
'Bullied' after having a baby: Slater & Gordon sued by former staffer

A former senior accountant at Slater & Gordon is suing the social justice law firm claiming she was discriminated against after she returned from maternity leave and later unfairly made redundant.

Sarah Wilton made the allegations in a Federal Court filling late last month and is seeking lost income, lost paid maternity leave, and damage.

Ms Wilton's complaint alleges that when she returned to work in April 2016 she was effectively demoted and given ad hoc tasks rather than the senior accounting work she did ahead of taking eight months' maternity leave.

Ms Wilton claims that when she returned to work it appeared the then acting head of finance "was unaware of who the applicant was or what her role had been".

Ahead of her maternity leave, Ms Wilton was in charge of managing the firm's work in progress accounting (how law firms account for the revenue from partially completed cases). She returned at a time when the company was in the midst of an accounting crisis that centred on new international rules for accounting for work in progress.

She alleges within two weeks returning to work she identified tasks that were not complete "such as the outstanding 2015 WIP work".


Slater & Gordon did not respond to questions regarding why the 2015 WIP work had not been completed until it was pointed out by Ms Wilton despite the group's issues with its WIP accounting processes.

Ms Wilton also alleges she was bullied by a colleague in the months after her return to work by being excluded from certain meetings and the colleague not handing over crucial work documents.

The colleague also allegedly "queried whether the applicant's [Ms Wilton] child had been born prematurely because she had been working so much prior to her maternity leave".

The same colleague allegedly asked Ms Wilton to change her child care arrangements to stay back at work later, a request she declined, saying it was not her colleague's business.

The colleague later raised the incident and when Ms Wilton became upset and walked away "followed her and continuously asked the applicant 'what's your problem'," it is alleged.

A bullying complaint by Ms Wilton to Slater & Gordon's HR department was found to be unsubstantiated.

Following the investigation, Ms Wilton alleges a manager suggested she had fabricated the bullying allegation asked her during a meeting "whether she thought it was time she resigned from the respondent....(and) the applicant's role was effectively redundant".

Her redundancy allegedly came despite being encouraged by a senior manager within the company to apply for a new tax role position – a role she missed out on.

In a change of pace for the outspoken law firm, a Slater & Gordon spokeswoman said it did not comment on former employees or matters that are before the court.

"We consider ourselves to observe the highest standards in the provision of flexible work practices for our employees including for women returning to work from maternity leave, and have a well-established track record in this regard," the spokeswoman said.

She added a large portion of the company's workforce is female, flexible working arrangement were common and retention rates or staff returning from maternity leave was very high.