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Non-Western Anarchisms: Rethinking the Global Context

By Jason Adams

“The future of anarchism must be appraised within a global context; any attempt to localize it is bound to yield a distorted outcome. The obstacles to anarchism are, in the main, global; only their specifics are determined by local circumstances.”

 Sam Mbah

“To the reactionists of today we are revolutionists, but to the revolutionists of tomorrow our acts will have been those of conservatives”

 Ricardo Flores Magon Read the rest of this entry

عن الهيمنة، هيمنة الهيمنة، والأناركية الإسلامية

Written By
(Mohamed Jean Veneuse)   محمد
Edited By
Tamer Mowafy & Yasser Abdullah
من معبد إلى آخر تدفق دمي في صمت أسود. كما لو كنت قد انتحرت، تقاطع الرصاص في ذهني ليلًا ونهارًا، حتى تشتت داخل جمجمتي رائحة بارود فجر دمًا تجلط، وفوضى.
وإذا تبعت قولي هذا بالسلام عليكم أو تلاوة دعاء موسى ﴿رب ٱشرح لي صدري ۝ ويسرلي أمري ۝ وٱحلل عقدة من لساني ۝  يفقهوا قولي﴾ [سورة طه (20) الآيات 25: 28]، أتسمونني إسلاميًا أو تعتبرونني إخوانيًا دون اعتبار واحترام للفرق الشاسع بين الهويتين.
حسنًا إذًا، وللدخول في الموضوع لأن سياق الحديث يتطلب نقاش أمور كثيرة  … وجب التوضيح. Read the rest of this entry

SYRIA: Response by a Syrian anarchist to the First of May statement on Syria

17.09.2013 by shiar

A Syrian anarchist responds to Toward an anarchist policy on Syria by the First of May Anarchist Alliance, largely correcting misconceptions and historical inaccuracies in the document. Read the rest of this entry

نداء لوحدة المجموعات الثورية في تونس

من  هيئات العمل الثوري/حركة عصيان 

أكثر من سنتين على اندلاع الموجة الانتفاضية، وبرغم تداول الحكومات وكثرة الوعود البراقة والبرامج الانتخابية المنتفخة فان الأزمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في تفاقم، ووضع عموم الشعب من أجراء ومعطلين وعموم الفقراء والمهمشين يزداد تدهورا، والتناحر الحزبي على السلطة يدفع البلاد الى حرب أهلية، وكل المؤسسات السياسية من المجلس التأسيسي الى الحكومة الى الولاة والمعتمدين… أثبتت افلاسها وعجزها عن تقديم حلول حقيقية، بل انها قد أصبحت تمثل جزء من الأزمة بتكالب الحكام الجدد على جني الامتيازات والاستيلاء على مواقع النفوذ، وعودة نظام المحسوبية والولاءات، والبوليس والجيش الذان عجزا عن توفير الأمن الحقيقي للناس يواصلان أسلوبهما الوحشي في قمع المتظاهرين والمحتجين، وفيما أصحاب الثروة من رجال أعمال وسماسرة من كل نوع يزدادون تغولا وثراء تمضي الدولة نحو مزيد الترفيع في الأسعار والتبشير برفع الدعم عن المواد الاستهلاكية الأساسية تلبية لإملاءات صندوق النقد الدولي، وتسعى لإلغاء منح البطالة وتسريح عمال المناولة والتراجع عن كل المكاسب الاجتماعية التي فرضتها الجماهير خلال الفترة الأولى من الهبة الثورية بهدف تحميل جماهير الشعب تكلفة الأزمة تحت يافطة “مصلحة البلاد” و”انقاذ الاقتصاد الوطني”، أي انقاذ الرأسمال من أزمته العامة.
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TUNISIA: A Call for Unity

From: هيئات العمل الثوري/حركة عصيان/disobey movement

To all Revolutionary Groups in Tunisia,

"No president for me"

“No president for me”

