Unity in Georgia Prisons

To all comrades on lockdown or in population. Regardless of your affiliation, belief or religion this applies to all of you…

I know and overstand all that has happened over the past few years dealing with different fractions. And as you all can see things have only gotten worser & worser. All we’ve done was forced D.O.C. to implement a mental oppression program called “Tier” which is designed to break us to control us. What’s going on have begin to affect us all with their attempts to demoralize us by driving us of basic human needs. We being oppressed, suppressed, & repressed on a daily basics and we doing nothing to ameliorate our situation why? Because for number one we have no UNITY. We’ve allowed prison officials to use divide-and-conquer tactics on us and use guard brutality and the “Tier” to install fear and all we doing is helping them by oppressing each other. We worry so much about harming each other, keeping our foot on each other neck and forget him he not a part of what we apart of or he not from where we from so forget him. This type of thinking not helping us. In order to stop this imperialist system we as a whole have to be willing to put all our differences aside we gotta realize we not each other enemy the enemy go home everyday the enemy come up with more diabolical things to harm us mentally & physically. These pigs attempting to mentally incapitate us & again we helping them by looking at each other as enemies by looking down on the next man instead of uplifting him. We as a whole got to stand as one with the VOICE OF ALL we the only ones that can stop this mental, physical and emotional oppression Being administered by prison officials. Every major state have a major prison movement that stand for prisoner rights the only way we going to change GA D.O.C. we got to start our own. We have people out there in society that’s willing to help us and stand with us and get us the media attention we need.

We gotta have unity we can’t be afraid to unify with the next gang, organization, family, belief or religion.

We in prison but we still have rights..

Love & loyalty
Jarvis Booker
Valdosta State Prison


How could they not understand? This is a question that I asked when we are forced to retaliate because justice has been prejudiced against us throughout many years, pushing us to live with so many fears due to the deep tones of internalized oppression that was passed along several generations of our ancestors, what normal person with a civilized mind hoards a hate-filled heart towards another for their cultural relations with nature that a higher source created? Despite skin color, ethnic origin, political affiliation, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or religious belief – our ultimate purpose is to live life in peace,

But through the years of political tyranny anger and power has caused us to hate one another, in depths that we’ve lost the capacity to have empathy for others who suffer from the same struggle,

The world has become a place of poverty and servitude, organized and designed so that white supremacy will forever rule, they’re consumed with the belief that all poors are entitled to unjust rewards, a ritualized tradition that prevents the majority from moving forward, this is an act of conscience conscienceness that should be considered blasphemy to the lord,

It’s sad to admit the feeling of being left out of that we’re unable to identify with those who suffer it, when the results clearly indicates that we all should begin putting up a different fight for human rights,

The land of dignity, freedom, fairness, and decency? But the system is influenced by the consideration of race that refuses to recognize all human life equally, how could you not understand a fighter of oppression? How could a person declare someone as less than human by placing them in the category of another, refusing to see them as an equal being who deserves the same respect and hospitality and equality that they want for themselves? Do the system expect the oppressed to continue living through all the domestic turmoil of this nation without putting up a fight? We’ve exhausted every available avenue for a positive solution that we hoped would’ve rectified the ugly spirit that has grip the soul of this nation, our calls have been ignored continuously, which has led to a new strategy – FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!!! Our hands were forced so how could you not understand??


Shawty sit down and listen to me cuz I’m raw and uncut which make me the truth. Then again when you look into my eyes I am the future for the young black youth, also I have dreams for bigger and better things like Dr King.

Speaking the X of Malcolm trying not to be dirty like a falcon, to my  niggas in prison doing dead time. You gotta get up strength and elevate your mind, cuz life is not about money, sex and crimes even know we committed a crime God forgive us and hope we find the right state of mind.

Soldiers and thugs may run around beefing, killing each other for what reason and why? Slanging crack in the hood in the stormy weather, but turn around and say the white man is stealing our land raping our ladies and killing our babies. Which is true but if you turn around and FACE REALITY we gave them the power to do what they do. So go read and seek for the truth and find the belief that’s real for you, words from Westside the wild kid of the streets to speaking JEWELS for the young black youth the TRUTH.

