Showing posts with label hackers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hackers. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lulzsec/Antisec Hackers Fight SB1070, Police

Chinga la Migra!  Here are some recent articles on the hacked websites and information that targeted Arizona police agencies in response to racism.

Hackers slam Arizona police for third time
Minuteman group talked of shutting down Arizona freeway

Leaked memo shows Border Patrol found roadside bomb along smuggling route

Tucson: Hackers reveal data targeting ethnic studies

Hackers slam Arizona cops again to expose racism and corruption

I know various people are making suggestions as to who could be targeted next.  In my humble opinion, Arpaio might be on the top of the list, Arizona Legislative Exchange Council, Geo Group, Corrections Corporation of America, Arizona-Mexico Commission...

See also: