
Reflections on White Supremacy by Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoner Jaan K. Laaman



Recently a smart progressive retired English professor remarked, “how can it be that in late 2016, police are routinely shooting and often killing Black people with almost no legal consequences?”  Police in the United States have been killing Black and other people of color, just like this for 20, 30, 50 years and more.  Back then they used to totally get away with it and today, not much has changed.

One big difference now, is that many of these killings are caught on phone cameras and put online and thus, seen by millions. In the last few days, we are again witnessing footage of police murdering Black people making the national news, and new protests and resistance are erupting as a result of these murders. Nonetheless, cops are rarely charged with any wrongdoing and even when they are, very few are ever convicted of any crime. For example, in April 2015, Freddie Gray Jr., a 25-year-old Black man, was arrested by police in Baltimore. Freddie Gray had three fractured vertebrae and a crushed voice box, which he suffered during transport in a police van. While in the police van, Gray fell into a coma and subsequently died; his death was due to injuries to his spinal cord. Although six officers faced charges related to the murder of Freddie Gray, they were all ultimately let off without any convictions.

An even more typical example, of police killing with impunity, is the decision of the Prosecutor and Grand Jury in Cleveland not to charge the two white cops who shot and killed a 12-year-old Black boy named Tamir Rice.  In 2014, Tamir Rice was playing with a toy pistol in a park outside a recreation center near his home.  Two Cleveland cops drove up and within 2 seconds, one cop repeatedly shot him.  They left him lying on the ground, not even attempting to give him first aid.  Tamir died of the gunshot wounds.  The Cleveland Prosecutor said, “it was a tragedy,” but the police did not break any laws or regulations and a Grand Jury absolved them of any wrongdoing.

Police Violence Today

Life in the USA means white cops routinely, that is, on a daily basis, killing people of color.  The government and legal authorities always have and continue to rule almost all of these killings as lawful and acceptable actions of the state.  So how can this be, that in the 21st century in a country supposedly based on law, Black people and other people of color can be routinely abused and even killed by agents of the state?

It’s not a mistake and it isn’t about Republicans or Democrats.  It is a historical and ongoing reality that people of color face institutional disparity and discrimination from all aspects of the U.S. state apparatus.  On a human individual level, a large percentage of white people have at least some prejudicial attitudes towards people of color.  It is true that throughout history, especially in the 20th century, great leaders and massive popular struggles confronted and challenged institutional discrimination and racist practices. Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Dubois, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, Fannie Lou Hamer, H. Rap Brown, Huey P. Newton, Assata Shakur, all these and so many more outstanding reformers and/or revolutionary leaders and activists, contributed significantly to the struggle for justice, freedom, and equality for Black people and all people of color in the United States.

Yes, progress has been made.  Barack Obama, the first Black man to be President, was twice elected. Yet everywhere we look, right on the surface and especially if we dig deeper, institutional discrimination, prejudice and racist practices and abuses continue in all aspects of life in the United States.

In 2016, the USA is a majority white country.  The United States comprises 5% of the world’s population, but incarcerates 25% of the world’s prisoners.  The majority of prisoners across the U.S. are people or color.  And on a daily basis Black men, women and even children are shot and often killed by mainly white cops, who almost always are cleared of any wrongdoing.

These are the indisputable realities in early 21st century life in the United States.  If we look back historically we can seen even more blatant and vicious racist abuses and practices in all areas of life, directed against all people of color.  This began with the earliest European contact and conquest of the Americas. Genocide, land theft, slavery of Indigenous people and the African slave trade, this was the origin of all the modern countries in North, Central and South America.


Resistance to Racism

From the early period of colonialism, when white supremacy was being constructed on lies, material benefits based on white skin privileges and the super exploitation of Black labor, there also was opposition and resistance to this hateful thinking and practice.  Native and Black people found many ways to resist and oppose slavery, from running away to burning down the plantation, sometimes with the slave owner still inside.  From these earliest times of resistance, there were white people who supported and assisted with the escapes and uprisings.  The “underground railroad” was operational for well over 100 years.  Networks, often of white homes and farms, gave refuge and assistance to Blacks who escaped from slave plantations and traveled north, sometimes all the way to Canada, to seek freedom.

The Abolitionist movement, actively worked for the end of slavery.  It included many white activists and leaders.  Although fewer in number, there also were militant white abolitionists like John Brown, who literally, with guns in hand, freed Black people held as slaves on plantations in Missouri and Virginia.


