Undercover officer seen wearing a “Blue Lives Matter” Shirt, not so undercover

Undercover officer seen wearing a “Blue Lives Matter” Shirt, not so undercover, YouTube video Copwatch | SDPD Gang Unit Vehicle Stop | Copwatcher Sees The Light https://youtu.be/tpwHXIpojog


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New Years EVE Remembering the San Diego Stolen Lives of 2016

PLEASE join United Against Police Terror – San Diego and The Movement Productions San Diego as we remember the following 23 #SDStolenLives of 2016, reminding us for the new year, we must fight for EVERY life taken at the hands of every branch of Law Enforcement.

Saturday at 5 PM – 8 PM

City Heights/Weingart Library and Performance Annex
3795 Fairmount Ave, San Diego, California 92105

*This will be a vigil/visuals, candles and drawings encouraged.
Our Stolen Lives List has reached 744 as of 12/14/2016
to see full; list, please click the following link https://goo.gl/jBpE1i

Joshua Adam Sisson ♂ San Diego Police 1/1/2016
Gilbert Gearhart ♂ San Diego Sheriff 1/7/2016
Kelsey Rose Hauser ♀ El Cajon Police 1/16/2016
Ronald Welles ♂ San Diego Sheriff 1/19/2016
Richard Boulanger ♂ San Diego Sheriff 2/12/2016
Brandon Moyer ♂ San Diego Sheriff 3/11/2016
Pedro Arellano ♂ San Diego Sheriff 4/4/2016
Igor Ziazin ♂ Immigration Customs & Enforcement / CCA 5/1/2016
Adrian Vincent Sanchez ♂ San Diego Sheriff 5/3/2016
Gino Monteleone ♂ San Diego Sheriff 5/9/2016
James Douglas Grayson ♂ San Diego Sheriff 5/9/2016
Thongsoune Vilaysane ♂ San Diego Police 5/11/2016
Heron Dittenhaver Moriarty ♂ San Diego Sheriff 5/31/2016
Fernando Geovanni LLanez ♂ DHS Agent (plainclothed) 6/14/2016
Unknown ♂ Chula Vista Police 7/27/2016
David Michael Moya ♂ San Diego Sheriff 8/4/2016
Sergio Weick ♂ San Diego Sheriff 8/12/2016
Trenton Lohman ♂ San Diego Sheriff 8/18/2016
Carlos Antonio Sanchez ♂ Chula Vista Police 9/23/2016
Alfred Olango ♂ El Cajon Police 9/27/2016
Juan Carlos Fernandez ♂ San Diego Police 11/13/2016
Edward Ray Nett San Diego Sheriff 12/3/2016
Robert Bermudez San Diego Police 12/12/2016

Lives brutalized by LEO (non-fatal)

Uaptsd’s Database of known Killer Cops in San Diego


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Show Up for #JusticeforRobertBranch Trial Begins #Uaptsd.org

Show Up for Justice for Robert Branch

Trial Begins

Monday, January 23, 2017 at 8 AM – 5 PM

San Diego Superior Court – SD County Courthouse

220 W BROADWAY, San Diego, California 92101


Per the request of Robert Branch and his attorneys, attendance is needed for the trial of Robert Branch beginning on January 23rd, 2017.

Robert Branch faces, ” reckless driving, resisting arrest and attempting to pepper spray an officer” charges following the altercation that happened in Del Cerro on May 4, 2015.

Prosecutors say Branch was, “speeding and driving erratically when he almost struck the detective’s car.”

He claims he was put in a chokehold for no reason while prosecutors claim he tried to “pepper spray a deputy.”

Branch argued the detective, who has since retired from the department, used excessive force in the traffic stop.

The incident IS VIDEOTAPED and shared with the media.
He also filed an excessive force lawsuit against the county, which is on hold until the allegations against him are resolved.

After several weeks of witness testimony and evidence, a San Diego judge ruled there was sufficient evidence to hold Branch on all charges.

If convicted of all charges, Branch could face a maximum penalty of 5 years, 90 days.

Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Chokehold-San-Diego-Deputy-Branch-Trial-377457721.html#ixzz4TCmgPH5d
Follow us: @nbcsandiego on Twitter | NBCSanDiego on Facebook

San Diego Detective Places Black Man In Chokehold Over Traffic Issue (Video) http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/san-diego-detective-places-black-man-chokehold-over-traffic-issue-video

Since 1980, Uaptsd.org has documented 567 cases of Non Fatal Injuries by every branch of SD Law Enforcement

Please check back for updates on the course of actions for community members in solidarity

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Today we reached our 100th #Copwatch Video on our Youtube channel playlist! United Against Police Terror – San Diego Check em out, get involved, hold police accountable! FILM THE POLICE!

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The County: the story of America’s deadliest police | US news | The Guardian

In 2015, San Diego County was in a three-way tie for 10th place as the deadliest county in the country based on the per-capita number of people killed by police locally this year. The Guardian counts 12 deaths at the hands of police here. (San Bernardino County is at No. 2, and Santa Clara County — home to San Jose — is at No. 4, and L.A. County is tied at 10th.). https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/01/the-county-kern-county-deadliest-police-killings?CMP=share_btn_fb&utm_source=Voice+of+San+Diego+Master+List&utm_campaign=502b180be9-Morning_Report&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c2357fd0a3-502b180be9-81857137&goal=0_c2357fd0a3-502b180be9-81857137

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Leaked Documents Show Exactly How Cops Get Away with Brutalizing the Public


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Detaining the Poor: How money bail perpetuates an endless cycle of poverty and jail time | Prison Policy Initiative


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#Uaptsd #SaveALife #CopWatch #StayEngaged #ProtectUrNeighborhood #SafeALife #AccomplicesNOTAllies #ThisISWhatSelfDeterminationLooksLike #TheRevolutionStartsAtHOME

​Uaptsd.org has been committed to providing community support to the area of #EastSanDiego also known as #CityHeights by #CopWatching. Due to the recent election and increase of #HateCrimes from #OvertWhiteSupremacy, we must protect our OWN community, our OWN Neighborhood, our extended family as a FIRST PRIORITY #Uaptsd #CopWatch #StayEngaged #ProtectUrNeighborhood #SafeALife #AccomplicesNOTAllies #ThisISWhatSelfDeterminationLooksLike #TheRevolutionStartsAtHOME

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Criminalizing Poverty Directly: How debt fuels mass incarceration

Walter Scott’s tragic death in South Carolina this last week has brought attention to a troubling reality: in South Carolina, 1 in 8 people in jail are there because they couldn’t meet …

Source: Criminalizing Poverty Directly: How debt fuels mass incarceration

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Abolition, Seriously

Abolish Prisons

Prison abolitionists get a lot of blank looks. Get rid of prisons? But – the bad guys! Didn’t you watch True Detective? To which I have three responses:

1)Remember that most people in prison are more like this guy:

Than this guy:

2)Incarceration rates have almost no relationship to crime rates. I know that’s difficult to accept if you believe that prisons are about preventing crime (and if you think that, read The New Jim Crow), but trust me on this: our prison population is the result of a series of choices, not a result of bad behavior.

  • Politicians make choices about what to criminalize.
  • Police make choices about where to hang out and who to search, arrest, etc.
  • Prosecutors make choices about what (and whether) to charge and how many years to demand.
  • Parole commissioners make choices about who to release.

All of these…

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