Written by:
Lamar ‘Westside’ Gates

The Black Abomination: writings from Valdosta Prison

written by a young Black anarchist: JaCorie Hinton

The Black Abomination

I the Black Race am my own enemy, for years I have brought corruption and destruction amongst my own people. Killing, stabbing, beating and abusing my own kind with the same structural image as my self Black hair, brown eyes, chocolate or caramel colored skin. Installing this illiterate and destructive behavior in our kids making this a continuous cycle embedded in my Black society like a genetic disorder. Causing the prisons to overflow with the majority of my Black people and the streets to be a place unsafe to the Black community and a war zone to the Black uneducated beings lost to jealousy, lust, envy, and greed. Making it easy to be recruited for the growing prison systems steady flow of my Black bretheren who then become lost in the White Man’s system. We are the Black Abomination a plague, sickness, a disease to our own race. We are our very own geneside and manufacturer of our own Extinction. And until we can overcome these manipulative and destructive living conditions we will always be the minority of the human existence. We are hated as a whole by Amerika and in the rest of the world, and looked upon as the Black Abomination we are are own enemy but I am still proud to say I am Black. Teach and protect our race so one day our race will live on Black Lives Matter

When Will We Come Together?

By Paul Maynor

Valdosta State Prison

As I sit in this 8×10 cell and watch spiders and ants kill and fight their own over food, I see no difference in us. Prisoners are in the same boat. As I listen to brothers kick on doors, cause harm to cellmates, argue with one another about what he had or what they were doing in society, I wonder to myself do they really know what’s going on around them? Behind these terrible walls, or their loved ones in society? Can we really call it society which means “people working together for a common purpose, companionship”? I rather use “sick world”! I just try to make sense of it all. When will we come together?

I often question – well, I won’t use “question”. I often build with the ones who are blind to what’s obvious (the prisoners). Is it really about African Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians or any other race? Or is it about the rich on one side and the poor on the other? We all are getting oppressed no matter out racial complexion. So again I ask: When will we come together?

Prison guards, a.k.a. “The Devils”, make unnecessary noises at crazy hours when they know prisoners are asleep. They shakes us down, take what they want, tear our cells up. Dogs dumping on our belongings, no new mattress, sheets, blankets or none of that, and we’re left to clean up what they’ve torn up. Only to round us up and take our anger out on each other. But yet we let them walk right out the same way they came in, untouched or unharmed with all our belongings. But when another prisoner does the same thing, and takes something from you, you’ll get it back and cause harm, maybe even be ready to catch a murder charge about it. What’s the different? I still wonder: When will we come together?

Unity is the key to everything, or am I the only one who knows that? When you have unity, you’re a threat. But why, what’s to be afraid of? We’re only coming together. I just wish and wonder, when will we come together? KKKops are killing and brutally harming individuals because of their own reasons. It’s not the rich, it’s only the poor whose getting enslaved. And yet they’re walking free, with no charges at all. But the poor kills someone, you’re “guilty until proven innocent”. The poor kills a KKKop, you’re sentenced to death. But what’s the difference? They’re both human lives. When will we come together?

We see KKKorrectional Officers slamming another prisoner’s head to the concrete. They (KKKorrectional Officers) tell us to face the fence. And what do we do? You wouldn’t have guessed in a million years: we face the fence. But you see a prisoner doing the same thing, you aid and assist the prisoner then. Why won’t you help him when he’s being oppressed? But you’d rather leave him/her to fight an army by themselves. When will we come together?

We watch another prisoner get slaughtered like a pig in a butcher’s shop. Officers take hours to get there, jogging or walking to the action, while someone’s life is on the line. And yet, an officer gets punched in the face, every other officer on duty runs to the action in a matter of seconds with no questions asked, beats you and hog ties you like a pig, and takes you to the hole and beats you again. Someone gets injured in a poor neighborhood, an ambulance takes forever to get there. But some of the same actions take place in a wealthy neighborhood, and they get there in record-breaking time. When will we come together?

Only difference between male prisoners and female prisoners are the sex types. We both go through the same thing, we’re being oppressed. Black lives aren’t the only lives that matter, all lives matter. I just don’t understand it, we will war against each other who feels as if they deserve respect, but we won’t war against the oppression, who clearly disrespects, along with destroys us mentally and physically. When will we stand up? When will we come together?

How can you say “In God We Trust” and believe in god and turn right around and do devilish things to god’s children? Is it because we sinned? Does that make them better than us? No! God said himself that no one is sin-free. Still I wonder: When will we come together?

If you’ve seen “Planet of the Apes” (not the old one but the one they brought back out), it’s showing you the same exact thing we’re going through today. Only difference is that they used unity and some even sacrificed themselves. We did not, and still to this day we still are not in no type of unity. They stood up for what they thought and believed, what was right, which was freedom. Free from being oppressed. It’s a message that a lot of people around the world missed. They were against each other at first, then Ceasar brought everybody together and explained in a way they could understand what “unity” was, and in the end they were at peace, mentally and physically. Still the billion dollar question that I have heard no answer to, but yet a bunch of negative people say we can’t do it, or it won’t work, but no one has taken the initiative to even try to do what so many oppressors are threatened by – and that is unity. When will we come together?