There have always been white people, often in leftist and revolutionary organizations and sometimes from religious groups, who have allied with and supported the freedom struggle and the National Liberations struggles of New African/Black, Native/Indigenous, Puerto Rican and Chicano people.  White people were in the Civil Rights movement, Communists in labor and community struggles, students, anti-racists and anti-imperialist activists supported the Black Power struggles. In the 80’s and 90’s the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee actively organized against racist attacks and terror, weather the racists were in white robes or blue uniforms. Other anti-racist formations, like the Partisan Defense Committee, which is still active today, organized large anti-Klan rallies in many cities. In 2016, we see the Movement for Black Lives mobilizing on a nationwide level, including the recent release of their comprehensive platform. We also see this movement gaining solidarity and support from a variety of white activists and organizations, as well as from other communities and people of color.

White supremacy, in theory and in actual racist practice, has always had opposition.  This resistance has and does include white people acting as allies and supporters of nationalist organizations and working in multinational formations.

Freedom is a Constant Struggle”

Many changes have and continue to occur in U.S. society.  Change, of course, is the only constant in all life and reality.  But the question my sister, the English professor, asked, how can racial discrimination and racist murders of people of color still be happening every day, can only be understood and answered by realizing that the false and ugly ideology of white supremacy continues to exist.  This false ideology was the underlying ideological foundation of what were the British colonies that transformed into the slave owning U.S. republic, which grew into U.S. imperialism and that today exists as the main military and imperialist superpower in the world.  Many changes have occurred, including progress and advances in human and public rights, but underneath it, the ideology of white supremacy still exists and corrupts the U.S..  This false ideology manifests itself in public acts and attacks, and in private thoughts and motivations.

White cops murdering Black children, millions of people of color facing discrimination in a myriad of ways, even while we have a President who is Black.  So, a final point about the false ideology of white supremacy.  The fundamental and necessary changes, that we the vast majority of people in the U.S. very much need and want, will only be achieved once we can unite and work together for our common good.  Racism and prejudicial thinking has been the main weapon used against working people – common people, to break our unity and defeat our struggles for progress, justice, a better life, for a revolutionary future of hope and peace.  Again and again strikes have been broken, community efforts derailed and sections of people have been misled and misdirected to act against their common interests because of racism and racial prejudice.

The false ideology of white supremacy has been the main weapon used against us, common people, working people, farmers, miners, teachers, shop keepers, unemployed people, and yes even prisoners too.  Most of us have had some direct experience dealing with the negative impact of white supremacist ideology.  Whether at work, in school or in the community, it is likely that some of our struggles have come up short or were defeated, because we were unable to sustain our unity in the face of the old “divide and conquer” tactics, based on racist thinking and perhaps weak or racist leadership. Many decades of community activism and revolutionary organizing all across the U.S., have made clear that no matter what the specifics of the struggle, unity is always necessary to sustain the effort and to actually win. As Mumia Abu-Jamal has famously stated, “when we fight, we win.” The main weapon used against popular struggle is and has been, to divide us based on racism and playing to lies of white supremacist ideology. Unity is our strength and rejecting racism is necessary for unity. Racism will continue to be used against us, until we expose it and simply reject it, for the lies and fabrications that it is.


About the author: Jaan K. Laaman is a long held U.S. political prisoner, one of the original Ohio-7/United Freedom Front defendants.  Jaan is the editor of 4strugglemag.org, a primary voice of political prisoners in the U.S. Jaan has two BA’s, one in Sociology and one in Psychology, from Saint Mary College in Kansas. Jaan can be directly contacted at:

Jaan Laaman (10372-016)

US Penitentiary Tucson

P.O. Box 24550

Tucson, AZ 85734

Janye Waller – an update and a new support flyer!



Janye Waller has been moved!


Here is his current mailing address:

Janye Waller BA2719

California Correctional Center

Facility B

PO Box 2400

Susanville, CA 96127

There’s also a new Support  Janye Waller flyer to distribute and raise awareness about Janye’s situation!


Please download the flyer, here: sjwfront , sjwback and share Janye’s story far and wide!



Support Coyote Acabo


Coyote Acabo , an anti-racist activist from Olympia, WA has a rough road ahead of him and could really use some support. He is currently serving 13 days on an anti-police graffiti case, and has another 22 days to serve in the very near future on a case where he was convicted of throwing a rock at a truck belonging to a neo-nazi. That’s a neo-nazi that showed up with many others to counter an anti-police brutality protest that Coyote was a part of.

Last year, Olympia saw a lot of spirited marches and demonstrations in protest of an Olympia police officer shooting two young black men, Andre Thompson and Bryson Chaplin. In response to the very understandable anti-police brutality demonstrations that were going on at that time, neo -nazis were showing up to disrupt the protesting which at times even meant neo-nazis attacking the protesters.

Well, Coyote has a third case that he is currently dealing with, and for that case his trial starts on September 19th where he is being charged with felony assault. In this case he is being accused of pepper spraying a counter protester who grabbed someone who was a part of an anti- police brutality protest that Coyote was a part of.

