نتایج جستجو
  1. کاربرها نمایش همه

  2. ۱۳ بهمن

    فارسی زبانان ساکن آمریکا می‌توانند به کمپبن مجازی دیده‌بان برای فرمان ترامپ بپیوندند

  3. ۲۲ ساعت پیش

    ۵۰٪ پناهندگان آمریکا کودکان هستن که ازشرایط ترسناک کشورخودشان فرارکرده اند به امید داشته آینده All U need to know about

  4. ۱۶ بهمن

    از تظاهرات امروز مردم لندن عليه سياست هاي نژادپرستانه ترامپ

  5. ۱۵ بهمن

    hunger,starvation,misery its not a life this kid want,all he want is a piece of bread .. Refugees are human .have mercy

  6. ۱۳ بهمن
  7. ۳ ساعت پیش
  8. ۹ ساعت پیش

    Ok, gonna file this story, but here's one more photo of baby Sham and her new stuffed animal friend.

  9. ۱۰ ساعت پیش

    More people were listening to hearing than were at inauguration.

  10. ۱۹ بهمن

    "Why don't the refugees go back home?" Because there is no home to go back to.

  11. ۱۸ بهمن

    People are gathering to welcome the first refugee family to since the executive order was halted by the courts!

  12. ۱۸ بهمن
  13. ۱۸ بهمن

    Such a powerful commercial. We are always a nation of immigrants.

  14. ۱۷ بهمن

    Majority of fatal attacks on U.S. soil carried out by white supremacists:

  15. ۱۶ بهمن

    Taken today at the Utah State Capitol. UTAH. The American people oppose the ban.

  16. ۱۶ بهمن

    This is Karla. I want Karla to see herself on the news.

  17. ۱۶ بهمن

    Watch what happens when we say no to fear, and yes to humanity

  18. ۱۶ بهمن
  19. ۱۶ بهمن

    We share one world. From - our platform for youth, by youth.

  20. ۱۶ بهمن

    the red states are coming for you! From Salt Lake City

  21. ۱۶ بهمن

    Crowd gathering for refugee-led march in downtown Salt Lake City

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