
Updated: 10:43 EST

Schindler's List 'House' where Amon Goth shot Jews

The villa, immortalised by the 1993 film Schindler's List, is where Nazi sadist Amon Göth lived while he was Kraków-Płaszów death camp commander, before his execution for genocide in 1946. Twice married Göth kept two Jeish maid prisoner in the basement, whom he tortured and abused. The property, in southern Poland, is at the centre of an extraordinary row involving the new owner Artur Niemyski who is renovating it for his family to move in. Jewish campaigners want it turned into a museum. Göth once killed a Jewish boy because he didn't ask permission to leave the room. He stabbed one of his maids in the leg because she didn't set enough places at the dinner table. The monster once threatened to shoot Jews working on a road next to his garden from the balcony, inset left. The scene was adapted for 1993 film Schindler's List, where Ralph Fiennes played him, inset right.

Columbia graduate, 23, 'was stangled' on Panama island

Preliminary results of Catherine Johannet's autopsy conducted by Panamanian officials indicated that the US tourist's probable cause of death was strangulation. The body of the 23-year-old Columbia University graduate was discovered in a state of decomposition on a popular hiking trail on Bastimentos Island on Sunday.

Elias Cadoza, 21, of Miami, Florida, was held in custody for two months in connection to a murder case, until paramedics verified his unusual alibi about his sister's vaginal pain.

Tourists stranded and one swept away near Waikato River

Student Rachael Louise De Jong, 21, (inset) drowned after the Aratiatia Dam In New Zealand had its floodgates opened, sending water surging down the river where she was swimming with friends. Two German tourists, Katrin Taylor and Kevin Kiau, were on a viewing platform in the dam area when they heard the warning siren for the opening floodgates and watched in horror as the water surged towards four people standing on a submerged rock (main). Ms De Jong was swept away, her body was recovered from a rockpool by police on Monday night. Devastated friends and family say Ms De Jong was a smiling, bubbly woman and loved by many.

The CBS This Morning co-host is scheduled to undergo surgery on Thursday. He won't be back on the show until March.

More than 50 people are suing a now-closed clinic's former director and owner Sherry-Ann Jenkins (pictured) in Toledo, Ohio, saying they were told they had Alzheimer's or another form of dementia.

Northeast set for record heat today followed by snow

Major cities along the East Coast are set to experience near-record high temperatures on Wednesday. Then the temperatures are set to drop 15 to 30 degrees overnight as a Nor-easter makes it's way through the region. The storm could bring up to a foot in areas stretching from the central Appalachians to far northern New England. So far, the heaviest snow is forecast for the New York City tri-state area, southern New England and coastal Maine. The system will be quick moving, with the snowfall stopping by Thursday at 1pm.

Detectives investigating the murder of Karina Vetrano in Spring Creek Park near Howard Beach last August believe the prime suspect Chanel Lewis may have had a racial motivation for the crime.

According to Will Strafach, CEO of New-York based Sudo Security Group, there are dozens of iPhone apps which are at risk of being hacked. They include apps such as Music Tube and Gift Saga.

Woman reunites with rapist to tell their story together 

Rape survivor, Thordis Elva (left), from Iceland, was just 16 when she was raped by her then-boyfriend, Tom Stranger (right), 18, a foreign exchange student from Australia. The pair have joined forces 20 years on and released a TED talk (inset) about the assault. In the talk, the pair discuss the impact the rape had on both of their lives.

A 56-year-old man in China is seeking help from members of the public to fund surgery on a growing lump around his neck. 56-year-old Liu Zhihe cannot afford treatment for the lipoma.

The attack targeted more than 10,000 dark web sites that were selling or sharing child pornography. The dark web is often associated with criminal and illicit activities such as online drug markets.

Teen plotted classmate's murder for six months

Prosecutors on Tuesday said that Liam McAtasney, 19, planned the murder of his former high school classmate Sarah Stern for six months. After strangling her to death, McAtasney had his roommate Preston Taylor, also 19, hide her body in some bushes for eight hours. The two then dumped her body from a bridge into a New Jersey river. All of this was revealed as Taylor tried and failed to convince a judge to release him on bail.

Etiquette expert William Hanson has revealed the top social media faux pas - including gym selfies, sharing relationship milestones, taking photos of your food and 'lonely' mirror selfies.

