Political Prisoner Sundiata Acoli: Ride and denied


by Sundiata Acoli

This is a brief recap of my parole hearing and denial.


Almost two years ago, Sept. 29, 2014, the New Jersey Appellate Court ordered the New Jersey Parole Board to “expeditiously set conditions” for my parole. The Parole Board appealed the order on grounds that I had not undergone a hearing before the full Parole Board prior to securing the order for release.

Almost two years ago, Sept. 29, 2014, the New Jersey Appellate Court ordered the New Jersey Parole Board to “expeditiously set conditions” for my parole.

The New Jersey Supreme court reversed the Appellate Court’s order and remanded the case to the full Parole Board for completion of the administrative process, which, for a convicted murderer like me, requires a full hearing before the Parole Board prior to securing release from incarceration.

The process further requires that the victim be given the opportunity to address the board and to witness the full board’s interaction with the incarcerated murderer prior to his or her release.

The Ride

So on June 6, 2016, I was transported by van to Trenton, N.J., for a parole hearing – without my attorney present – before the full New Jersey State Parole Board. Upon arrival at New Jersey State Prison (NJSP), formerly Trenton State Prison (TSP), the driver of the van reported that he had “inadvertently” left my legal valise, containing ALL my legal material, at FCI Cumberland, Maryland.

New Jersey and the FBI are caught in a time warp and can see Sundiata Acoli only as a cop killer, not the brilliant mathematician, computer analyst, intellectual and humanitarian known and loved by the rest of the world, who registered voters in Mississippi in 1964, worked in Harlem with the Panthers, and has educated, mentored and counseled countless younger prisoners over the years; he is their hero. Imagine the term “killer cop” branding someone and burying him behind bars for life. – Photo: Star-Ledger

Most importantly, the valise contained my speech, “Why I Should Be Paroled,” co-written by my dear comrade-daughter Fayemi Shakur and me, which I planned to deliver before the full board two days hence. I asked the driver to call R&D at FCI Cumberland and have them mail my valise overnight.

NJSP immediately mug shot me, gave me a Sundiata Acoli NJSP photo ID with my height reset from 5 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 5 inches by a spiteful guard, took me to lockdown and cut off all communications and contact between me and the outside world: NO incoming or outgoing mail, telephone, telegram, email, visitor, money transfer, commissary, pen, paper, pencil, eraser, stamps, envelopes, towel, face cloth or pillow.

I told them I was from a medium security federal prison with no reason to be locked down. They ignored me. My attorney, Bruce Afran, was scheduled to visit me the next day, the cell was freezing cold, it was near sundown so I called it a night and slept in my jumpsuit.

Next day I arose at sun-up, stiff necked, showered and shook myself dry like a wet dog. I was given two-thirds of my normal medication dosage at FCI Cumberland and when I asked why, I was given no reason but simply told “No.”

I told them I was from a medium security federal prison with no reason to be locked down. They ignored me.

I was four-man escorted to Health Services for a Hep-C blood test and returned to my cell when I noticed they had written “PC” and “NO-CON`” (i.e., “Protective Custody” and “NO CONTACT” respectively) on my cell ID card. I told the escort sergeant that I was not PC, had not requested PC and would sign any release form necessary to remove myself from PC custody.

He said “No,” nor would he summon a lieutenant or the captain to that effect, so I resigned to put my attorney on the matter when we met. A prisoner overheard my complaint to the sergeant and sent me a stub pencil with no eraser. I was most thankful and sat down to write what I could remember of my “parole” speech when the guard called out that my attorney is here.

Bruce’s father had died the previous week, but he was holding up well. He shared some youthful photos of his father and family with me, I expressed my condolences and we got off into the work.

I told him they had lost my legal material, they have me in “total” lockdown, have a “PC” sign on my cell door and have cut my meds to two-thirds of the dosage I received at FCI Cumberland. Bruce said he’d look into it and that meanwhile we needed to focus on the parole hearing tomorrow.

Hearing day

On June 8, 2016, I arose and told the guard I had no clean clothes and no (safety) razor but I did have a parole hearing today and I’m NOT going to the hearing unless I get a shower, razor and clean clothes. He produced all three within the hour except he substituted a barber for the razor.

The U.S. Cold War with Cuba is thawing, whetting the appetite of New Jersey and the FBI to throw Assata Shakur back in a U.S. prison. They’ve labeled her a “terrorist” – she’s the first woman on the FBI’s terrorist list – and raised the price on her head to $2 million. That is a measure of the same officials’ attitude toward her co-defendant, Sundiata Acoli. This photo is from a New Jersey State Police-FBI press conference on May 2, 2013. – Photo: Ed Murray, Star-Ledger

I noticed that my ankles had begun to swell from water accumulation due most likely to the change in my medication. I was escorted to take a TB x-ray and returned to put the finishing touches on my speech when the guard said, “Parole Board’s calling!”

