One Nation

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A far right nationalist political party. It was founded in 1997 by party leader Pauline Hanson. The rise of One Nation was engineered by two of Hanson’s closest companions, being David Oldfield, the parties political mastermind and former stooge of Tony Abbott and David Ettridge, a businessman, key financer and marketing genius behind the party’s media campaign and fundraising. It was formed out of the ashes of the political party Australians Against Further Immigration.

It attracted support and membership from national conservatives and nationalists which resulted in a minor number of defections from the more established right wing  National and Liberal coalition. One Nation preached rampant opposition to multiculturalism, globalisation and wished to impose bans on non white immigration as well as revoking the civil rights of Aboriginal people. The party often criticised the Labor government for making life hard for white Australians who were being shafted as a result of preferential treatment being given to immigrants and Indigenous Australians, going as far as to call it affirmative action.

One Nation enjoyed a surge of electoral success in the late 90s, securing 9% of the national votes in 1998. During this period, Australia witnessed the most successful electoral peak of the far right and should have since learned from right wing populism.

Although being primarily comprised of radicalised conservatives, there were more sinister elements within its ranks. Members of the Confederate Action Party took over the Queensland branch of the party and members of National Action and the Australian KKK also joined.

This resulted in relentless efforts of rival right wing parties, mostly the Coalition, to undermine and slander the party. This was provoked through fear of the party robbing conservative parties of their classical electoral success. One Nation went into decline in the early 2000s due to inner fighting, party feuds, schisms, power struggles and them being exposed for electoral fraud and corruption, resulting in the party going bankrupted.

One Nation has since re appeared, being brought into the spotlight in recent years due to the comments of two of Hanson protégés Stephanie Banister and Jacquie Lambie. To the dismay of the AFP, it seems she has returned to activism to change the tune of her favoured anti Asian racism to targeting Muslims instead. Unpredictable I guess but remember, according to Pauline, they aren’t a racist party. One Nation was involved in organising the Brisbane Reclaim Australia rally.

One Nation have re entered the political arena again on the coat tails of the patriot movement, being openly endorsed by Shermon Burgess. Whether the party endorses Shermon is yet to be seen. Nevertheless, the great populists are preparing to run in local and state elections, promising bans on Islam, reduction of taxes and immigration and rescinding the lockout laws.

Prominent Figures

Pauline Hanson

David Oldfield

David Ettridge

Robyn Spencer

Graeme Campbell

Alex Norwick

Bill Feldman

Jacquie Lambie

Mike Holt

Perry Jewell

Welf Herfurth

Leanne Rissman

Brendan Gidley

Tony Pettitt

Tania Rollinson

Victor Waterson

Elizabeth Power

Louise Kedwell

Elsie Chapman

Aaron Heaps

Terry Cooksley

Stewart McBeth

Aaron Plumb

Rosa Lee Long

Shaun Nelson

Alan McCulloch



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