Coyote is now in the city jail in Olympia, WA and money is being raised that will go towards phone calls , commissary, and to help his family out while he is locked up.

Visit the crowd funding site,  here to learn more about how you can donate to the support fund. Also, please pass it around as well. Solidarity from near and far is so important in times like these.


Running Down The Walls – Chico – September 11th




RUNNING DOWN THE WALLS: AK Press, Critical Resistance (Oakland), Freedom Archives, The Pageant Theater, and Sacramento Prisoner Support will host a 5k run / walk / jog / bike on 9/11/16 at Bidwell Park, in Chico, CA. This event is designed to raise much-needed funds for the Anarchist Black Cross Federation (ABCF) Warchest.

SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE: Remember that many of those arrested in the past or present are not far from us. Many of them were and are community and labor activists, queer and environmental activists, people who decided to speak out against various forms of oppression and paid the price of freedom for their actions. Anyone of these people could have at one time stood beside us in a demonstration, at a speak-out or even a organizing meeting. At any moment it could be us who finds ourselves in this situation, so it is imperative that we ensure that a strong community of support exists for these people as well as ourselves. The strength of our movement is determined by how much we support our fallen comrades.

POLITICAL PRISONER/PRISONERS OF WAR: A person incarcerated for actions carried out in support of legitimate struggles for self-determination or for opposing the policies of the government or its political subdivisions. These prisoners come from a variety of backgrounds and movements, some of which include eco/animal liberation, anti-imperialist, Black/New Afrikan Liberation, anarchist, and Indigenous struggles, grand jury resistors and more.

WHEN: Sunday, September 11th, 2016 at 10:00a.m.

WHERE: Bidwell Park , Chico

Fee: $10 to enter

LOGISTICS: We encourage you to preregister by emailing rdtw.chico@ gmail.com. The 5K course begins and ends right off South Park Dr. (near Linden). We’ll assemble there starting at 9:30 and begin the event at 10:00 after an introduction and words of encouragement from PP/POWs (if you arrive late we’ll have someone to point you in the right direction). At the start/finish line (post-run) we’ll socialize and award prizes for fastest time and most money raised. We look forward to seeing you there!


“The first duty of the revolution will be to abolish prisons—those monuments of human hyprocrisy and cowardice. Anti-social acts need not be feared in a society of equals, in the midst of a free people, all of whom have acquired a healthy education and the habit of mutually aiding one another.”—Peter Kropotkin

GET INVOLVED: People can participate in the following ways: ★ Be a runner/cyclist: We are asking people or groups who are running to collect as many sponsors for the run as possible. Remember the money received is going to help imprisoned comrades. ★ Sponsor a runner/cyclist: This can be done through a flat donation to the runner/cyclist of your choice. ★ Sponsor Running Down the Walls: Any amount helps. Contact us at rdtw. chico@gmail.com if you want to donate to the cause by sponsoring the run. Organizations who donate more than $35 will be added to list of sponsor organizations on all fliers/posters (please specify if you would like to sponsor the run). ★ Donate directly to the Warchest: Send funds to Philadelphia ABC, indicating your desire for those funds to go to the Warchest. Please make checks and money orders to Tim Fasnacht. (Philadelphia ABCF P.O. Box 42129 Philadelphia, PA 19101). Or paypal to: timABCF@aol.com (and indicate your donation is on behalf of the Chico, CA event).

running down the walls sponsor sign-up

Runner’s Name: Phone/email: Runner’s Contribution:

Sponsor #1:


Sponsor #2:


Sponsor #3:


Sponsor #4:


Sponsor #5:


Sponsor #6:


Sponsor #7:


Sponsor #8:


Sponsor #9:


Sponsor #10:


……………………….= TOTAL

Over Ten years to talk about – Eric McDavid’s New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania speaking tour

Eric McDavid, a former Anarchist prisoner will be talking about ten plus years of experiences including federal prison time, the post release period and moving forward as well. The importance of supporting political prisoners will be brought up along with so much more. If you are in the area of any one of the locations listed at the bottom, please come, check it out and tell a friend!
Starting back in early 2006, from the first one of his co-defendants who took a cooperation deal and agreed to testify against Eric at trial to the second of his two co-defendants taking that same deal about 6 months later Eric began a long road as an anarchist prisoner. Being charged with” conspiracy to damage and destroy property by fire and explosive” and utilizing an entrapment defense it certainly doesn’t make things any easier if your co-defendants agree to testify against you.
Well, after twenty-eight months in “total separation,” a form of isolation at the Sacramento County Jail, he was convicted once the trial was over.  Subsequently Eric was sentenced to an outrageous 19 years and 7 months due to a Terrorism enhancement, and shortly after taken into the custody of the Federal Bureau of prisons. He was then sent to a medium security federal prison called FCI Victorville, where he ended up spending the majority of the sentence and then moved to a low security prison in San Pedro, CA.  It wasn’t until Sacramento Prisoner Support found out through multiple FOIA requests there was sufficient documentation of withholding evidence at trial that after a habeas petition was filed the new prosecutor which was assigned to Eric’s case made an offer to Eric’s attorneys that could bring him home.  If Eric would agree to a single felony charge of general conspiracy that carried a max of 5 years, and the district judge would sign off on it, he would be released with time served and have a max of 2 years probation.
After a very tumultuous transport from the low security prison, Eric returned to the Sacramento County Jail for the court appearance.  Well, after an anxiety filled court appearance on the afternoon of January 8th, 2015 and quite a few hours later, Eric McDavid walked out of the doors of the federal building at 5th and I streets in street clothes with a big smile on his face and ready to get into the back seat of his parent’s car in search of a little peace.
Now it’s been over a year and a half from that very day and Eric has a lot to share. Those nine years he endured from arrest, to the day the appeal went before the judge and he walked out and started the 2 years of supervised release. A probation that was terminated back at the ¾’s mark on May 8th of this year. Then there’s all that he has experienced since being released from federal prison and now being done with the probation as well. He has worked towards being a yoga instructor and last October was one of the many former political prisoners who helped encourage a committee to be formed within the National Lawyers Guild to focus on the issues Political Prisoners do face. There’s so much more, but we’ll let him tell you all about it.
Please check it out if you can and definitely spread the word about Eric McDavid’s New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania speaking tour.
To learn more about Eric’s case, please visit: http://supporteric.org/
The Tour:
7pm, Thursday, 08-11-2016
Burning Books
420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY
6pm, Friday, 08-12-2016
Stone Soup
4 King Street, Worcester, MA
7pm, Saturday, 08-13-2016
The Base
1302 Mrtyle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
7pm, Monday, 08-15-2016
Wooden Shoe Books
704 South Street, Philadelphia, PA
7pm, Tuesday, 08-16-2016
Big Idea Books
4812 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

July 27th is Larry ” Lobo ” Pendletons birthday

We were introduced to Lobo by Coyote Acabo, a former anarchist prisoner who spent 17 years at Ely State Prison. Coyote started the first Anarchist Black Cross prison chapter, and engaged in prison organizing , and rebellions to protest different policies or actions by the prison administration. Since fostering this relationship we have joined Lobo in supporting anarchist projects inside and outside of prison. If you ever think about a diligent artist in a small cell who does not let his situation get him down and instead is interested in how to use his craft to get him through his own struggle and to help the struggle at large, you might think of Larry “Lobo” Pendleton.

Happy Birthday, Lobo!

The two piece’s and the art on that t-shirt, are all by Lobo. And then there’s a message at the bottom from Coyote Acabo.






“I was friends with Lobo for 15 years inside the grueling dungeon of Ely State Prison. He is my friend. And to keep a friend for that long amidst such treacherous conditions says a whole lot,believe me! Lobo is a great artist who has taken a lot of time and care to teach younger prisoners how to excel in their own artistry. Lobo has contributed his art to many of my zines,even creating covers to many of my zines! He’s a good person,with little support . Please get to know and support this person;it will be an enriching,fulfilling experience for both you and him!” – Coyote Acabo

birthday cards ad letters of support can be sent to:

Larry Pendleton #33524

Ely State Prison

PO Box 1989

Ely, Nevada 89301



From: itsgoingdown.org

On Sunday, June 26th, over 500 anti-fascists converged at the Sacramento State Capitol to shut down the Golden State Skinheads (GSS) who were representing for the Traditional Worker Party (TWP).

Members of other Neo-Nazi groups were largely no shows, although two members of Blood and Honor were in attendance (and were quickly left behind by GSS) and were promptly ejected. A live streamer/reporter for fascist media outlet Red Ice Radio was also sneaking around the capital; the stream was shut down and they were showed a quick exit. Matthew Heimbach, leader of the TWP was noticeably not in attendance and instead sat at home on his computer and made commentary over the livestream and declared victory while his troops were running to their cars.

While a much more in depth and bigger report on this is sure to come soon, what can be said in short is that after having almost two months to build for a large mobilization the Neo-Nazis and white nationalists could only muster about 15-20 people on their side. For anti-fascists working between crews, organizations, and cities, we manifested a massive turn out in about half of the time. The crowd was racially and political diverse and had a strong showing of militant queer and trans people. There was also a large turnout of poor and working class whites as well as punk-rockers and traditional anti-racist skinheads who also threw the fuck down. The crowd was militant and dedicated to shutting down the rally while doing an amazing job of taking care of each other. Folks on the street after the clashes shook people’s hands and commended the black bloc for acting with courage and bravery.

The Neo-Nazis were not able to march and they did not have a rally. They were total failures. GSS couldn’t make it through the front and so they snuck around the back before being ejected. Everyone from GSS, to fascist media outlet Red Ice Radio, to unaffiliated white supremacists were shut down. GSS acted from a place of desperation; Anti-Fascists operated from a place of strength. Antifa had shut down all their other options and minimized what they could do, and after being confronted they quickly ran to their cars several blocks away and sped off.

While the crowd accomplished what it set out to do it came at a high cost. In the confrontation, several people suffered stab wounds and other trauma.

Many of the injured were fighting to break free from Class, Gender, and Racial oppression that shape the American colonialist reality.

Here are a list of ways that people can help:

  1. Donate to the Medical Fund:
    If you can, please donate to the bail and medical fund. Anything helps and you can also share the link on social media. Go there at:https://rally.org/June26th
  2. Throw a Benefit:
    Several groups are already planning benefit events in several locations. Host an event, discussion, or party to raise funds. ‘Welcome to Leith’ is now on NetFlix if you are looking for an excellent film to show. We also recommend getting in contact with a local anti-fascist speaker or holding a discussion about how these struggles are linked to what is happening in your area.
  3. Drop a Banner or Hold a Rally:
    Drop a banner in a public place, take a picture, and send in report to itsgoingdown.org. Hold a rally or demonstration, hand out flyers and talk with people about how what happened in Sacramento was a victory against fascism and white supremacy and why we should support the people that were injured fighting. These acts of solidarity with help build people’s spirits and show that our struggles are connected.
  4. Send a Card of Support:
    Want to send a message to anti-fascists who are dealing with injuries? You can send messages of support to: Sacramento Prisoner Support
    PO Box 163126
    Sacramento, CA 95816
  5. Take Action Against Fascism In Your Area:
    Organize, confront, and combat fascism and white nationalism in your area. Let us build from this mobilization and sweep the fascists off the streets. ¡No pasarán!
  6. Print out and Put Up Solidarity Posters:
    Download posters here and place them around where you live, work, or go to school. Take pictures and send them to itsgoingdown.org




Today, Eric King was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison in the federal district court in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Eric accepted a non-cooperating plea to one count of “use of explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce” (18 U.S.C. § 844[h]). The action he admitted taking was throwing a hammer and two Molotov cocktails through the window of the empty office of a US congressperson from Missouri late at night on September 11th, 2014.

The statutory minimum and maximum sentences for that charge are both 10 years, meaning that the set penalty is 10 years. Eric will receive credit for time served for almost two years of pre-trial incarceration, leaving him a little more than eight years to serve.

We do not know where he will be spending those years, though we commit to keeping you all up-to-date on his placement and well-being until he is free once more. The most recent updates will always be at http://www.supportericking.org.

A number of people gathered together today and made it through the court’s security check to fill the rows with love and solidarity. Thank you to everyone who came out! Eric was in the best spirits one could anticipate considering the grim circumstances at hand. As always, he demonstrated the incredible balance of light-heartedness and serious commitment to his values that we have come to appreciate in him so much. He entered the courtroom smiling at supporters and signed “I love you,” to his partner, a gesture of affection that was quickly squashed by a US Marshall. Despite the shackles on his ankles and wrists, he was warmly animated throughout the proceeding, smiling and rolling his eyes at the more laughable court proceedings, and even flipping off the prosecutor. He also delivered a powerful sentencing statement to the court, refusing to back down. Not even the gravity of the moment could keep his spirit down or his words in check.

Putting into words the emotions we’re all feeling right now is difficult. There is a certain sense of relief in knowing that he will soon be transferred out of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) Leavenworth. CCA is notorious for abhorrent prison conditions, and Eric’s time there has consistently shown that infamous reputation to be well deserved. We do not expect his time in federal prison to be good, but hope that he will have a better chance of getting his basic needs met in that system than he was able to find in the for-profit, slave-holding facility in Leavenworth. While there is a feeling of closure in this chapter of Eric’s story, there is also a palpable rage as Eric has been stolen from us and will remain locked away for the next eight years.

Prior to imposing the sentence and conditions of release, Judge Fenner felt it necessary to announce to Eric and enter into the court record that Eric is “obviously a sick, deranged and dangerous person” with a “history of mental illness.” While there is always room for learning and growth every time a comrade is imprisoned, we refuse this narrative that Eric’s actions can be summed up as those of a deranged individual. We want to strongly counter this assertion of the state and remind those who hold power that resistance to and direct attacks against systems and structures of oppression is not a sign of mental illness nor delusion. In fact, in many cases these acts of resistance, large or small, are the most sound reaction one could take when faced with the daily horrors and brokenness that are imposed on us all. Eric expressed no regrets today in court and we continue to stand in solidarity with him.

We’ll be sharing the transcript from the hearing as soon as we have it, including Eric’s sentencing statement (which he improvised in the moment). Overall, he lambasted the classist, racist, and patriarchal government and the way it destroys families and communities for the sake of the rich. He insulted the court, the judge, and the supposed “justice” they claim to represent. He stood proudly behind his act of rebellion, refusing to beg for mercy or to apologize for his actions. “This court is a farce. I stand by what I did. I’m happy I did it. I’m sorry that I got caught.”

We’d like to close with some of Eric’s own words, transcribed from a phone call with Eric last night:

“This has been a really fucking long and hard journey. CCA sucks. It is a horrible, horrible place. They have done everything imaginable just to drain all of the life and soul out of everyone here. I have been incredibly fortunate to have some many people come into my life and take a stand with me so that I didn’t have to face this shit alone. I have seen how difficult prison can be when you don’t have a support team and don’t have folks in your corner. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody but unfortunately it is the reality for most. The system breeds such an environment.

“There have been so many people that interjected themselves in my life with the sole purpose of being there for me and limiting the state’s crushing effect. I don’t know what I would do without those people. From the smallest greeting to the big gestures, everything has meant so much to me. Prison support is a real tangible thing that people can do for each other. We cannot have a functioning radical community without it. So thanks to everyone who reached out to me, if we still talk or not, you have been awesome.

“Now that said, I stand by my actions. After seeing what happened in Ferguson, so close down the road, I was disgusted by the lack of mobilization in my city. Three hours away people were fighting for their lives and we weren’t even taking to the streets. We were doing nothing. My act as a very personal display of my anger and rage toward the state as well as an act of solidarity to everyone in Ferguson. We never know our own strength until we are tested and even with my ridiculous sentence I feel at least proud to have been able to stand strong and refuse to cooperate with the state.

“I am just really happy that I don’t have to take this alone and have so many amazing people standing next to me. Until all are free.

“Thank you for your roles in my life and for your support.”

Keep posted for future updates on Eric. And drop him a line to show him your solidarity:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

You can also donate to his support fund at http://fnd.us/c/316cDf/sh/a4jVK6. You can get a kick-ass support t-shirt when you donate $20 or more!

Love and rage,

EK Support Crew

Jalil Muntaqim’s Response to Parole Denial and Parole Board Decision



June 27, 2016

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

As many of you have learned, I was interviewed on June 21, 2016 by the parole board for the ninth time. On June 27, 2016, I received their decision (attached) denying my release, basically reiterating all that has been said the previous eight times I was denied parole. The denial is based primarily on the “nature of the crime” and “criminal history”—something that will never change. Reading this denial, we can see they doubled-down on attempting to characterize me as an unremorseful “cop killer,” absent any evidence to support their position after 44 years of imprisonment.

As previously mentioned, Edward Sharkey, one of the parole commissioners who conducted this hearing, was the same parole commissioner who conducted the hearing in 2012, and was on the panel denying parole in 2014. This 2016 parole hearing is the third consecutive time he was present on the panel and voted to deny release. Although in 2014 one commissioner voted for my release, notably an African-American woman, this time all three commissioners denied my release. Significantly, one of the commissioners, Ellen Alexander, was on the March 2016 panel of my co-defendant Herman Bell and denied his release on parole. It has become ever more apparent that a fair and impartial parole hearing is not possible, despite 44 years of having done everything necessary to be granted parole.

For example, in the parole hearing of 2014, one of the commissioners raised that I received a disciplinary report in 2013 (for having two stamps on my way to the library), and that the COMPAS Risk Assessment reported “Prison Misconduct – High.” The 2014 parole decision denying release stated in part: “You have multiple prior disciplinary violations during this term and your risk because of prison misconduct is scored as ‘HIGH’ … You need to improve your behavior to demonstrate the ability to comply with rules, which will be necessary when in the community.”

However, the 2016 COMPAS Risk Assessment reports: “Prison Misconduct – Low,” having demonstrated the correction of the previous report and behavior. Furthermore, previous assessments of 2014 read: Risk of Felony Violence 2 Low; Arrest Risk 2 Low; Abscond Risk 4 Low. The 2016 COMPAS Risk Assessment reads in these same areas: Risk of Felony Violence 1 Low; Arrest Risk 1 Low; Abscond Risk 1 Low. Therefore, I not only addressed and lowered the Prison Misconduct issue used to deny release in 2014, all other concerns which were low in 2014 are lower in 2016. In essence, there is no risk of felony violence, arrest risk, abscond risk, and prison misconduct as a reason to deny release. So, what did they rely on to deny release? History of Violence—a history that is subject to the history and nature of the crime from 1971, 45 years ago when I was originally arrested. Something that will never change!!!