Question for the people: why is the lowest amount of money you can’t spend nowhere brown, and no other color? You think slavery has really been abolished, huh? IT’S TIME WE CAME TOGETHER. Fight for what’s right!

Last Stop Valdosta State Prison

My name is Aron Rexhepi. I’m writing this story based on facts. Valdosta State Prison is mistreating inmates like myself and has shown deliberate indifference to medical needs.

On Feb 26, 2016 I was brought to VSP from Georgia State Prison, Tier 2 program. On March 15, 2016 I placed a sick call to see a dentist. Due to my gums and tooth was cutting into my gums and bleeding. By March 25, I still did see no one. And my face started to deform due to bleeding and swollen gums from my tooth cutting in to my jaw bone.

On 5/12/16 I wrote a warden to seek some type of help. After, no response from the so-called warden. I placed an emergency grievance on 5/18/16, however there was also no response to that. As I was sitting in K-1 lockdown unit Tier 2 program, I began hitting the door yelling for help, crying. Finally after 35 to 45 minutes of nothing but kicking the door, a sgt comes to me and he began hitting my door, saying “You like this? You like this?” After 9 min of his foolishness, he seen me crying and said “What’s going on?” like he sees nothing wrong with my face. I tell him that I’m in need of a dentist doctor, and that my face is swollen and that I could not eat or sleep, and that I have placed 3 sick calls and no one has come to see about me. He then states “Well big guy, VSP does not have a dentist” like I was asking him are they hiring or in need of a dentist as a worker. He then also said “You’re not doing to die, it’s just a little pain with some swelling. And if you keep hitting this door, I’m going to phase you back and make you do 9 more months in Tier 2.”

I then began to write Ms. Woods, a dept warden of care and treatment, on 5/5/16 and 5/26/16. Still no response. I then wrote Warden Mariy S Allen for the 3rd time. This time I was pleading with him in my request, asking him to take me to a prison with right medical/dental care. Still no response.

On June 6, 2016 I was seen by a dentist at VSP after waiting for 4 months of nothing but pain. Ms Dr. Crawford stated “How long you been like this?” talking about my face. I stated “For months”. She then did an x-ray and said “I got to do what’s called an emergency surgery”. The surgery took her 2 hours. She said “If you would have waited 1 more month you might have lost all your back teeth!”

Also just 3 weeks before I was seen by Dr. Crawford, an LPN saw me and tols me “Damn, who hit you?” I told her “No one hit me, it’s my back tooth”. Then she states to the officer “It’s not his tooth, he’s lying. And if it is his teeth, he’s out of luck. We don’t even have a dentist.”

Just after the surgery on June 10th, 2016, I saw Ms Dr. Crawford again. This time I asked her why I was talking funny and why my tongue was numb and why my speech has changed. She stated “I might have damaged some nerves. But I still need to do a 2nd surgery.” I then told her “Ms. Crawford, you must not have slept last night, or must have bumped your head real hard on something” looking at her with a crazy look. She then stated “It won’t hurt, and it will take only 15 minutes.” I stated “No thank you, I’m okay…”

The grievance dated 5/18/16 was responded to on Jun 26, 2016 only to state by mr. Allen that at the time, VSP was without a dentist, however you were seen 10 times by medical, you could have addressed this issue at any time.

It is crazy how people in prison get mistreated. Inmates are hopeless and must kill themselves when inmates don’t get the right mental health or medical care. And it’s sad how a human treats another human like a dog. As and inmate, I always ask myself “Damn, am I going to Hell for all the wrong I did?” But some times say to myself “No, I’m not. I have been judged my a human, to be placed in a place where it’s like Hell.” Then also ask myself where are prison workers that were in prison? Where are they going it’s got to be a worse place for them.