The hearing lasted from about 9 a.m. until about 4 or 5 p.m. It reached a new level of examination, cross-examination and recrimination.

Again they questioned me primarily about the events on the turnpike and almost nothing about my many positive accomplishments. They also asked: “Aren’t you angry that they broke Assata out of prison instead of you?” My response was: “No, I don’t or wouldn’t wish prison on anyone.”

Again they questioned me primarily about the events on the turnpike and almost nothing about my many positive accomplishments.

At the end, they again denied parole and plan to go outside the guidelines to give me an “extended” (longer than usual) “hit” (time until next parole hearing.) Since Blacks, others of color and the oppressed are the overwhelming majority of people in prison, we need to seriously think about creating parole boards that mirror the people in prison, that is, “People Parole Boards.”

My remaining two weeks at NJSP were spent in almost complete isolation from the outside world, except my last night there the Inmate Legal Association (ILA) sent me a free permit for an outgoing legal letter. By then my ankles were almost continually swollen from excess water buildup. I wrote my favorite attorney and next morning they packed me out for the return trip to FCI Cumberland.

Send our brother some love and light: Sundiata Acoli (Clark Squire), 39794-066, FCI Cumberland, P.O. Box 1000, Cumberland MD 21501.

Update on Political prisoner , Janye Waller



From: rally.org/supportjanye

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Janye’s funds so far! We really want to express our appreciation. Janye is doing fine and we have been able to send him money for comissary, some great books, and money for him to talk on the phone to his partner and family members.


He also would really love to receive letters. He likes scifi (Right now he is reading Dhalgren by Samuel Delaney, Arms from The Sea by Rich Shapero, some Octavia Butler, and some China Mieville), he is very knowledgable about global politics (we have had lots of conversations about the Middle East) and is always interested in the Rev.


Write him Here:


Santa Rita Jail
Janye Waller #BKO688
5325 Broder Blvd.
Dublin, CA 94568


Of course, we can always use more donations, we are trying to raise enough to pay off his fees and fines by the time he is released, so if you know anyone else who is interested in contributing, please send this along!




Hands Off Janye Support Team

Jasmine Abdullah was sentenced to an outrageous 90 days in Jail!

At sentencing on June 7th with 200 individuals showing their support at the courthouse, Jasmine Abdullah was sentenced to 90 days in jail after being convicted of lynching last week, on June 2nd. Go ahead and send Jasmine a letter, and let her know just how many people out here are thinking of her and support her. Check out the ” write a letter” page for some tips as well.

Address your letters to Jasmine Abdullah, but to ensure that your letter gets to her, address the envelope just like this:

To: Jasmine Richards #4681452

Century Regional Detention Facility

11705 Alameda st.

Lynwood, CA 90059


And check out the statement below from Black Lives Matter, regarding Jasmine Abdullah’s conviction:

from, blacklivesmatter.com

Black Lives Matter Organizer, Jasmine Abdullah AKA Jasmine Richards Targeted and Convicted of ‘Attempted Lynching’

PASADENA, CALIFORNIA — Today, after months of targeting and harassment by Pasadena Police and the Los Angeles County District Attorney in Pasadena, Black Lives Matter organizer, Jasmine Abdullah, AKA Jasmine Richards, was convicted of attempted lynching, a conviction that carries a maximum sentence of four years imprisonment. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, Elaine Lu presided over the case.

The California Penal Code defines lynching as “The taking by means of a riot of any person from the lawful custody of any peace officer is a lynching.” Penal Code 405b provides the penalty: “Every person who participates in any lynching is punishable by imprisonment…for two, three or four years.”  While it is notable that the term lynching was challenged and changed in 2015 by State Senator Holly Mitchell through the legislative process, the substance of the charge remains the same.

“The facts presented at trial did not support the charge. Attempted lynching requires a person to attempt to unlawfully take a person from the lawful custody of a peace officer,” Jasmine’s attorney Nana Gyamfi said before her hearing on May 19th. “It also includes an element of inciting a riot to do so. The historical use is to charge a crime of lynching when the lynch mob takes the Black person out of the custody of the police for the purpose of lynching the Black person.”

