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CAS Number 7491-42-1
PubChem (CID) 23444
ChemSpider 21921 YesY
Chemical and physical data
Formula C9H16O3
Molar mass 172.222
3D model (Jmol) Interactive image

Hexacyclonate (Gevilon) is a stimulant drug. It has been used for the treatment of alcoholism[1] and for increasing motivation in elderly patients,[2] but is now mainly used for the treatment of hyperlipoproteinaemia. [3][4] It is chemically similar to the anticonvulsant gabapentin, with a hydroxyl group replacing the amine.

The latter use may be incorrectly assigned, as "Gevilon" has been used as a trade name for gemfibrozil, a well-known drug for dislypidemia.


  1. ^ Chesrow EJ, Sabatini R, Musci JP, Kaplitze SE, Marquardt GH. Adjunctive treatment of the chronic alcoholic with hexacyclonate sodium. Illinois Medical Journal. 1962 May;121:546-8.
  2. ^ Morrison BO. Pharmaco-motivation of the geriatric patient: a preliminary report on hexacyclonate. Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society. 1962 Jan;114:23-6.
  3. ^ Milewicz A, Plamieniak Z, Bohdanowicz-Pawlak A. Therapeutic effect of gevilon in patients with hyperlipoproteinaemia. Polish Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy. 1992 Apr-Jun;24(2):91-5.
  4. ^ Gazdikova K, Korecka P, Springer V, Gazdik F. Pharmacoeconomic aspects of patients treated by hemodialysis. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy. 2003;104(10):329-34.