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Call for a first Mediterranean anarchist meeting by FA, IFA and Le Commun libertaire

Tunisia, March 2015

Today, the Mediterranean region continues to be one of the regions in the world beset by popular uprisings and protests. These range from north to south of the Mediterranean, following the global economic and financial crisis, causing an increase in insecurity and poverty and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

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TUNISIA: Feminism Attack! Anarcha-Feminism in Tunisia

25.09.2013 by Nath & Cris

Tunisia, with a strong feminist movement for over a hundred years, is often considered the most advanced in terms of women’s rights among countries of the Muslim world. Since 1957, the Personal Status Code recognizes the rights of women, such as abortion, contraception and the right to education. Although the Tunisian feminist movements have allowed for these advances, the status of women, as in many places on the globe, is still far from anarchist ideals. Nothing new under the sun of male domination: women are still seen as mothers and wives before citizens . After a few days in, it is easy to see how the judgment of others and fear of compromising a reputation may hinder the engagement and activism of women. There are currently at least three feminist collectives in Tunisia:

Democratic Women, a group consisting of bourgeois who gather themselves without political purpose or claims, Femen, recognized in Tunisia for their struggle (their actions, however, do not induce unanimous approval), and Feminism Attack, a self-managed and self-funded collective movement, whose members have an average age of about 20 years. It is inspired by anarchist ideas to search for radical solutions to social and political problems, and the dangers that threaten the position of women in society.

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TUNISIA: The People Want the Fall of the Regime – Disobedience Movement

24.08.2013 by Anonymous


The Constitutional Democratic Rally was the ruling party in Tunisia dating from the country’s independence from France in 1956, all the way until the insurrection in January 2011, when it was overthrown and dissolved. Habib Bourguiba (1903-2000) was Tunisia’s first President, in power from 1956 until 1987, when he was then overthrown in a bloodless coup by former general Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1936-). The party had various names during this time–Neo Destour from 1934-1964; Socialist Destourian Party from 1964-1988; and Constitutional Democratic Rally from 1988-2011–but since 1956 Tunisia was controlled by two men, Bourguiba and Ben Ali. Read the rest of this entry

TUNISIA: Amina leaves FEMEN for Islamophobia

20.08.2013 by CORDÉLIA BONAL translation by Tahrir ICN



A young Tunisia, arrested and released in early August, leaves the movement but not her fight. Read the rest of this entry

TUNISIA: Statement of Disobey Movement

Tunisians have been living since the disbandment of KASBAH sit-in under the dominance of a rivaling political class with homatophagous politicians feeding on the blood of the poor and the marginalized exploiting the wealth in the regions while discarding its inhabitants causing the people to survive with the minimum conditions of life and to suffer poverty and lethargic unemployment. The situation is aggravating due to the fascist tendency the system has taken with the assassinations of political militants Shokry Belayd and Muhammad Brahmy; the list is still open to more assassinations. Read the rest of this entry

TUNISIA: The Border is the Problem – Call for International Action Days in Tunis

17.07.2013 by Article 13, Afrique-Europe-Interact and Welcome to Europe

Action-days for Freedom of movement in Tunis between 5th and 7th of September 2013

At 6th of September 2012 a boat with 135 harragas capsized very close to  the rocks of Lampione near Lampedusa. Although observed and known by tunesian and italian  borderguards and although SOS was sended, the resuce-operations started only with much delay.  Finally 79 men, women and children died or disappeared. Read the rest of this entry

نداء لوحدة المجموعات الثورية في تونس

من  هيئات العمل الثوري/حركة عصيان 

أكثر من سنتين على اندلاع الموجة الانتفاضية، وبرغم تداول الحكومات وكثرة الوعود البراقة والبرامج الانتخابية المنتفخة فان الأزمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في تفاقم، ووضع عموم الشعب من أجراء ومعطلين وعموم الفقراء والمهمشين يزداد تدهورا، والتناحر الحزبي على السلطة يدفع البلاد الى حرب أهلية، وكل المؤسسات السياسية من المجلس التأسيسي الى الحكومة الى الولاة والمعتمدين… أثبتت افلاسها وعجزها عن تقديم حلول حقيقية، بل انها قد أصبحت تمثل جزء من الأزمة بتكالب الحكام الجدد على جني الامتيازات والاستيلاء على مواقع النفوذ، وعودة نظام المحسوبية والولاءات، والبوليس والجيش الذان عجزا عن توفير الأمن الحقيقي للناس يواصلان أسلوبهما الوحشي في قمع المتظاهرين والمحتجين، وفيما أصحاب الثروة من رجال أعمال وسماسرة من كل نوع يزدادون تغولا وثراء تمضي الدولة نحو مزيد الترفيع في الأسعار والتبشير برفع الدعم عن المواد الاستهلاكية الأساسية تلبية لإملاءات صندوق النقد الدولي، وتسعى لإلغاء منح البطالة وتسريح عمال المناولة والتراجع عن كل المكاسب الاجتماعية التي فرضتها الجماهير خلال الفترة الأولى من الهبة الثورية بهدف تحميل جماهير الشعب تكلفة الأزمة تحت يافطة “مصلحة البلاد” و”انقاذ الاقتصاد الوطني”، أي انقاذ الرأسمال من أزمته العامة.
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TUNISIA: A Call for Unity

From: هيئات العمل الثوري/حركة عصيان/disobey movement

To all Revolutionary Groups in Tunisia,

"No president for me"

“No president for me”

Now two years have passed since the outbreak of the uprisings yet, despite the succession of governments and in spite of the abundance of promises and electoral programs, the economic and social crisis is aggravating and the conditions of the greater majority of the people, that is, the wage-earners, the unemployed, the poor and the marginalized, are deteriorating. The political parties’ tussle over power is driving the country towards civil war. Political institutions, especially the Constituent Assembly as well as the government, the prefectures and sub-prefectures, etc claim in bankruptcy as they proved to be incapable of finding solutions. These institutions are actually part of the problem for the new rulers scramble over privileges and rush to the seizure of bailiwicks. The system of favoritism and loyalism is back. Moreover, both police and the military fail to provide real security executing the same brutal repression tactics at protests. On the other hand, while the owners of fortunes, businessmen and intermediates of every sort are getting richer, the State keeps on boosting prices and insinuates the axing of all basic consumerist items subsidies as dictated by the IMF. The State is also axing unemployment insurance, cutting jobs and calling off all the social gains the masses earned during the early part of the revolutionary movement so that the masses pays the price of the crisis under the mottos of “Commonweal,” “Saving the National Economy,” that is, saving capital from its generalized crisis. Read the rest of this entry

TUNISA: The Black Revolution

9 May 2013

In the country that launched the Arab Spring, Black people organize themselves to defend their rights.

Tunis, March 21. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, it was hold a symposium: “Black people in Tunisia … invisible visible.”

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TUNISIA: Femen Strikes in Tunisia – the Case of Amina

Mar 26, 2013  by Sara Salem


Femen has struck again. After reports the Ukrainian based feminist group would be focusing its activism on locations outside of Europe, fresh controversy has erupted following events in Tunisia. Read the rest of this entry