California’s lynching law was put on the books in 1933, to prevent mobs from forcibly taking people from police custody for vigilante justice. The perverse nature of this case is stark both because of the law’s tragic name but more importantly because police, who have long exercised poor and deadly judgment in cases impacting Black communities, cannot be trusted to make lawful arrests or to guarantee arrestees will make it home alive. Given that, removing a Black person from police custody can be a life-saving action.

“Obviously, the police, District Attorney, and entire system are trying to make an example out of Jasmine, using this outrageous conviction to intimidate other organizers from fighting for an end to police terror and other forms of state violence against Black people,” said Black Lives Matter Los Angeles chapter organizer, Melina Abdullah. “It won’t work.”

Jasmine’s organizing grew from her experiences on the streets of Pasadena. Like other cities, a divestment of resources from the Black community by state and local officials has led to poverty and gang violence. The community is vulnerable and eager for social, economic, and political empowerment. Jasmine, alongside local youth, uses her experiences to advocate for the basic rights for Black residents. Jasmine’s deep community connections along with her tremendous ability as an organizer make her a threat to the existing system and make her a prime target.

“This prosecution of Jasmine [Abdullah] Richards is an attempted lynching of Jasmine and, by extension, the Movement for Black Lives in Pasadena, with the Pasadena District Attorney’s office and Pasadena Police Department as the lynch mob,” said Gyamfi. “In my 22 years of practice, I only know of one case where a person has been brought to trial on a lynching charge – this one.”

An uptick in protests, direct actions, and police accountability measures have given way to an increase in attempted lynching charges. Both Black Lives Matter and Occupy organizers have been brought up on the charge in the last five years. Just last year, Black Lives Matter Sacramento organizer Maile Hamilton was arrested for “lynching” after trying to pull a fellow activist away from police during a January rally against law enforcement brutality in Sacramento.

Prosecutor Christina Kee demanded Jasmine be remanded upon conviction, and she was.  As she was taken from the courtroom, she led supporters in a chant coined by political prisoner, Assata Shakur and used commonly among Black Lives Matter organizers:


“It is our duty to fight for freedom.

It is our duty to win.

We must love and protect one another.

We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

The Black Lives Matter International Network demands the following:


  • For Jasmine Abdullah’s (Richards’) conviction to be overturned
  • If there is a refusal to overturn the conviction, we want the fairest sentencing possible with no jail time.
  • We want all other pending changes for Jasmine Abdullah (Richards) and all other Black Lives Matter protesters, activists, and organizers and all other political prisoners to be dropped immediately.

Sentencing is set for Tuesday, June 7, at 8:30 a.m. at the Pasadena Courthouse, 300 E. Walnut, Pasadena, California.

Support Janye Waller!

Take some time to learn about Janye Waller by reading the text, or following the link below. You can find Janye’s address at Santa Rita County Jail at the bottom of this post, so send him a letter , and let him know that he is not forgotten!


the following is from: https://rally.org/supportjanye

SUPPORT JANYE WALLER! Janye is an outspoken young Black revolutionary from the San Francisco Bay Area. He is an wonderful, kind, and generous friend and comrade. He has been sentenced to 2 years, serving half time, for incidents related to the Mike Brown and Eric Garner protests in 2014.

We tried to fight against this white supremacist system that sends one in every 3 Black men to prison at some point in their lives, we tried to KEEP JANYE FREE, but he is going in for at least a year, and that means we CANNOT SLEEP on our support of him and his loved ones! The struggle continues.

We need consistent money for commissary, phone calls, and transportation for visitations. That is why we ask, if you can, to sign up for MONTHLY RECURRING DONATIONS for one year (or up until May 2017). Even if it’s just $3 or $5 or $15 per month (or $30 if you can do it!) if a bunch of us pledge that, we can keep this support steady throughout Janye’s time. One of the biggest issues during incarceration is that support falls off as the months pass, and we won’t let that happen to Janye.

We will also need people who want to send letters, books, and visit Janye! More info on that coming soon.

MUCH LOVE Hands Off Janye Support Team freejanye@gmail.com






Janye was arrested in 2015 in an obvious case of racial profiling, in which the cops said he “fit the description” of a crime he did not commit. A witness to the “crime” immediately confirmed that Janye had nothing to do with it, but Janye was still taken into custody where he was questioned and then leveled with serious charges related to last year’s protests in Oakland against the non-indictments for the murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

Janye is a young Black activists, a local of the San Francisco Bay Area. He lives and works in Oakland, providing financial support to his mother, his two younger brothers, and his cousin. He attended Berkeley Community College where he planned to major in Accounting, but had to take leave in order to help support his family, and he hopes to return to college soon. Janye also volunteers at a social center in West Oakland that works to empower black and indigenous people living in the Bay Area through education and mutual aid. Within this space Janye works tirelessly, helping coordinate and administer programs focusing on skills like urban farming, which foster both community and individual autonomy.