Fight with the pen, and force when needed

Peace to all those reading. and those who endure this constant battle of daily oppression while locked down on this Tier II program in this state of Georgia prison system. It’s hard to maintain a sane mind where insane men will sometimes drive sane men insane. We must remain strong and strive together as a whole. The system is very afraid of our unity so they’ll do nearly anything to keep us divided and blind to the fact of the matter. I stand beside those few brothas who I identify as the last of the Dying Breed. I support the men that took the stand on Sept 9 and I respect those like me brotha Jarvis Booker who has been a role model and a constant guide of light for me to see that we all are fighting the same battle. That my anger shouldn’t be directed to the next man in a white jumpsuit for he too is being oppressed by the same wicked system. How to fight with the pen, and force when needed. This brotha is one of the last of our breed. I give Trouble D much respect for taking this stand on Sept 9. Peace to all those that took their stand. I want to share these spoken words that I named the last of a Dying Breed.
Bear with me as I try not to be harsh as the truth that is cuttin deeply to my roots of uncompromising justice. I will remain solid, not moving a bit as I try to be heard by deafstruck ears. It feels as if I’ve made a private covenant with the angels of death in the arrangement of my soul to rot in Hell. As I live in a place and time that tries men souls I will remain strong not retreating a single inch as I battle this 5 headed monster. “No more oppression!” I scream as I grow mentally physically weak as the rain of blows come rapidly. My voice grows weaker with each scream. I wonder if I am being heard never giving up. I refuse to surrender. I am one of many warriors losing this constant battle against this majorly wicked system. The walls scream from the pain of the men that tried but failed before me. So my fellow brothas join arms with me not against me. We’ll be heard some day. until then I battle this beast head on alongside of the last of the dying breed.

By Don Rosco

Valdosta State Prison

Protest organizer on lockdown for demanding fair pay

Georgia prisoners this is your comrade blaqman seer behind enemy lines at Hayes state prison. the time is now for us as a whole to come as one and grieve the involuntary pennal servitude and poor sources for rehabilitation in the Georgia state penal system. the ” working against the recidivisim act” is an act that set guidelines for prisoner payments under o.c.g.a 42.5.120-125 in compliance with the u.s.c. title 18 section 1726 prison industrail enhancement ( pie) certification program. If by right we can be paid the by right we must fight. the officers here at Hayes state prison are actually advising resistance against the corrupt order of repression at the prison. warden sparryberry is aware of the maltreatment and malpractices that is being implemented. who can society blame, the creation of disorder or its creator? the logical answer to the hidden truth behind the reasoning of Georgia prison industry. slavery for the oligarchs. I speak the truth when I say a indigent being, being force to commit criminal acts to survive who only works with the means provided by the hiearchy. we work 7 days a week without pay for 10 hours at the least and our oblige incentives are turned into privileges. self reliance is to get it by the means in which are available and necessary. we are force to think like criminals being that the order of control is criminalize to. all power to the struggle! we must realize there is no justice it is just us

This is the Last of My Kind

I’m foreseeing the future, and i’m asking myself in particular why is the blacks, whites, hispanics, etc in America waiting on the tragedy to come in order to unite? The answer that I find reasonable is even the wise and awakened ones fall victim to the confusions and illusions of our government tactics and strategy. The majority would take this as I’m down playing them or calling them stoooopid! Yeah, that would be if you fail to open your mind and stop viewing this war like everyone don’t want to do this. All that have to be done is for everyone to become full-time rebellious, fight against or resist the established authority of the government reiteration.

Some will die in this war, but even if you go on the field, do you really think that someone would be you? Hell no! That’s why I can easily engage in a physical combat, because I believe the only way we can take back and restructure or whatnot is by making them submit physically, by conquering and not just to keep trying to defeat on papers and with this manipulative-ass constitutional law shit. It’s the time of violence, sacrifices, and for you to stand for what you know or believe.

Whites govern whites, blacks over black and so on. That’s just be thinking if we really conquer our government, live through marshall law – which is a code of attack – and when the smoke clear, you still will have those negative reckless conduct sort of peoples of all nationality. So truthfully anarchys, revolutionaries, atheists, muslim, christians, 5%, Jehova, etc: how will we all conquer and live as one in peace?

My last question is if the government is a system of governing. A system is interrelated or complex whole, organized arrangement or network, scheme of action, procedure or classification, method. Prevailing political or social order. Orderliness. And most of you see the President as the top and the only problem I have is that the CIA, FBI, IRS, banks, sheriffs, police, correctional officers, drug and gang task forces, etc is a part of this body and these people that work in these fields are related to us outsiders or our comrades one way or the other. So some of you who know it isn’t right refuse to go all the way because your relative have been brainwashed to take a stand against his own flesh and blood. It might was another officer, warden, etc that brought trauma to you, or a judge. But just because your loved one’s actions seems harmless in your eyes cause around you, you only see family, but every day your family put that uniform on and badge he’s/she’s a part of the problem. Rather y’all are having casual conversation about this and you say to him “the such and such movement is having this event under these circumstances on this date because of this reason to get this accomplished.” You feel that it’s no big deal, but it is because now the word is passed through their operation and they are very intelligent like second instinct (police instinct). They will utilize your casual family conversation to destroy us before we even started. Now me, I’ll be schooling or enlighten my family to infiltrate, disrupt and all that good shit if you believe in and stand for this title, revolutionary, anarchist, etc. This have nothing to do with power or money. Why should we have to buy what’s needed and really free? My question is do you see how deep this is, and that if your family is on the wrong side and oppressing, they must die by your hands or one of the rebel? So are you ready for this?