Given the fact that I am unable to obtain a fair and impartial parole hearing, I am urging family, friends and supporters to initiate a national campaign directed to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, persuading him to grant Commutation of Sentence to Time Served. Governor Cuomo has the authority to commute this 25 to life sentence to time served, giving consideration to all that I have accomplished in 45 years of imprisonment, the degree of family and community support, and the original sentence has for all intents and purposes been served. I am asking everyone who recognizes the NYS Parole Board is biased as a law enforcement agency in cahoots with the PBA’s opposition to my release, to initiate a national campaign calling and writing to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, urging that he commute my sentence to time served.

In closing, I need to extend my gratitude to all those who wrote letters and signed petitions in support of my release on parole. It has been your support that has strengthened my resolve and kept me determined to continue to fight for freedom. Over the years, we have witnessed the release of Marshall Eddie Conway, Albert Woodfox and Sekou Odinga, all of which leads to the reality that, with a solid tenacious determination, we can win over the injustice of repression. This is extremely upsetting to me and my family, especially when knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do alone, having already done everything asked of me by the parole board, to persuade them to grant parole. Therefore, we need to up the ante in our demand for fair and impartial parole hearings by putting the onus for change in parole and my freedom in the hands of NYS Governor Cuomo. Please call and write often demanding commutation of sentence to time served, and my immediate release from prison.

Sincerely yours, in struggle,
Jalil Muntaqim

Parole Decision:

Conditions of Release/Staff Instructions/Reasons for Denial:

After review of the record and interview, the panel has determined that if released at this time, there is a reasonable probability that you would not live and remain at liberty without again violating the law and your release would be incompatible with the welfare of society and would so deprecate the serious nature of the crime as to undermine respect for the law. The panel has considered your institutional adjustment including discipline and program participation. Required statutory factors have been considered, including your risk to society, rehabilitation efforts, and your needs for successful re-entry into the community. Your release plans have also been considered, as well as your COMPAS Risk and Needs Assessment, case plan, and sentencing minutes which are in the file. Your instant offense, murder (2 counts), involved you, acting in concert, shooting and killing two police officers. You admit to firing a weapon during the crime. You have engaged in other unlawful actions which resulted in probation and serving state time in California State prison. You are a multistate offender with offenses committed in California as well as New York. You do have a juvenile history and conviction in the Federal system. Due consideration given to your document submissions, program accomplishments, and letters of support from defense attorney and official sources and program completions. Due consideration was given to packet of National Lawyers Guild. This panel remains concerned about your history of unlawful and violent conduct, and your COMPAS Risk Assessment is “High” for history of violence. Your conduct could be viewed as an assassination of two unsuspecting police officers who were merely walking toward their car and reflects a disregard for human life. There is significant community opposition to you release. You also expressed limited remorse for the death of the two police officers who were merely doing their jobs. Accordingly, discretionary release at this time is not warranted. PAROLE IS DENIED.

Parole Commissioners Conducting the Hearing:
Edward Sharkey, Ellen Alexander, Marc Coppola


Political Prisoner Sundiata Acoli: Ride and denied


by Sundiata Acoli

This is a brief recap of my parole hearing and denial.


Almost two years ago, Sept. 29, 2014, the New Jersey Appellate Court ordered the New Jersey Parole Board to “expeditiously set conditions” for my parole. The Parole Board appealed the order on grounds that I had not undergone a hearing before the full Parole Board prior to securing the order for release.

Almost two years ago, Sept. 29, 2014, the New Jersey Appellate Court ordered the New Jersey Parole Board to “expeditiously set conditions” for my parole.

The New Jersey Supreme court reversed the Appellate Court’s order and remanded the case to the full Parole Board for completion of the administrative process, which, for a convicted murderer like me, requires a full hearing before the Parole Board prior to securing release from incarceration.

The process further requires that the victim be given the opportunity to address the board and to witness the full board’s interaction with the incarcerated murderer prior to his or her release.

The Ride

So on June 6, 2016, I was transported by van to Trenton, N.J., for a parole hearing – without my attorney present – before the full New Jersey State Parole Board. Upon arrival at New Jersey State Prison (NJSP), formerly Trenton State Prison (TSP), the driver of the van reported that he had “inadvertently” left my legal valise, containing ALL my legal material, at FCI Cumberland, Maryland.

