Anarchist Black Cross – Moscow: anti-fascist and anarchist Serebrennikov Oleg needs your help and solidarity! / Kollektivs Anarchist Black Cross Moscow : der Antifaschist und Anarchist Serebrennikow Oleg braucht Ihre Hilfe und die Solidarität! – Russia

January 20th, 2016 by ABC Hurricane

*Dear comrades! Anarchical Black Cross Moscow (ABC – Moscow) urges to
show solidarity and to help the anti-fascist and the anarchist
Serebrennikov Oleg. *On an extent more than ten years he actively
participated in the anarchical and anti-fascist movements in Russia and in
Izhevsk. Long time he cooperated with collective ABC – Moscow, helped
detainees and the arrested anti-fascists and anarchists with Izhevsk,
looked for for them lawyers, informed the public and activists on the
repressions untied by police against anti-fascists in the city. He
actively participated in solidarity actions in support of the imprisoned
anti-fascists and social activists. Because of the serious problems with
health which arose after attack of neo-Nazis on Oleg in 2004 the help is
now necessary need for him.

You can extend information on Oleg’s case among friends, to hold a concert
or other events for solidarity with Oleg, it is simple to transfer any sum
to the bank accounts provided below, it is simple to write it the letter
for support him. Read the rest of this entry »

London Anti-Fascist Prisoners – UK

January 20th, 2016 by ABC Hurricane

Two anti-fascist prisoners currently serving a custodial sentence in relation to a fight with the South East Alliance in London during the summer of 2014. If you would like to write to either K or D, address envelopes to one of them and send to Freedom Bookshop. They will then be forwarded on to them. Remember to include a name and address on the card/letter for the prison to accept it.
K or D,
c/o Freedom Bookshop,
Angel Alley,
84b Whitechapel High Street,
London, E1 7QX.

We at London Anti-Fascists believe history has taught us that anti-fascist action is ALWAYS self-defense. It’s in that radical tradition of confronting fascist’s and their ideas that we organise to create a space for working class organisation in order to realise a world without hunger or fear.

August 23-30, 2015 – International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners

August 15th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

Little update from ABC Hurricane in UK

March 20th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

Due to other events, our blog has been inactive for the last 6-7 weeks and since that time a lot of events happened, like the ongoing hunger strike in Greece by different prisoners, against C TYPE prisons, for the release of CCF family and friends, release of Savvas Xiros, etc.

There’s a hunger strike rebellion taking place right now in the UK immigration detention centres. Race and immigration are hot election topics right now in UK, time to stop fascism! In Bristol, Emma Sheppard got sentenced to two years for sabbing three police cars at new year with home-made stingers. Today there’ll be a demo in Bristol for all the people on hungerstrike in the immigration centres and others. On the 21st there’s an anti-fascist demo in Newcastle against the usual nazi racist bastards. In High Wycombe, after the cops were cleared of killing Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah, there were nights of mass vandalism against the ruling, No Justice – No Peace!

In Cardiff, there’s a demo on March 24th by South Wales anarchists, against ‘Marco’ Jacobs undercover police officer’s abuse and supporting the court date of those who are making a civil action against the UK State about the case. There’s also a demo in London the next day at the Royal Courts of (in)Justice. Statewatch released a PDF about undercover policing worth reading here.

We’re going to be updating our blog a bit more infrequently, as our techie is AWOL, and as a group we’re dispersed and busy ticking over with various projects. We’re working with a few different prisoners at the moment, and it’ll be a case of as and when we have stuff to report and comment on.

Solidarity means attack!

Athens: Demo in solidarity with the hunger strikers in Greek prisons

March 19th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

On Tuesday evening, March 17th, a demo in solidarity with hunger strikers in Greek prisons was held in downtown Athens. The march of around 1,500-2,000 people started from Monastiraki Square, passed through Athinas and Stadiou Streets, Syntagma Square and ended at Propylaea. After the end of the demo barricades were erected around Exarchia, clashes erupted with cops and luxury cars were set ablaze.

more photos here.

