Department of Defense to rent space in Trump Tower for up to $1.5MILLION per year in order to keep the 'nuclear football' near the president when he's in NYC

  • The agency may rent space in Trump Tower for up to $1.5 million per year 
  • 'Space is necessary for personnel and equipment' supporting POTUS at his home
  • The move could funnel government money into president's business interests
  • And may raise questions about Trump's finances being mixed with presidency
  • Though Trump now officially lives in White House, the Trump Tower residence still houses his family, including First Lady Melania Trump and son, Barron

The Department of Defense (DOD) is reportedly looking to rent space in Trump Tower that could cost them up to $1.5 million per year. 

Military support, including the staff assigned to the 'nuclear football' which contains the launch codes, requires close proximity to President Donald Trump.

For this reason, the Pentagon needs to rent a space close to Trump's penthouse residence when he's in New York, according to CNN

The Department of Defense is reportedly looking to rent space in the Trump Tower (file photo) that could cost them up to $1.5 million per year. Military support, including the staff assigned to keeping the 'nuclear football' nearby, requires close proximity to Trump

The Department of Defense is reportedly looking to rent space in the Trump Tower (file photo) that could cost them up to $1.5 million per year. Military support, including the staff assigned to keeping the 'nuclear football' nearby, requires close proximity to Trump

But the agency's decision could funnel government money into the president's business interests. 

This potential move is sure to raise additional questions about the mixing of Trump's financial interests with his presidency. 

However, Lt Col J.B. Brindle, a Pentagon spokesman, told The Washington Post on Tuesday that the 'space is necessary for the personnel and equipment who will support the POTUS at his residence in the building'.

First lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, still reside at the Trump Tower, even though the president now resides at the White House. 

The space will be separate from the Secret Service detail that works routinely out of Trump's signature midtown tower, according to the Post. 

Similar arrangements have been made in the past for some presidents, including at the Chicago home of Barack Obama.

But the agency's decision could funnel government money into the president's business interests. This potential move is sure to raise additional questions about the mixing of Trump's financial interests with his presidency 

But the agency's decision could funnel government money into the president's business interests. This potential move is sure to raise additional questions about the mixing of Trump's financial interests with his presidency 

A leasing agent estimated renting a floor in Trump Tower can cost about $1.5 million a year, according to CNN.

'I have never heard of a president charging rent to the DOD or any other part of the government so they can be near him on his travels,' Richard Painter, a former chief White House ethics counsel under George W. Bush, told the Post. 

Painter said Trump should give the DOD free space nearby 'if needed'. 

Trump still owns the Fifth Avenue skyscraper that was completed in 1983 under his supervision. 

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