JANYE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS CURRENTLY SERVING TIME STEMMING FROM THE EVENTS OF THE FALL OF 2014 WHERE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE FLOODED THE STREETS DURING THE WAVE OF PROTESTS IN THE BAY AREA DURING THAT WINTER. After several high profile police killings of young black men, the Bay Area, like much of the rest of the country, surged into a wave of protest and resistance. The state responded by using the legal system as a tool of repression, threatening incarceration and steep fines for some of those involved in these actions. It is sad but obvious that the one person getting targeted for that beautiful moment of protest is a strong and politicized young black man.

JANYE HAS BEEN CONVICTED AND SENTENCED. He needs support, money, and contact.

Please give whatever you can and let others know. Let us know if you’d like to write to Janye or find other ways of supported. email – freejanye@gmail.com


letters of support can be sent to :

Santa Rita Jail

Janye Waller #BKO688

5325 Broder Blvd.

Dublin, CA 94568

Support Eric King by getting a great T-Shirt !

learn more about Eric’s case, here: supportericking.org


Support T-Shirts are Back!!




Support Eric King T-Shirts are back!!

We’re excited to announce that the Eric King support t-shirts are in! Show your solidarity by ordering one today! We’re asking for a $20 donation per shirt. All proceeds go to EK’s support, including commissary and phone calls.

To order a shirt, donate and then email us at erickingsupportcrew(A)riseup.net with your shirt size (XS, S, M, L, XL) and mailing address. You can also email us to get a mailing address for donations by check or money order.

We will ship to the US, if you would like a shirt and are outside the US hit us up and we will see if we can make that happen

Link to fundraiser here: http://fnd.us/316cDf?ref=sh_a4jVK6

Support Political Prisoner, Jay Chase!



Action alert for Jay Chase
May 25, 2015

Please accept our apologies for the sparse updates that have come out the last couple of months regarding Jay Chase.

As you may know, Jay received a one year sentence after pleading in Cook County to assault on a correctional officer. We support Jay in pleading out to one year versus rolling the dice and potentially getting 3-5 more years tacked on his sentence. His judge in that case was the same as in the original NATO 3 entrapment case and no one had any thoughts that this time, he would be fair, or cognizant of Jay’s terminal illness he struggles with daily (Huntington’s Disease).

To make matters worse, Jay recently found out he lost one full year of good time which pushes his release date back to November 6, 2017. This loss of good time is based on incident reports or ‘tickets’ Jay received while vigorously and persistently demanding treatment for the terminal illness and Hepatitis C. It is a cruel irony that the Illinois Department of Corrections not only medically neglects its own prisoners but then punishes anyone for speaking out and demanding treatment. This is about neglect and indifference that is bigger than Jay’s specific case- a point he makes clearly in letters sent out from solitary, which brings us to the reason for this dispatch.

Below are two letters from Jay that he sent out to supporters in the last month. In it, he details the mistreatment he has received at the hands of his captors. Not only do they describe an obvious pattern of medical neglect but also, outright assault on Jay. Options are being investigated but what we need is your help. Please read these letters, let it sink in and do not forget: Jay is still in these cages, surrounded by people who could not care less whether he lives or dies, by people who have assaulted him and yet, he is still brave enough to write and speak out.

Will you do the same for Jay? We have 3 ‘asks’ right now that are listed below that are pretty straightforward and easy. Make a few phone calls. Share an event on facebook. Tell the media about what is happening behind those walls and demand they cover it. Let remind those that hold the keys that Jay is not alone, that he has a whole community of people out here that has his back and is not happy about the assault of our friend, of our comrade, of our brother.

Many people have asked how to help or expressed frustration at their inability to help. Well, here is your opportunity. Make a few calls and emails. Let Jay know you are out here and care. These things we ask are acts of solidarity- to let him and his captors know he is not alone and he needs medical treatment now. If they are unable to do that, they should release him to our care. If you do not know much about Jay, the NATO3 case or what happened in 2012 when an out of control Chicago PD with the blessing and initiative of one
deposed Anita Alvarez went buck wild and entrapped three activists to make good media for themselves, check out


Thank you in advance for your time and solidarity!
Jay Chase Support Crew

Note: X is used in place of an individual’s name due to our very real concern that Jay will be retaliated against.

Letter from Jay Chase
April 2016

On the morning of December 3rd, 2015, at around 9:00am, I was called for a healthcare pass. The officer doing my transport told me I had to put my cell in compliance or I wouldn’t be allowed to go. After arguing with him for a while, he called the X. After arguing with X for a while, he left my cell (N-740) and went to stand in front of my neighbor’s cell (N 741) and talked with him for a while.

After he left, I spit out in front of my cell and he said ‘nice try’. The X and Y came awhile later and told me to cuff up and go downstairs which I did. After my cell was moved to N-341, X followed me into my cell and while I was kneeling to take the shackles off, X tackled me from behind into the ground face first. He repeatedly smashed my face into the concrete so hard and so man time he broke my nose, smashed my front teeth though my lip, splitting my lips. I had two black eyes, my face was completely swollen, my
cheek bone was broken and there was blood coming from my mouth, nose and ear. My nose did not heal, my cheek is still broken and my teeth are now loose and crooked.

It has been 4 months and I have not received any medical attention. I have not seen a nurse, doctor or even a psych worker since this happened. I am denied my basic right to health care. I also have Hepatitis C and Huntington’s Disease and am receiving no medical care or attention at all.
Jared Chase

Letter from Jay Chase to pen-pal

I just want to give a quick update. I am still not receiving any medical treatment. It’s been 6 months since my nose was broken. I am still being denied treatment. Now I have a sinus infection, my nose is infected and I am getting terrible aches and migraines. Now I am also not even receiving my medication. I am not getting any medication for my Huntington’s Disease, Hep-C or my broken nose, or anything. I am still not getting my psych meds either.
Thank you.

This is what we are asking you to do:

1) Demand Jay Chase get medical care NOW

Call/fax/write and politely make the request that Jared Chase M44710 receive medical treatment for a broken nose sustained in December as well as treatment for Huntington’s Disease and Hepatitis C.
Michael Melvin, Acting Warden
Phone: (815) 842-2816 or Fax: (815) 842-3420
Pontiac Correctional Center, POB 99, Pontiac, IL 61764

2) Help Jay get his good time reinstated NOW

Jay lost one full year of good time while being held in solitary
confinement at Pontiac Correctional.

Please call, email or write the Illinois Department of Corrections and ask that they reinstate Jared’s good time so he can get out earlier than expected. Jared lost his good time by getting ‘tickets’ at Pontiac, a result of his constant demands for health care and treatment for his Huntington’s Disease and Hepatitis C.
(217) 558-2200 x 2008

Illinois Department of Corrections
1301 Concordia Court
P.O. Box 19277, Springfield, IL 62794-9277

Illinois Department of Corrections
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph, Chicago, IL 60601

3) Send Jay a birthday card by June 12th

Jay’s birthday is June 12th and it has been a very tough year for him. Between being in a solitary cell all of the last year, getting indicted for
assault on a guard, having his sentence extended by one year and losing a full year of good time, Jay sure can use some birthday cheer!

In the weeks to come, let’s flood Jay with birthday love. Please send Jay a card, a letter, some photos or even a book (though we understand he has tons at the moment).

Jared Chase M44710
Pontiac Correctional Center
PO Box 99
Pontiac, Illinois 61764

Send books via amazon:

Send 99 cents postcards via flixshop https://www.flikshop.com/

Lets show the jailers how much support Jay has from our community and remind him we have his back through this sentence and beyond!

Will Obama Free Leonard Peltier?


He Killed Two FBI Agents. Or He Was Framed. After 40 Years, Will Obama Free Leonard Peltier?

American Indian activist Leonard Peltier in a Florida prison, January 1993

Leonard Peltier, a member of the Lakota tribe who was convicted of murdering two FBI agents in 1977, has spent 40 of his 71 years in federal prison. During that time, some have come to view him as an international symbol of the mistreatment of Native Americans by the US criminal justice system; others see him as the murderer of two FBI agents who should continue to pay his debt to society. Recently a group of prominent lawyers—backed by world leaders, civil rights activists, and several members of the US Congress—have renewed efforts to win his freedom by filing a formal appeal for clemency to the Department of Justice and requesting that President Barack Obama intervene on Peltier’s behalf.

In February, Martin Garbus, a well-known New York City trial lawyer and the lead attorney of the group, joined by former Assistant US Attorney Cynthia Dunne and attorney Carl S. Nadler, wrote a five-page letter to Obama urging him to grant Peltier clemency.* “[T]he time has come for the interests of the law enforcement community to be balanced against principles of fundamental fairness, reconciliation, and healing,” they contended.

They also submitted a 44-page petition for clemency to the Justice Department’s Office of the Pardon Attorney on behalf of Peltier, who suffers from various medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and a heart condition. All of this, the petition notes, impairs “his ability to walk, to see, and to conduct normal life activities…He is ill-equipped to cope with life in the maximum security prisons in which he has been jailed for many years.” The petition includes more than two dozen letters from supporters including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Coretta Scott King, several Native American tribes, and Amnesty International.

“Effectively, this Petition represents the last chance in Mr. Peltier’s lifetime for the Government to take curative and/or reconciliatory action.”

“Mr. Peltier has exhausted all appeals and is next eligible to apply for parole in 2024, in the unlikely event that he lives that long,” the letter to Obama states. “The Parole Commission has yielded to the objections of the FBI and DOJ in denying Mr. Peltier’s applications for parole at every turn. Effectively, this Petition represents the last chance in Mr. Peltier’s lifetime for the Government to take curative and/or reconciliatory action.”

Peltier’s case has long been a flash point in the strained relations between federal law enforcement and Native Americans. The killings occurred on the the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, about 18 miles from Wounded Knee, where 300 Sioux were massacred by the US military in 1890.

In 1973, about 200 Sioux, led by members of the American Indian Movement, occupied Wounded Knee for 71 days to protest injustices against Native Americans and what they perceived as the corrupt leadership of the reservation’s president. By the end of the standoff, two Native Americans had been killed, 12 were wounded, and 12 were “missing” but suspected of having been killed by tribal leadership, according to Peltier’s petition.

The three years after the Wounded Knee occupation became known within Native American circles as the “Reign of Terror,” a period during which dozens of Native Americans were murdered and hundreds were assaulted by a private militia that was aligned with Oglala Lakota Souix chairman Dick Wilson and known as the “GOON squad.” Two years after that, with the Reign of Terror fresh on the minds of everyone in the area, the deadly shootout with the FBI agents occurred.

Many of the facts about the deaths of FBI agents Jack Williams and Robert Coler are disputed. The FBI says the agents were on the reservation to arrest a different man wanted for robbery and that they were not looking for Peltier, who was wanted on a separate warrant related to an alleged attempted murder of an off-duty police officer in Milwaukee. When the agents came to the reservation that day, according to the FBI, they encountered a vehicle carrying Peltier and found themselves under fire. Williams and Coler each died as a result of point-blank shots to the head.

Peltier’s version of the story is presented in detail in his petition. He maintains that after the FBI agents came on to the private property, “I heard shooting, grabbed my rifle, and ran towards a residence where there were women and children, but quickly ran in another direction because my presence had attracted additional gunfire to the area.” He says the area was surrounded by more than 100 FBI agents, SWAT team members, Bureau of Indian Affairs police, and members of the GOON squad.

“Along with many other American Indians who were present that day, I fired shots in the direction of men whom I later learned were federal agents,” Peltier notes in the petition. “At the end of extended gunfire, three men lay dead: Special Agents Jack R. Williams and Robert A. Coler, and American Indian Joe Stuntz.”

Peltier says he fled the area, eventually ending up in Canada because he thought he wouldn’t get a fair trial in the United States. Using affidavits from a woman later determined to have been either coerced or incompetent, the US government had Peltier sent back to the United States in February 1976 to stand trial. Two other Native Americans, Robert Robideau and Darrelle Dean Butler, were arrested for the deaths of the two FBI agents, but only Peltier was convicted in a trial that contained a number of irregularities,including sworn affidavits from witnesses who said they’d been coerced by the FBI. While Robideau and Butler were acquitted in 1976, Peltier was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in June 1977.

“The finality of my conviction should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the means that were employed by the government to achieve the result.”

Peltier and his supporters have pointed out the many problems with his trial, highlighting the fact that the government eventually admitted it did not know with certainty who had fired the point-blank shots that killed the FBI agents. Nevertheless, the latest petition for clemency flatly states that Peltier is not trying to re-litigate the case: “The finality of my conviction should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the means that were employed by the government to achieve the result” (emphasis in original).

Over the years, prominent figures such as Nelson Mandela, Pete Seeger, Harry Belafonte, and Robert Redford have called for Peltier’s release.

Garbus tells Mother Jones that this is Peltier’s second formal petition for clemency. The first, submitted in 2000 during the Clinton administration, was likely undermined by a protest of 500 active and retired FBI agents who marched in front of the White House after the petition was delivered. Garbus has now reached out to several members of Congress, including Reps. John Lewis and Barbara Lee and Sen. Patrick Leahy, to advance Peltier’s cause.

“This is a different application than the one before Clinton,” says Garbus. “We hope that we will not see the same kind of opposition at this point from these FBI families, given the passage of years, given his sickness, and given his very clear expression of remorse.”

Garbus says he has not heard from any White House officials. A White House spokesperson and the FBI both declined to comment on the petition. The Office of the Pardon Attorney—the office within the Justice Department that handles requests for pardons and clemency—also didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Garbus says he’s trying to help Peltier for one simple reason: “Forty years is enough for a wrongful conviction.”

Read the letter to Obama and Peltier’s latest petition below:




Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated Cynthia Dunne’s title.

Bathroom Law – New Poetry by Marius Mason



I am in the middle of a shit storm without a scrap of toilet paper
Trans and token and barely tolerated in Texas,
Though way past school-age
The news these past few days like a Jerry Springer marathon on one topic
Unhinged angry-faced bullies, Rainbow hearts and brave allies
Accusations and absurdities fly around the room like spitballs
All about who can do what where in the bathrooms at school
We all gotta pee, it’s a commonality
In history, predictably, there’s always the backlash
Every tortured step forward in civil rights progression towards equality, humanity
Is met with tragedy
From battered Medgar Evers’ body
And Billie Holiday’s strange hangin’ fruit
To secret sailors flung overboard at sea and
Harvey Milk gunned down for being gay
How many years of little white signs on Bathrooms, drinking fountains, busses
Throughout the taciturn South
That said that to share this American life as equal citizens
Was to be contaminated
Those thugs worried about safety, too
They were protecting Southern womanhood by killing four little girls at church
What a load of crap, a tsunami of filth
A backed-up toilet of ignorance, no less dangerous
For its lack of common sense
But here’s the clincher
We all have skin in this game
No matter what color you are
We all gotta pee, it’s a commonality
and just like those wily old Nazis
Who knew to go for the edges, then cut to the middle
If they can make laws shaming and blaming and curtailing the rights
Of people like me, now
Then they can make a law stick to your sore spot, too
It’s all about power and precedent,
And really, we all gotta pee
That’s just human.


Letters of support can be sent to:

Marie (Marius) Mason #04672-061
FMC Carswell
Federal Medical Center
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127

Petition to Support Parole for Robert Seth Hayes


Robert Seth Hayes has been incarcerated since 1973. A victim of the FBI’s illegal COINTELPROgram, he has been behind bars for 43 years and is currently in his sixties.

Seth has maintained an exemplary prison record throughout this time. Seth—a husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend—is nearing his tenth parole hearing in 2016.


( here is the letter that those of us who sign the petition are supporting)


During the 1960’s and 1970’s, Robert Seth Hayes was a free man, closely involved in the nation-wide struggles for racial equality and social justice. Seth worked in the Black Panther Party’s free breakfast for children program and began dedicating his life to the betterment of Black people. His knowledge of the effects of racism on the Black community convinced him that the Black Panthers’ program of community service and community self-defense was what was needed.


The FBI and numerous police departments have since apologized for the massive illegal campaign (COINTELPRO) against social movements that left dozens dead and hundreds behind bars. However, the victims of these campaigns are still incarcerated, torn away from their families and communities years later. Seth is now in his sixties—any longer incarceration will do nothing to restore justice. A 43 year sentence is both unjust and unnecessary.


Seth is a man who has refused to allow his years of incarceration to embitter him. He has used it to deepen his commitment to humanity and self-betterment.


While in prison, Seth continues to work for the betterment of the community in which he lives. He has participated in programs with the NAACP, the Jaycees and other organizations and has worked as a librarian, pre-release advisor and AIDS counselor. Whenever possible, he has taken college courses. He has been a mentor and leader to youth both inside and outside prison walls.


Seth finally received treatment for his Hepatitis C this year, and no longer has Hep C. However, he has developed Congestive Heart Failure and emphysema this year. Seth also suffers from Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure. He has been extremely ill and has had great difficulty procuring necessary healthcare. He has needed the help of his lawyers and some state political leaders in order to get adequate treatment.


We ask you to release Robert Seth Hayes as a first step in healing the wounds of America’s violent and racist past. We ask that he be returned to his community of family, friends, supporters, and loved ones. We welcome him back.



Support Joshua Williams!



This 20-Year-Old Is Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

But Josh Williams vows to continue fighting for social justice during his eight-year term.


Ferguson activist Josh Williams, 20, is incarcerated in the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri, where convicted killers are executed.

