WA News

'Game on': The buzz words WA pollies are using this state election

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If their opening speeches are anything to go by, here is the list of the buzz words you can expect to be hearing a whole lot more from WA's political party leaders as the March 11 state election edges closer.

The words were said by Liberal leader Colin Barnett, WA Labor leader Mark McGowan and Nationals leader Brendon Grylls shortly after the signing of the writs on Wednesday marked the official start of the election campaign.

Or as Mr Barnett so eloquently put it, it's now "game on".

And kicking us off was opposition leader Mr McGowan who used the term "fresh approach" during his speech more than any other phrase – reinforcing a key strategy for his party's campaign in that they are not the Liberals and he is not Colin Barnett.

He came out with lines like, "It's a choice between an arrogant, tired, out-of-touch government whose time is up, or West Australians can choose a fresh approach under a McGowan WA Labor Government."

And, "We offer a fresh approach to jobs... we offer a fresh approach to health... we offer a fresh approach to education...  I want to give Western Australia a fresh approach, a fresh start, change from the last eight and a half years of a Liberal-National government."


Got it? McGowan is fresh, ok?

Buzzwords of the WA state election 2017
WA Labor leader Mark McGowan's buzz words at the official launch on the election race.

But if you're still not sure, his party's McGowan-branded breath mints may help seal the deal (yes, seriously).

Failing that, the WA Labor leader has also recently taken to swapping his old faithful red tie for a much fresher green one to rid you of any minuscule doubt you may still have had that he is indeed the freshest.

The Labor party leader spoke often of his plan to keep Western Power publicly-owned (5) and to create more jobs (5) – two policies that he has been pushing heavily since his party began ramping up its efforts to release policy positions in mid-2016.  

The promise of more "jobs" also featured prominently in Mr Barnett (4) and Mr Grylls' (6) speeches, although Mr Barnett took a much more investment-focused approach to his speech.

"Economy" and "investment" were the two most prominent words used by the Premier, said a total of 16 and 10 times respectively as he made his first official pitch to remain Premier for a third term.

Buzzwords of the WA state election 2017

'Government' was the stand-out in Premier Colin Barnett's speech.

"Health", "hospital" and "schools" were also regular talking points with the Premier taking the opportunity to remind the public of his achievements in building new hospitals and launching the independent public schooling system during the last eight years.

The Premier used the word "difference" repeatedly as a means to try distance himself from his opponent, telling voters Mr McGowan opposed much of the Liberal's plans.

"The Liberal party supports the development of a uranium industry in this state, Labor oppose that, a significant difference... the Liberal party supports GM technology, we have a pro-science approach to farming... Labor oppose GM technology... this government built Elizabeth Quay and is building the stadium, both projects opposed by Labor," he said.

His comments were on the back of key Liberal policies to expand WA's Asian tourist market, and a renewed focus on industries like agriculture and uranium mining in the wake of the iron ore boom subsiding.

He also regularly drew on the inexperience of Mr McGowan, claiming he would not be able to handle the pressures of negotiating international trade and investment deals.  

"My opponent Mark McGowan has very limited experience," Mr Barnett said.

"That is a problem for Western Australia because international trade and relations is where our future lies for decades and decades to come."

But the punches didn't stop there, Mr Barnett later told reporters he wasn't a pop star, and that he was here to run the state, swiftly jabbing afterwards that McGowan wasn't a pop star either and was "boring".

One man who was anything but boring during his address to the WA National party on Friday was leader Brendon Grylls, who fired up his candidates with a passionate and determined opening speech.

Not surprisingly, the buzz words used by Mr Grylls included "regions", referring to his Royalties for Regions scheme, and "tourism", referring to his party's plans to expand regional and Indigenous tourism throughout the state and improve connectivity between the regions.

Buzzwords of the WA state election 2017

Nationals leader Brendon Grylls will do things, the words in his speech indicate.

The direction of his speech at the end turned firey – literally - with Mr Grylls using the words "machine gun", "bunker" and "whistle" five times as he described the metaphorical assault of WA Labor and One Nation on his party's core programs.

"Our policy now has a machine gun in the form of Labor and One Nation between its future and us," he said.

"But I tell you what, I tell you what, with all of my ability, I'm charging that machine gun.

"I am not going to let them unwind the ten years of work that you and our party has put into developing that program, I am not going to let that happen."

According to Sportsbet, Mr McGowan is a clear favourite to become premier, tipped at $1.22 to win ahead of Mr Barnett on $4. 

Despite the prediction, Mr McGowan has publicly declared himself the underdog this election, a race that even the Premier agrees will be "unpredictable" and "close".

Let the games begin. 

The buzz words (excluding irrelevant words like Western Australia and the candidates' names)

Mark McGowan's buzz words: 

Fresh: 6

Approach: 5

Power: 5

Jobs: 5

Education: 4

Regions: 3

Colin Barnett's buzz words:

Economy: 16

Investment: 10

Health: 8

Hospital: 7

Schools: 7

Difference: 6

Brendon Gryll's buzz words:

Tourism: 12

Regional: 6

Regions: 6

Invest: 6

Jobs: 6

Economy: 5