Like I say, I’m the last of my kind. I will not die to only be talked about, I will die to start a revolutionary change and if I knew that this war is really going to be fought as a nation. Otherwise I will continue to wait and control my environment.

Sleep walkers awaken.
Trouble D

Report on Rebellion At Valdosta State Prison

Down here we put the word out about Attica and what this stand was for and all. These f****** tipped the devils off, me and my team knew because as the day closed in, the tension was felt, the guards were placing the cuffs on us tight when being escorted out the cell to the shower, yard, medical, etc. So by us seeing that, I threw piss and chemicals in the Sgt face on 9/8/2016 AM. Popp’d it off early, the Sgt tried to spray, we shield the door, me and my cell mate. We waited on use of force to go on strip cell, but Sgt said he was going to refuse our food. Now why he want to do that? Very stupid! My Brothers asked the officer that was working our range when he was passing out trays was he going to feed me and my cell mate, and he replied that it was out of his hands because Sgt said not to feed us. Now, that was so wrong to say, and he represent a urban gang so he says SPLATT – they throwed body fluids on him! He called Sgt and they brough the CERT team and sprayed mace on them and placed one on strip cell. So the CERT being here, we on the door like “Remember Attica, bitch”, “Black lives matters”, “Justice will be served”, and we kept that up until they came back to my cell. We then gave them our demand sheets with “non-negotiable” on it, and told them we better eat, or else.

So the Sgt came with pack outs in bags, saying “go to the back of the cell” for he could throw the food in to us like a dogg. I ask my cell mate was he hungry and he replied that he was full of rage, so we manipulated Sgt to leave and come back. When he came back, we had the old tray we kept to block the flap with now jammed in the tray flap slot, and when Sgt asked us to step to the back, I was 1/2 way back. I ran up and footed that tray, almost busting my ass (cause the entire building was and did flood). But now we have the flap open and Sgt fighting to not let us get it all the way down, so while I pushed against his strength my cell mate hit him with a cup of shit right in the face. Sgt immediately started vomiting, but I gave him the flap to close now. This was around 6pm it started around 12pm. The next shift came in, a brother who do what he can for us, he went and brought us our pack outs (we still ate!).

On 9/9/2016 a few peoples went on hungry strike. Kevine them did too in J-building, so I heard. But that brother who got sprayed for our trays cell mate throwed shit and piss on the officer, we was then being served our food by CERT teams and a few officers. They had the cameras for incidents and use of force rolling. They had paint ball peppers, tazers and 7% mace all pointed at me and my cell mate’s flap as they fed and ran ice call. So with us living to die and not dying to live, we threw piss, chemicals and the food on them (element of surprise). So when they came out of that seconds of shock, our shield and curtains was up ASAP, they realized we were war ready, slammed the flap and called us names as we represented Attica and sent the 2nd copy of the 3 demands sheets. They refused to use force, we wanted to fight! By the way, we still ate!

9/10/2016 & 9/11/2016 The strikers rolled out and we kept doing shit like flooding, and destroying the cell. Me and 3 other brothers didn’t stop & really haven’t stopped yet. We have throwed shit on an inmate that was speaking against the movement, he started crying like a bitch. They have me labeled as the leader over here, so I am in a one man cell in K2 side. Why they do that, I have 2 brothers over here, one is a nasty dude (he loves slanging shit :p) He’s throwed it on the head counselor, the LT, 4 officers and a betrayal. I’ve throwed more piss in another Sgt face, and truthfully the mace and physical force doesn’t bother me. The warden have been coming to our cell asking us what we want, my question is: you here to play, pray or pay?

Attica was really another day for me. These pigs try and do whatever me and my brothers ask or say, they have even told us that we showed them that it’s unity, and they respect us. But they still be treating those who refuse to stand up like some nothing ass slaves. This prison camp compound didn’t do shit, only K & J building stood in the paint and it wasn’t a large #.

The food is much better, we get our proper yard time, more mental health assistance, less shakedowns and they undivided attention. We won’t stop because when one struggle ends a new one begins. I don’t know about anyone else at the other camps, but it y’all are standing for us, we fell it’s our time to go all-out, because the body is in harmony within and out. We can’t force anyone to stand and fight. I’m not about to use intellectual vocabularies, all my brothers are basic, we are striving to learn, but we cannot have dictionaries or any books other than your bible, etc (yet). Change is coming. FIGHT

Us vs Them Power II the Peoples
Trouble D