A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh showed that harsh parenting negatively affected a child's relationship with their friends and lowered their grades at school (stock).

Inside Joseph Stalin's lakeside summer home on Abkhazia

Built in 1947, the holiday home or 'dacha' as it's known in Russian was home to former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin and his family during the warm summer months. Hidden deep in a forest off of Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia an autonomous region of Georgia - the modest property is almost invisible. Photographer Ioanna Sakellaraki, 26, took the images during her travels around the little known region of Abkhazia. A living testament to Stalin and his renowned paranoia the dacha is surrounded by thick trees and is painted green to make it pretty much invisible from the air. Known for his simple taste Stalin's holiday home is designed in a modest fashion despite it boasting a library and games room equipped with a billiards table.

John Michael Haskew of Lakeland, Florida was charged with fraudulently transferring $7 billion in wire funds out of a bank because he said Jesus wanted him to be wealthy.

Elizabeth Warren is silenced on the Senate floor while protesting Jeff Sessions because she read a scathing 30-year-old letter written about him by Coretta Scott King

Sen Elizabeth Warren has earned a rare rebuke by the Senate for quoting Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor. The Massachusetts Democrat ran afoul of the chamber's arcane rules by reading a 30-year-old letter from Dr Martin Luther King's widow that dated to Sen Jeff Sessions' failed judicial nomination three decades ago. King wrote that when acting as a federal prosecutor, Sessions used his power to 'chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.' Quoting King technically put Warren in violation of Senate rules for 'impugning the motives' of Sessions, though senators have said far worse stuff. Now, Warren is forbidden from speaking again on Sessions' nomination. A vote on Sessions is expected Wednesday evening.

A new round of leaks from the White House suggest that Donald Trump is angry at the roughness of the presidential jets' towels, and that he asked for economic advice from a military adviser at 3am.

President Donald Trump has said he's working 'long hours' and regularly only gets about four or five hours sleep a night. The billionaire has been known to tweet at all hours of the night.

The Pentagon has failed to disclose up to thousands of potentially lethal airstrikes by the US in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan over the course of several years.

After Trump's first military order ended in a botched raid that left children dead, Yemen withdrew permission to let the US run Special Operations ground missions in its country on Tuesday.

U.S. tanks arrive in Latvia to protect Europe’s borders

In moves agreed last year under former President Barack Obama, NATO is expanding its presence in the region to levels unprecedented since the Cold War, prompted by Russia's annexation of Crimea and accusations - denied by Moscow - that it is supporting a separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. The German-led battle group of 1,000 troops in Lithuania will be joined this year by a US-led deployment in Poland, British-led troops in Estonia and Canadian-led troops in Latvia. They will add to smaller rotating contingents of US troops. Doubts about the US commitment to NATO have surfaced since the election of President Donald Trump, who has described NATO allies as 'very unfair' for not contributing more financially to the alliance.

Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., a journalist and a close associate of the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, was taken to a Moscow hospital last week with a sudden illness. He is an outspoken critic of Putin.

Fatemeh Reshad and her parents have traveled to Portland, Oregon, so she can get life-saving medical treatment after initially being denied entry to the US as a result of Donald Trump's immigration ban.

President Donald Trump again spoke of his contentious relationship with the press as he sat down with Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, in a final interview segment that aired tonight.

The Department of Defense is reportedly looking to rent space in President Donald Trump's New York City skyscraper, Trump Tower (file photo), that could cost them up to $1.5 million per year.

Ted Cruz is mocked during debate with Bernie Sanders

Cruz is a staunch opponent of Obamacare, while Sanders defended the Affordable Care Act as a crucial measure that provides millions of Americans with care. During the CNN debate Cruz was chided for his awkward exchange with Multiple sclerosis patient Carol Hardaway, from Maryland. The senator from Texas was also slammed online for comparing access to birth control to driving a luxury car. She had asked Cruz how she was going to remain insured if the Senate got rid of Medicaid, which she and millions of other low-income Americans depend on.He replied: 'Congratulations on dealing with MS. It's a terrible disease and congratulations on your struggles dealing with it.' He went on to say that while Medicaid might work for her, it's 'profoundly troubled' on a national scale, with '54 per cent of doctors' refusing to take on new patients covered by the low-income provision.

