Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos agrees to swap shirt with fan after Real Sociedad win... for a packet of pork

A Real Madrid fan had just the right gift to convince Sergio Ramos to hand over his shirt - a packet of pork.

The fan went into Santiago Bernabeu Stadium for Sunday's game against Real Sociedad carrying a sign that said, 'Sergio, if you give me your shirt, I'll give you a tray of pork in lard.'

After Madrid's 3-0 win, Ramos ran across the field and threw his shirt to the fan in the stands. Smiling, the defender asked for the meat and waited a few seconds as a steward picked up the package from the fan.

Sergio Ramos approached a group of fans after Real Madrid had beaten Real Sociedad and swapped his shirt for a packet of 'lomo en manteca' - or pork in lard

The defender was seen running towards the dressing room carrying the meaty treat

'He didn't want to leave without it,' the fan said after the exchange had taken place

A video of the exchange was posted on Twitter, and several photos showed Ramos returning to the changing rooms carrying the pack of meat.

Local media identified the fan as Sergio Sanchez, who is from Vejer de la Frontera in southern Spain, which is known for its pork in lard, or 'lomo en manteca,' as it's called in Spanish.

'He asked for it twice,' Sanchez told channel CSN Cadiz. 'He didn't want to leave without it.' 

The fan videoed the exchange taking place after Madrid's victory over Real Sociedad

A security guard is seen facilitating the exchange between Ramos and the supporter

Ramos had every right to be in the mood for some fun after Madrid extended their lead at the top of La Liga over rivals Barcelona and Sevilla. 

Barcelona slipped up against Real Betis after they were denied a clear goal by the referee's assistant, while Sevilla lost 3-1 to Espanyol. 

The weekend's action means that Real are now four points clear at the top with the advantage of a game in hand.

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