletins.