Ash Pollard finally gets to lock lips with Kris Smith as I'm A Celebrity tucker trial gets personal... while Nazeem Hussain pashes Tom Arnold

They knew they would face such things as wild animals, stomach-turning food challenges and strenuous tasks when they signed up for I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!

But on the show on Wednesday, star Nazeem Hussain certainly got even more than he bargained for, when he accidentally kissed American actor Tom Arnold.

Former MKR contestant Ash Pollard was however keen to perfect her 'technique' for Kris Smith however, as the two locked lips over a variety of items. 

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Lip smacking challenge:Ash Pollard finally gets to lock lips with Kris Smith as I'm A Celebrity tucker trial gets personal

Lip smacking challenge:Ash Pollard finally gets to lock lips with Kris Smith as I'm A Celebrity tucker trial gets personal

The 31-year-old comedian was left repulsed after unintentionally smooching Tom, as part of a mouth-to-mouth jungle game.

'I pashed Tom Arnold!,' Nazeem said to camera after the incident. 

The stars were seated at a dinner table at their camp, when they had to pass to each other certain items or food, via their mouths only. 

Items included a chicken claw, an oesophagus, a whole raw octopus and a century egg.

'I pashed Tom Arnold!' Nazeem Hussain (centre) and Tom (left) were sitting next to each other and accidentally kissed when passing on the slippery egg on I'm A Celebrity

'I pashed Tom Arnold!' Nazeem Hussain (centre) and Tom (left) were sitting next to each other and accidentally kissed when passing on the slippery egg on I'm A Celebrity

Nazeem and Tom were sitting next to each other and appeared to accidentally kiss when passing the slippery egg from one to the other.

Another item passed down the group was Shane Warne's sock, with Shane having appeared on the last series of the show.

Former My Kitchen Rules star Ash Pollard was seated next to her crush Kris Smith. 

Too close for comfort? The 31-year-old comedian was left repulsed after unintentionally smooching Tom, as part of a mouth-to-mouth jungle game

Too close for comfort? The 31-year-old comedian was left repulsed after unintentionally smooching Tom, as part of a mouth-to-mouth jungle game

Not for the faint hearted! Chicken foot, lard, and an oesophagus (seen, with Lisa Curry), was passed around 

Not for the faint hearted! Chicken foot, lard, and an oesophagus (seen, with Lisa Curry), was passed around 

'My technique was spot on with Kris,' Ash said to camera, grinning. 

She too took the opportunity to lock lips over the Chinese delicacy century egg. 

Throughout the show, Ash has made it clear that she finds model Kris attractive. 

NW Magazine reports an onset source said she wants to 'sneak into his bed.' 

Looking nervous: The stars all sat beside each other for the game 

Looking nervous: The stars all sat beside each other for the game 

In her element? Ash was sitting at the end and seemed to enjoy being next to her crush, Kris Smith

In her element? Ash was sitting at the end and seemed to enjoy being next to her crush, Kris Smith

'She started asking the guys in the group to alter their sleeping arrangements so she could be closer to Kris,' a crew insider tells the magazine.

When her plan didn't work, the My Kitchen Rules star said: 'She was just going to sneak into his bed.'

With temperatures plummeting overnight, the former Dancing With The Stars contestant has a fitting excuse to snuggle up to the muscly former athlete.

'It is cold out there, so I guess she could use that as a legitimate excuse,' the crew source adds. 

Single and ready to mingle: Throughout the show, Ash has made it clear that she finds model Kris attractive

Single and ready to mingle: Throughout the show, Ash has made it clear that she finds model Kris attractive

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