Now two years have passed since the outbreak of the uprisings yet, despite the succession of governments and in spite of the abundance of promises and electoral programs, the economic and social crisis is aggravating and the conditions of the greater majority of the people, that is, the wage-earners, the unemployed, the poor and the marginalized, are deteriorating. The political parties’ tussle over power is driving the country towards civil war. Political institutions, especially the Constituent Assembly as well as the government, the prefectures and sub-prefectures, etc claim in bankruptcy as they proved to be incapable of finding solutions. These institutions are actually part of the problem for the new rulers scramble over privileges and rush to the seizure of bailiwicks. The system of favoritism and loyalism is back. Moreover, both police and the military fail to provide real security executing the same brutal repression tactics at protests. On the other hand, while the owners of fortunes, businessmen and intermediates of every sort are getting richer, the State keeps on boosting prices and insinuates the axing of all basic consumerist items subsidies as dictated by the IMF. The State is also axing unemployment insurance, cutting jobs and calling off all the social gains the masses earned during the early part of the revolutionary movement so that the masses pays the price of the crisis under the mottos of “Commonweal,” “Saving the National Economy,” that is, saving capital from its generalized crisis. Read the rest of this entry

LEBANON: A Letter from Radical Beirut to North American Anarchists

17.05.2013 by Radical Beirut


The Arab uprisings and Occupy Wall Street and the rest of global uprisings since 2011 have opened more doors for us to communicate and realize more than ever how our struggles against the state and dominant power structures are interconnected and the same. Our fight against the beast is one; we are informed and inspired by your past and current struggles, as well as we know that you are informed and inspired by our struggles, yet we still have a long way to go to understand one another and scale up our common fight. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Egyptian Female Cartoonist Pokes Fun at Fundamentalists

March 29-31, 2013 by MEDEA BENJAMIN

One of the women who spoke at the Women’s Assembly during the World Social Forum in Tunisia was not a political activist, but a cartoonist. Dooa Eladl is 34-year-old Egyptian woman who calls herself a Muslim anarchist. Her work appears in the prominent newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm She has become one of Egypt’s best-known political cartoonists, in a field completely dominated by men. (One of her humorous drawings is a portrait of herself marching to work, her hair tied to the mustaches of four of her male colleagues.)Egyptian Female Cartoonist Pokes Fun at Fundamentalists_html_m328aaa82

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TUNISIA: Tunisian Anarchists Against World Capitalism


In response to the World Social Forum in Tunisia, some Tunisian anarchistshave issued this anti-capitalist manifesto. Volume Three of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, contains similar selections regarding anti-capitalist anarchist movements in Egypt, Greece, Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America. Volume Three is available through AK Press. Read the rest of this entry

SYRIA: Philosophy behind insurectionist tactics of Black Bloc

2013/2/28  by Mazeen Kamalmaz  (English translation by Amr)

1 – These lines are a try to intensify the experience of the recent “black bloc”. It’s not an attempt to theorize it, nor does to impose my ideological or political stand which -if I was- then it will contradict the core idea of black bloc itself which is anti-force anti oppression and anti-subjection.  Black Bloc as an idea – before it became a tactic and a clash with the forces of oppression – does not belong to any one, it actually belongs to all its members by equal, and also it belongs to the oppressed and forgotten humans everywhere. Black Bloc base are set based on the highest diversity possible, without any hierarchy or a forced organization intellectually, it is a culture founded on the principle of resistance. Read the rest of this entry

Talking Anarchism and the Arab Uprisings with Mohammed Bamyeh

26 February 2013  Joshua Stephens

Spontaneity, largely horizontal organization, and a suspicion toward explicit political leadership have all been signature components of what’s referred to as the Arab Spring. This has been the case since the outbreak of the Tunisian revolution – regardless of the regimes that have resulted from the power vacuums left in their wake. Yet very little of the particularities or the historical forces driving these uprisings captured the imagination of or spoke to left anti-authoritarians in the west, until the appearance of a western-style black bloc in Cairo on the two year anniversary of the Egyptian revolution. That contradiction, and a sudden gaze cast –particularly on Egypt – pose rather unsettling questions about representation, and a slouch toward Orientalism. Read the rest of this entry