Trump wants the hand towels changed on Air Force One 'because they aren't soft enough' and phoned his national security adviser Lt. Gen. Flynn at 3am for economic advice

  • The president's anger at the rough towels was leaked by an anonymous aide
  • He also wants intelligence memos boiled down to nine bullet points, aide said
  • Trump also reportedly asked his national security head how strong the dollar is
  • Flynn reportedly declined, saying Trump should speak to an economist instead

Donald Trump wants his laws on immigration and terrorism tough - but when it comes to the towels in the Air Force One bathroom, it seems, he leans a little softer.

According to a White House insider, the tough-talking Commander in Chief was so incensed by the roughness of the hand towels on the presidential jets that he registered a complaint.

That's not even the strangest story to emerge from the latest round of leaks, according to The Huffington Post.

Soft touch: Donald Trump was so bothered about the towels on Air Force One not being soft enough that he registered a complaint, an anonymous aide said in a new leak

Soft touch: Donald Trump was so bothered about the towels on Air Force One not being soft enough that he registered a complaint, an anonymous aide said in a new leak

The aide, who refused to be named, also said that Trump hates reading so much that he demands all of his briefing materials to be condensed into a single page containing no more than nine bullet points.

That's not to say he isn't interested in learning more, the site's sources claim - however, he doesn't always look in the right places.

On one occasion, it said, he was fretting about not understanding the strength of the dollar, and how good it was for the economy, so he called up one of his men.

Unfortunately that man turned out to be his national security adviser, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Flynn joined the military in 1981, acted as director of intelligence within various army divisions from 2002-2010, and was director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012 until his retirement in 2014.

However, he is not known for his economic knowledge at the best of times.

Higher calling: Lt Gen Michael Flynn was reportedly called at 3am by Trump to advise on how strong the dollar was. He allegedly told the President to go ask an economist 

Higher calling: Lt Gen Michael Flynn was reportedly called at 3am by Trump to advise on how strong the dollar was. He allegedly told the President to go ask an economist 

And this call was reportedly being made at 3am - so certainly not the best of times at all.

The site says that Flynn, perhaps annoyed by the hour, told Trump to go talk to an economist. It adds that neither Flynn nor the White House responded to queries for confirmation of the call's time.

Leaks are not uncommon for any president, but the flood of such information coming from the White House within the first month of Trump's presidency is still surprising.

Richard Nephew, who worked in Obama's State Department, advising on Iran sanctions, suggested that they might be the result of people trying to cover their backs. 

'This, I think, is about making it clear that these folks have tried to do the right thing and there is only so much they can do with a hostile administration,' he said.

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