President Donald Trump has found a work-around that allows him to keep in touch with his sprawling network of associates while still using the secure phone that the Secret Service requires him to use.

The president said judges and lawyers heard on a live-streamed conference call were dancing around the meaning of a law allowing him to keep out any group of foreigners he sees fit to exclude.

Alec Baldwin's latest impersonation of the former Apprentice host last Saturday drew an average audience of 10.6 million viewers - an increase of two million on last season.

President Donald Trump is considering designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - the most powerful security and political organization in the country - as a terrorist organization.

Are these the most.awkward family photos ever?

Families from all around the world have opened their albums to reveal the hilarious mishaps that occurred when they tried to get that perfect shot - and from failed proposals to hungry seagulls (inset), they certainly make for some entertaining viewing. Clockwise from top left: A grandma found herself at the centre of a group of topless men on a raucous night out; two children pose in front of a somewhat unfortunate backdrop; one man couldn't stop himself from spewing all over his friend on a rollercoaster ride; and it all got a bit too much for this toddler at Disney World.

Tami McVay, 34, was killed when a tree supporting a zip line she was riding struck her and caused severe head trauma in northwestern Oregon on Saturday. She was a mother of three.

Sex expert Tracey Cox is on hand to answer women's quirky but extremely common sex questions revealing more than half of British adults find sex the most challenging topic to talk about.

Can YOU spot the ruby ring?

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, it might be about time for you to find a special gift for your loved one. The latest brainteaser, created by vouchercloud, challenges you to find the ruby red ring hidden among a bed of roses. The romantic riddle might just serve as a reminder to couples that are yet to find their present this year.

Steeping or cooking it in excess water flushes out the industrial toxin, which has been linked to health problems from heart disease to cancer, says a contamination expert from Queens University Belfast.

California student, 20, says sugar daddies pay for college

Student Emily Bulea (left), from Goleta, California, is paid to go on dates with wealthy men and keep them company at social events. The 20-year-old said without the money she would struggle to afford her college fees. The cash also allows her to live a luxury lifestyle with weekly beauty treatments, jewellery, clothes meals in exclusive restaurants - and this glittering $500 bra covered in Swarovski crystals (seen right). She even has the support of boyfriend Jack (inset), although he doesn't see 'sugaring' as a long-term career.

They say timing is everything. And, when it comes to winning at life, that could literally be true - according to psychologist Dr. Micheal J. Breus from the Center for Circadian Biology.

A man from China has had a dead cockroach pulled out from his ear after it got stuck there for more than three days. The 60-year-old sprayed insecticide into his ear after the bug had crawled in.

Bare-breasted protesters demonstrate in Argentina

Bare-breasted demonstrators have taken to the streets of Argentina in protest over a recent incident in which police expelled topless women sunbathers from a beach under threat of arrest. Dozens of women and some male supporters protested at Buenos Aires' famous Obelisk monument and in other Argentine cities on Tuesday. The protest was held under the slogan: 'Our breasts should not be censored!' Some of the protesters had their chests painted with slogans such as 'Censor this' and 'We are not going to ask you for permission.'

The funds will be spent by the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, which works with a variety of projects to tackle illness around the world. Some of the projects include the develop of mind-reading implants.

Researchers from Montreal's McGill University blocked the production of natural opioid substances in the brains of volunteers and found that they no longer enjoyed listening to their favourite songs.

Mackenzie Phillips talks impact of incestuous affair

She revealed eight years ago that she had a long-term incestuous relationship with her father (John Phillips, right). And now Mackenzie Phillips, 57, is opening up about the long-lasting impact the bombshell revelation has had on her family. In excerpts from Phillips' new book, Hopeful Healing: Essays on Managing Recovery and Surviving Addiction, the actress reveals some of her family members still blame her for the abuse.

In a new thread on the secret sharing app Whisper desperately unhappy wives have revealed why they feel they have to stay with their husbands despite no longer loving them.

Kimberly Bonn, 58, has accused El Jalisco restaurant in Tallahassee, Florida, of negligence for 'encouraging' customers to climb on to the statue for photos.

Teacher's aide fired for mocking special needs student

The aide at Martha Reid Elementary School (top right) in Arlington, Texas, was sacked after the student's mother was forwarded a copy of the shocking picture that had been screen-shotted from Snapchat. In it, the special-needs girl is seen sitting at a desk. Across the middle of the image is the caption: 'she devil' (left). The distraught mother (bottom right) of the young girl, who chose not to identify herself publicly, spoke about the incident. 'It’s very disturbing to have your daughter’s photos be exploited on social media without your consent,' she said.

Madonna posted this photo from Mchinji, Malawi, in July alongside the caption: 'Three beauties. Lola spends time with twins, Stella and Esther at Home of Hope Orphanage.'

The FBI are looking for the suspects who targeted a home in Peyton, Colorado on Saturday night smearing it in dog feces, racial slurs and at least 40 eggs in a hate crime attack.

Hockey captain dies after complaining about headache

NEW Nick Bond, 18, collapsed and died on Monday from blunt-impact trauma. The high school hockey team captain collapsed after leaving the Pennsylvania Wissahickon Skating Club. He had complained to his father, who was also his coach about a headache earlier. He is pictured left and in the right photo he is seen right with two member of his Wissahickon Skating Club hockey team.


Femail Today

Womb with a view! Breathtaking new 20-week MRI scan lets expectant parents watch their unborn babies wiggle, swallow and even pull on the umbilical cord

A revolutionary new type of scan developed by a London-based medical team is hoping to transform the way parents-to-be see their unborn babies. A new video shows the astonishing detail the high-tech scan can capture including heartbeat, brain and muscles. (Pictured: Grabs from a video showing a 20-week-old baby being scanned by the new technology produced by the iFIND team. Inset: a scan currently given to pregnant women on the NHS)

She was being interviewed by a reporter on a farm in San Juan de Lurigancho, in Lima and being questioned about the heavy rain and floods and its effect on local business.

An upside-down map of Australia aligned with a map of the United States reveals that both country's capital cities are eerily similar in social and cultural structure.

Teacher Camryn Zelinger arrested over student relationship

Camryn Zelinger, 32, was arrested on Monday at the Encore High School for the Arts in Riverside, California after the mother of a girl, aged 14 or 15, reported their inappropriate relationship. The student's mother contacted police over the weekend and the teen said the relationship had taken place over the past few months. Zelinger has been charged with suspicion of lewd or lascivious acts with a minor and annoying or molesting a child under 18. Police said their investigation found there had been inappropriate physical contact and communications between Zelinger and the student.

The Minnesota man who demolished the house of Jacob Wetterling’s killer is giving the vacant lot to the city of Annandale. Developer Tim Thone said the city has agreed not to build for 10 years.

Charlotte Caldwell and her 11-year-old son Billy, from Castlederg, in Northern Ireland, are living in LA so he can receive pioneering treatment for his life-threatening form of epilepsy.

Retired Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher alleged that Doctor Glenn Charles used his name and likeness without permission to 'steal and cash in on' his success.

A study of thousands of compensation claims has unearthed some bizarre reasons for UK passengers to be held up on their journeys with some delays lasting up to 29 hours.

Sarah and John Wenham from Gravesend in Kent had saved for years for 'the wedding of their dreams' in Cuba, costing more than £25,000 for themselves and 24 their special guests.

The Presenchit Mansion in Thailand was bought in 2012 and went through a renovation that saw it disassembled and moved hundreds of miles before being re-built to look like it did in its glory days.

Austin is named the best place to live in the US

The list ranks the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the country and rates them on a range of criteria, including affordability, job prospects and quality of life. This year, Austin, Texas topped the list, with Denver, Colorado coming second. Silicon Valley's San Jose in California is third and Washington, despite being described as a swamp, comes in at fourth.

Life on board one of Hitler's most unsuccessful U-Boats

These are the amazing images showing life on board one of Hitler's most unsuccessful submarines, U-976. The U-Boat, which was launched in 1943 was sunk shortly before D-Day by a flight of two RAF Mosquito fighter-bombers. However, the boat's First Officer Lieutenant Wilhelm Hinrichs kept a fascinating photographic album of the submarine, which is now coming up for auction in Maryland.

This Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017, photo provided by Susan Boardman shows a bald eagle with a leg-hold trap clamped to a talon, struggling to fly near White Run stream about five miles southeast of Gettysburg, Pa., near Bonneauville, Pa. Bird-welfare volunteers were still trying to locate the bald eagle on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017, since eagles need their talons to hunt, eat, perch and defend themselves. (Susan Boardman via AP)

Bird-welfare volunteers are trying to locate a bald eagle that was photographed in Bonneauville, Pennsylvania with a leg-hold trap clamped to one of its talons.

Emergency crews in the SF Bay Area rescued stranded residents from flooded homes and cars Tuesday as the latest storm in this wet California winter set off street flooding and rockslides.

Samantha Churchwell, 24, from Chicago, has been hanging from hooks since she became interested in the bizarre pursuit at 13. Churchwell admits its painful, but says it's worth it.

Bella was no doubt feeling a sense of deja vu on the Air Tommy Jet as it bore a striking resemblance to the plane traditionally used by the Victoria's Secret models ahead of their annual show.

Newly married Jessica and Royal Deal had given the bear to their six-month-old son, Raiden, who has a respiratory virus that affects his breathing.

A gray-haired man was enjoying the weather so much that as he rolled down a palm-tree lined street he didn't notice a gas pump nozzle still attached to his convertible car.

1940s images show how US traveled before cheap flights

Multi-award winning photographer Esther Bubley managed to capture the chaos of US bus travel in the Midwest and South in 1943. Bubley traveled with ordinary Americans on crowded Greyhounds and other buses through major cities and dusty backroads, capturing the passengers, drivers, porters, mechanics and cleaners of the system in poignant and empathetic images of a bygone era. She captured various facets of the war effort such as bus travel which had dramatically increased with wartime rationing of rubber and gasoline.

Two men and a woman were charged in the 1993 arson fire of a Los Angeles apartment building that killed seven children, and three women, two of whom were pregnant.

Oklahoma daycare operator Melissa Clark, 46, will go to trial for the murder of a baby girl who was left in her care, a judge ruled Monday. The child died due to head injuries in July last year.

Pall Einarsson, a geophysicist at the University of Iceland has warned that Katla, Hekla, Bárðarbunga (pictured) and Grímsvötn, could all soon erupt.

The tour bus Corruptour runs through the streets in Mexico City, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017.  This is the newest addition to the ubiquitous open-air tour buses that crisscross Mexico City each day: The Corruptour, which instead of taking folks to historic plazas and churches, shines an unflattering spotlight on the murky world of graft. They also engage with bemused bystanders along the route, coaxing pedestrians and taxi drivers to join in chanting ¿No more corruption!¿ (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

This is the newest addition to the open-air tour buses crisscrossing Mexico City each day: The Corruptour, which instead of taking folks to historic plazas, shines a spotlight on the murky world of graft.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has announced that the company will now give employees six weeks per year paid leave to take care of a sick family member, far above what most companies offer.

Four people were found dead in a rural Oklahoma town in what investigators believe was a triple murder and suicide. A man is believed to have killed his wife and two children before killing himself.

J.K. Rowling's response to fan who made heartwarming meme

Potter author Rowling (right), who often gets involved in spats with readers on Twitter, hit back at a fan who wrote they would 'cry' when she died and that millions would 'pull out toy wands' in tribute to her. The meme (left) also said that in the wake of her death 'Hogwarts will come back to life as a new generation is introduced to ‘The Boy Who Lived.’ Billionaire novellist Rowling, replied (inset): 'This is very sweet, but I won't be offended if you untag me when making plans for my death.'

It could be because being obese - a known risk factor of osteoarthritis - had differing effects between men and women, a new study by Austrian researchers has discovered.

A 46-year-old in China who longed for a second baby gave birth earlier this month using an embryo frozen 16 years ago. Ms Luo gave birth to a baby boy earlier this month weighing eight pounds.

The explosion took place on the night of February 7 in Jiaocheng County, Lvliang City, central China's Shanxi Province. No casualties have been reported while investigation is underway.

Babies' VERY strained faces as they fill their nappies 

The parents of the cute stars of this online gallery spied a silver lining to the endless stream of dirty nappies that is part and parcel of life with a newborn - the comical faces that babies pull when nature calls.

NEW Aracely Ordaz Campos was performing a stunt on a variety programme called 'Es Show' on Multimedios Television in Mexico. As she jumped onto a mattress her whole bottom was exposed.