Via ContraInfo:

Statement of prisoners held in the C type high security prison of Domokos – Greece

February 4th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

via actforfree : original source Persona Non Grata

We, the prisoners, who live and die like animals in these prisons –warehouses for humans, denounce those who created these prisons,in the first place the former Minister Athanasiou, as responsible. These chiefs have spent huge amounts, especially for electronic surveillance and external security by over-equipped special police forces, however they are criminally indifferent to our life and health. Also, they ignore their own laws, prison rules and internal arrangements, that are there to assure medical and pharmaceutical treatment for prisoners.

So, in Domokos prison there are no doctors, nurses or even social workers. Therefore, in the Greek legislation a death penalty might not exist, but in Greek prisons that penalty is being imposed in practice.

Today, at 4:00 a.m., in D2 wing, we lost another fellow inmate, Mexas Alcibiades, 52 years old. He had been asking for a doctor from 12 noon, yesterday, a doctor whom we have never had in this prison.

For this death, which could have been avoided, we consider responsible, as well as the political leadership of the Ministry, the manager Kostara Th., also the prosecutor Theologiti, for the lack of prompt transportation to the hospital. This death adds itself to a long list of dead prisoners, including that of Galanis Manolis, also from the wing D2, who died two months ago.

We urge the Justice Minister, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, to publicly commit that there will be 24 hour medical cover in the prison.
Also, we call on him to visit the prisons himself to see their tragic and criminal deficiencies.

Until then, we declare that we are refusing to enter the cells or to take prison rations.

All prisoners of wing E1

Varelas Vasileios
Kostas Gournas
Eltsimpah Mohammed
Koufontinas Dimitris
Maziotis Nikos
Makadasidis Alexandros
Meletis Alexandros
Meletis Konstantinos
Merkoyri Ramadan
Naxakis Giannis
Sofianidhs Georgios

Tuesday 03 February 2015

Update: New Announcement

Wednesday 04 February 2014

Four people arrested after solidarity actions with arrestees of New Year punk gig in Minsk (Belarus)

January 23rd, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

via abc belarus:

On January 20-21 four activists were arrested in Minsk after solidarity actions with people previously arrested at the New Year Punk Party in Minsk.

One person was captured by the police at the prison gates when people came to meet those comrades who were due to be released after the 10 days of arrest that they were sentenced to after the concert.

Four people were sentenced to 15 days in prison for disobeying police orders. Some activists connect the continuation of repressions with solidarity actions that were carried out on January 16. That day several autonomous anarchist groups organised protest actions in three places simultaneously: at the Court where their comrades had been tried, at the prison where they had been kept and at the Police station which had been in charge of the raid. There they made a picture with hands behind their heads to show their protest against the police raid at the New Year Punk Gig and the following detention of three people that were doing distro tables during the concert.

After the concert police officers started visiting people that gave their IDs during the gig privately as well. Anarchist Black Cross Belarus reports at least one person who got an official warning of unacceptable extremist activity. Several more people reported police attempts to meet them or arrange “private” talks.

With elections in Belarus getting closer repressions against the local anarchist movement intensify. In January all in all seven people were arrested six of whom got from 10 to 15 days in prison. All these people face or will face problems at work, some of them had to change their workplace because of the previous arrests.

Pictures of the solidarity action are available here.

Declaration about the creation of a nihilist network: Nihilist Circle – Contra Omnes (Greece)

January 20th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

via interarma:

Declaration about the creation of a nihilist network

The network that is being created under the name “Nihilist Circle – Contra Omnes” is an attempt of collaboration of nihilists who are involved, each and every one with his own means, in the public aspect of the struggle. Recognizing the need of our project to fully serve the participating persons, the circle is created on the base of an egoist union, it’s a collaboration nor governed by immutable dependency ties of one person to another, neither by the need of expressing our public speech in terms of organized theory. Instead, we consciously choose to operate as a “platform” hosting nihilist attitudes that are potentially, in some of their points, conflicting or contradictory, if one falsely understands the produced views as being a solid program.