BONNE TERRE, Mo. — Josh Williams was one of the youngest Ferguson activists protesting the police shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in 2014. He was arrested during the ensuing unrest over social justice issues that engulfed the Missouri city. Now, he’s incarcerated in a prison where convicted killers are executed.

“Inmate, where is your name badge?” hollers a guard at Williams, as he enters the prison’s visitor center with a smile on his face. Instead of the neon-green sunglasses and American flag bandana he wore as he protested in and around Ferguson during the protests, he’s wearing a gray scrub suit with white tennis shoes. The 6-foot Williams towers over the guards and other prisoners in the room, as an officer gives him another name tag.

The 20-year-old who had never been incarcerated before has now been behind bars for five months. Many activists have moved on to larger platforms to stand against police brutality, and though Williams has more than 90 months left to serve, his passion for civil rights remains strong.

“Prior to everything, I had been working with youth and that’s still in my heart,” Williams told HuffPost. “I’m going to continue to fight for other people in the the world.”

His sense of humor and willingness to confront authorities made him stand out during the protests. He yelled at officials at public meetings, and stood face-to-face with heavily armed police during the unrest. MSNBC and The New York Timeswrote about him. He marched alongside the philosopher Cornel West and spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C., that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized.

Then, just before Christmas 2014 and a few months after Brown’s death, a copfatally shot a teenager who the officer said pulled a gun on him outside of a gas station in Berkeley, a town near Ferguson. Protests erupted at the scene and there were clashes with police officers. People looted a nearby QuikTrip convenience store and video footage showed Williams attempting to light a fire near the building’s entrance. St. Louis County police arrested him on Dec. 26, 2014. His bond amount was set at $30,000.

Many activists were in court to support Williams, as he pleaded guilty on Dec. 10, 2015, to first-degree arson, second-degree burglary and a misdemeanor for stealing. His attorney told the judge Williams had never been in any major trouble before and that the medical evaluation had labeled his then-teenage client as “child-like.”

Yet Williams was sentenced to eight years in prison. That’s longer than other Missourians who committed similar crimes, including a 28-year-old man who started a fire that caused $1 million damage at the University of Missouri and Stephens College, who was sentenced to six and a half years.

Williams and his supporters believe that Judge John D. Warner Jr. sided with a prosecution request to “make an example” of him. Activists sang “Justice for Josh Williams, justice for all of us” while the judge broke to review information in another room.  “The protesters came to support me and he didn’t like that, so he gave me eight years,” Williams told HuffPost.

Williams became well known in and around Ferguson during the protests for wearing neon-green sunglasses and an American flag bandana, as he gave passionate speeches during rallies.

Williams is now incarcerated in the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center, about an hour’s drive south of St. Louis is Bonne Terre, Missouri, set amid heavily wooded hills. The facility holds around 2,000 inmates and is where the state carries out executions. Missouri officials executed six people there last year — more than every other state save Texas — and 10 people in 2014. That same year, authorities charged three former officers with inmate abuse.

He said he regrets what he did and before the Ferguson protests, he had a normal life. Williams grew up in St. Louis County, a region now notorious for using police departments to ticket mostly black residents in order to gain city revenues. Going to church every Sunday made him want to be a youth minister.

“It was peaceful,” he said. “I cut grass for most of my life, around my neighborhood. Helping my neighborhood out.”

During the Ferguson unrest, Williams spent nights with other protesters to avoid sleeping in parking lots. Williams said he ran away from home in order to be more embedded in the protests. Those who knew him best during that time say his relationship with his mother was strained. However, Williams said he now talks to her every day.

Tony Rice, a fellow Ferguson protester, said he decided to welcome Williams into his home after seeing other demonstrators give the young man blankets and pillows for yet another night sleeping on the streets. Williams had been staying with Rice for a few months before he was taken into police custody.

“He would stay up all night on my iPad listening to gospel music and reading the Bible,” Rice told HuffPost.

“He was more comfortable around adults than people his own age. I think when he got around kids his own age he tried too hard.”

Before heading back to his cell, Williams’ asked if HuffPost could rely the message to back to Rice, that he needs his address in order to schedule a visit.

Williams said he wants his protest family to continue to speak-out against police killings. “Although I’m in here, I’m still fighting in here. Keep strong with it and I’ll be out soon,” Williams said.

But first he must complete 85 percent of his eight-year sentence — more than six-and-a-half years. If he serves his full sentence, Williams would be released in 2023.



And you can send letters of support to:

Joshua Williams #1292002

Eastern Reception

Diagnostic and Correctional Center

2727 Highway K

Bonne Terre, Missouri 63628