Samanta Lily, 27, from Russia, showed off the skill in a video in which she opens a series of tops with her breasts. The video was shared on Facebook with the caption: 'She got some real power there.'

The Brooklyn native enjoyed a comedic career spanning almost eight decades. He passed away at his home in Manhattan on Monday, his family said.

Video footage has caught the moment a six-year-old in China managed to drive his mother's car. The boy took his mother's keys while she was sleeping on February 4 and spent 10 minutes in the vehicle.

A study from Edinburgh University has found that first-born children score higher than their siblings in IQ tests. This may be because they receive more mental stimulation at an early age (stock image).

Raging bulls: Huge animals break free and charge around stadium in Mexico injuring matadors and spectators 

NEW Several people were injured after two rampaging bulls escaped their pens during a bull fighting festival. A large crowd crammed into 'La Chona' stadium in the town of Encarnación de Díaz, Jalisco, Mexico when a bull called the 'Primoroso', which translates to the exquisite one, broke its door and ran into the bull ring, according to local reports. Another named 'Inolvidable,' or the unforgettable, also escaped out of the same pen but made its way to the bottom of the stands causing spectators to hurry for the exits. 'Inolvidable' was filmed goring Spanish bull-fighter Adolfo Ramírez in the back and flinging him into the bull ring.

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  • Gisele

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  • Kourtney

    Put your best foot forward in Kourtney's Gucci trainers

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  • Christie

    Copy Christie in a swimsuit by Agent Provocateur

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  • Catherine

    Give your look a metallic touch in Catherine's Chanel boots

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Smart ass! Unstoppable donkey has worked out how to open a gate for his pals using his teeth

A problem-solving donkey has been caught on camera opening a wooden gate at a sanctuary in Ronco Scrivia, northern Italy. Sanctuary staff say he's much brighter than the other donkeys there and that his party-trick has become a regular occurrence.

Perth-based identical twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque have taken to YouTube to recount their experiences with drink spiking, which they say still affects them 10 years later.

William Charles Thomas, accused of child rape and arrested with a shrine of girls underwear in his home has plead for a court to see that he's 'not evil' and has 'never inflicted any pain on a child'.

Incredible footage has emerged showing the moment an overzealous carpet python regurgitates a tennis ball. A Townsville resident noticed the snake in the backyard with a huge lump on Monday.

The Fox Village is home a leash of more than 100 foxes, composed of six different species and including the rarer black and white breeds, allowed to wander free in a large forested area in Japan.

A massive sinkhole at a Florida fertilizer plant that swallowed more than 200 million gallons of radioactive water is now in the process of being filled with a concrete-like mixture.

Photographer captures one image a day in Antarctica

An intrepid photographer has created an incredible picture project documenting his year in Antarctica. Michal Krzysztofowicz, Data Manager for the British Antarctic Survey based at the Halley Research Station was posted to the continent in December 2015 and is due to stay until March 2017, and challenged himself to take a picture a day for the whole year. The result is Antarctica366 (it was a leap year), an amazing picture collection showcasing jaw-dropping photographs of life at the southernmost continent where temperatures can drop to -56øC.



Malaysia five-star cat hotel with a spa and dating service

A luxury hotel in Damansara, outside Kuala Lumpur, has been set up to offer pampered moggies the ultimate stay with services including playtime, grooming and dating for female felines on heat. Catzonia has four room types with the top end Very Very Important Cat (VVIC) bedrooms (top right and bottom right) featuring a mini playground, 24-hour temperature control and three beds so that pet families can stay together.

Rachael Gardiner, from East Kilbride, Scotland, used a Snapchat filter to take the perfect selfie but was shocked to be greeted with a demonic face staring back at her.

Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe, aka Salt Bae, received 4 million views in one day on his latest video, where he uses his signature move to season a pig as he dances around the gammon joint.

Wait for it...! Terrifying moment cameraman is ATTACKED by a leaping bullfrog (and it will make you jump out of your skin too!) 

This giant bullfrog gave an unsuspecting cameraman a huge shock when he made a giant leap towards the camera. The bullfrog appeared to be relaxing in the recent rain fall when he was spotted by 29-year-old Jan-Hendrik Hanekom. Jan-Hendrick was driving a group of students through Namibia's Erindi Private Game Reserve during an Eco Training course when he came across the giant frog.