This is for us, the true challenge. To maintain our characteristics in every effort we make to maximize our public presence. In order for our targeting to be clear, we find useful to make a reference to the way we perceive this particular project and the potential it creates. The “Nihilist Circle – Contra Omnes” is formed by drawing aspects from the logic of a closed group in the meaning of, as long as the members are satisfied by that, belonging to a structure with a predetermined minimum of nihilist characteristics involving organized public presence and, on the other hand, aspects of a network as each member stands free in the public sphere, an aspect through in which we avoid the marginalization of the different. We, therefore, talk about an organization model containing all the elements of a closed nihilist group but, at the same time, offering the possibility of non-solid public speech, an aspect of egoist unions. Read the rest of this entry »

“Clearing the Air” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

January 20th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

via InterArma:

Friday, January 16th 2015, police officers of the Blackmail Department accompanied by EKAM [anti-terrorist agency], invade the cells where the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are held, both in A’ wing, and the basement of the isolation wings (for the 2nd time within 10 days, after the 1st invasion of the same agency). During the searches that followed, they seized phone agendas, calling cards, USB sticks and personal handwritten political notes. The proposition was the ridiculous police–media fabrication which presents our organization to have connections with the so-called ‘night circles’ of extortion. These myths aim to depoliticize and smear the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the circles of Black Anarchy. We shall clear up the obvious. Our code of values and our rebellious anarchist consciousness are opposed and hostile to that of organized crime and Mafia practices. Besides, the real organized crime rests in the centers of the State and the police. Beyond that, we neither apologize, nor regret our friendships. For days now, journalists, at the behest of the police, use our friendly relations, targeting our friend Vasilis Stefanakos [i], in order to present the fabrication of the “terrorists-criminals” osmosis and create new case files. We are going to defend this friendship of ours in every way, because it doesn’t fit into labels of “terrorists” nor “criminals”, which are given to us by the courts and the reports. This specific friend, like other long-term convicts who are mentioned in the news as so-called collaborators of ours, have NOTHING to do with the planned escape attempt. These ridiculous scenarios about the connection of the Cells of Fire with organized crime are trying to soil the obvious beauty of the comrades’ attempt to break the shackles of captivity.

What’s more beautiful than a prison exploding…

What’s uglier than a lie which is believed not even by its instigators…

What’s more obvious than vengeance…


January 17th , 2014

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell

[i] Translator’s note: The long-term convict Vasilis Stefanakos is serving a prison sentence as a leading member of the Syndicate of organized crime in Greece.

Translated by The Circle of Individualist Anarchists

Communique of the Prisoners of Korydallos Prison (Greece)

January 20th, 2015 by ABC Hurricane

via 325:

On January 16th 2015, an invasion of EKAM police officers [anti-terrorist unit] and other repressive forces took place and they carried out searches in our fellow prisoners’ cells. This is why our midday yard time did not happen and we remained locked all day. A few days ago, during the lunch time on New Year’s Eve, the initial transfer of prisoners was ordered so that the Greek Guantanamo bay of Domokos could be be inaugurated (although on this specific day transfers don’t regularly take place), playing this way their dirty electoral game on our backs. On Saturday January 3rd, after an invasion and investigation by the EKAM, our fellow prisoners and members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Christos Tsakalos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, were kidnapped in the night and transferred to the isolation-basement of the women’s Korydallos prison. After all this, we decided to mobilize and as a first reaction we refused to be locked back in our cells in the midday, until Saturday January 24th 2015. In the following days, we are going to escalate our actions if necessary. We are going for:

1) The abolition of the ‘C’ type prisons.

2)The return of all those already transferred to the ‘C’ type prison in Domokos, and the return of our fellow prisoners Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos from the isolation wing of the women’s prison of Korydallos, back to the prison they were in.

3) During this rebellion, we’re not going to accept any more transfers to the ‘C’ type prisons. We will consider every such act as revenge against our struggle and we are going to react accordingly.

When will Koutsimichali, the Director of Korydallos prison, and the prosecutors Poimenidis and Marsioni stop allowing these unlawful criminal acts? Are they ignorant of the prisoners torture or are they aiming for it?
Let everyone take their responsibilities.

Prisoners of the A, B, C, D, E wings of Korydallos prison
Isolation wing of women’s prison of Korydallos

Translated by VbD