New Jersey and the FBI are caught in a time warp and can see Sundiata Acoli only as a cop killer, not the brilliant mathematician, computer analyst, intellectual and humanitarian known and loved by the rest of the world, who registered voters in Mississippi in 1964, worked in Harlem with the Panthers, and has educated, mentored and counseled countless younger prisoners over the years; he is their hero. Imagine the term “killer cop” branding someone and burying him behind bars for life. – Photo: Star-Ledger

Most importantly, the valise contained my speech, “Why I Should Be Paroled,” co-written by my dear comrade-daughter Fayemi Shakur and me, which I planned to deliver before the full board two days hence. I asked the driver to call R&D at FCI Cumberland and have them mail my valise overnight.

NJSP immediately mug shot me, gave me a Sundiata Acoli NJSP photo ID with my height reset from 5 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 5 inches by a spiteful guard, took me to lockdown and cut off all communications and contact between me and the outside world: NO incoming or outgoing mail, telephone, telegram, email, visitor, money transfer, commissary, pen, paper, pencil, eraser, stamps, envelopes, towel, face cloth or pillow.

I told them I was from a medium security federal prison with no reason to be locked down. They ignored me. My attorney, Bruce Afran, was scheduled to visit me the next day, the cell was freezing cold, it was near sundown so I called it a night and slept in my jumpsuit.

Next day I arose at sun-up, stiff necked, showered and shook myself dry like a wet dog. I was given two-thirds of my normal medication dosage at FCI Cumberland and when I asked why, I was given no reason but simply told “No.”

I told them I was from a medium security federal prison with no reason to be locked down. They ignored me.

I was four-man escorted to Health Services for a Hep-C blood test and returned to my cell when I noticed they had written “PC” and “NO-CON`” (i.e., “Protective Custody” and “NO CONTACT” respectively) on my cell ID card. I told the escort sergeant that I was not PC, had not requested PC and would sign any release form necessary to remove myself from PC custody.

He said “No,” nor would he summon a lieutenant or the captain to that effect, so I resigned to put my attorney on the matter when we met. A prisoner overheard my complaint to the sergeant and sent me a stub pencil with no eraser. I was most thankful and sat down to write what I could remember of my “parole” speech when the guard called out that my attorney is here.

Bruce’s father had died the previous week, but he was holding up well. He shared some youthful photos of his father and family with me, I expressed my condolences and we got off into the work.

I told him they had lost my legal material, they have me in “total” lockdown, have a “PC” sign on my cell door and have cut my meds to two-thirds of the dosage I received at FCI Cumberland. Bruce said he’d look into it and that meanwhile we needed to focus on the parole hearing tomorrow.

Hearing day

On June 8, 2016, I arose and told the guard I had no clean clothes and no (safety) razor but I did have a parole hearing today and I’m NOT going to the hearing unless I get a shower, razor and clean clothes. He produced all three within the hour except he substituted a barber for the razor.

The U.S. Cold War with Cuba is thawing, whetting the appetite of New Jersey and the FBI to throw Assata Shakur back in a U.S. prison. They’ve labeled her a “terrorist” – she’s the first woman on the FBI’s terrorist list – and raised the price on her head to $2 million. That is a measure of the same officials’ attitude toward her co-defendant, Sundiata Acoli. This photo is from a New Jersey State Police-FBI press conference on May 2, 2013. – Photo: Ed Murray, Star-Ledger

I noticed that my ankles had begun to swell from water accumulation due most likely to the change in my medication. I was escorted to take a TB x-ray and returned to put the finishing touches on my speech when the guard said, “Parole Board’s calling!”

The hearing lasted from about 9 a.m. until about 4 or 5 p.m. It reached a new level of examination, cross-examination and recrimination.

Again they questioned me primarily about the events on the turnpike and almost nothing about my many positive accomplishments. They also asked: “Aren’t you angry that they broke Assata out of prison instead of you?” My response was: “No, I don’t or wouldn’t wish prison on anyone.”

Again they questioned me primarily about the events on the turnpike and almost nothing about my many positive accomplishments.

At the end, they again denied parole and plan to go outside the guidelines to give me an “extended” (longer than usual) “hit” (time until next parole hearing.) Since Blacks, others of color and the oppressed are the overwhelming majority of people in prison, we need to seriously think about creating parole boards that mirror the people in prison, that is, “People Parole Boards.”

My remaining two weeks at NJSP were spent in almost complete isolation from the outside world, except my last night there the Inmate Legal Association (ILA) sent me a free permit for an outgoing legal letter. By then my ankles were almost continually swollen from excess water buildup. I wrote my favorite attorney and next morning they packed me out for the return trip to FCI Cumberland.

Send our brother some love and light: Sundiata Acoli (Clark Squire), 39794-066, FCI Cumberland, P.O. Box 1000, Cumberland MD 21501.