'Yes, they occasionally bite you!' Red-faced Martin Clunes cops an unfortunate nip from his 'naughty' pet horse live on Lorraine

He was talking about his love for horses in a live link from his Dorset Farm on Wednesday's edition of Lorraine.

But Martin Clunes got more than he bargained for when he copped an unfortunate nip from one of the animals.

Rather embarrassingly, the naughty nip came as he was discussing the benefits of being around horses. 

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An unexpected nip: Martin Clunes was explaining the virtues of horses when a 'naughty' horse bit him during a live link from Lorraine 

An unexpected nip: Martin Clunes was explaining the virtues of horses when a 'naughty' horse bit him during a live link from Lorraine 

Martin was appearing on the show to launch the Changing Lives Through Horses Initiative which seeks to inspire disengaged individuals to reconnect with society through the animals. 

'If you have trust issues - horses are fantastic for building your trust,' Martin told Lorraine. 'They touch people and they touch people's hearts.'

'Horses are great healers - they give people a lot of confidence. If children are not thriving in a conventional environment, it really is proven they get better - even with naughty horses like this one.' 

Farmlife: Martin and his wife Philippa live in a farm near Beaminster in Dorset 

Farmlife: Martin and his wife Philippa live in a farm near Beaminster in Dorset 

Charity initiative: Martin was appearing on the show to launch the Changing Lives Through Horses Initiative

Charity initiative: Martin was appearing on the show to launch the Changing Lives Through Horses Initiative

Meanwhile, Martin also discussed a possible return to fan favourite sitcom Men Behaving Badly which finished back in 1998. 

The 55-year-old star is against returning to his role of Gary Strang in a rebooted 'Old Men Behaving Badly' he told the talk show host.

'That's a little bit seedy Lorraine - don't you think?' he said. 'It's often talked about but it's better left alone. What if it's awful!' 

Carrot and stick method: Martin sowed his passion for farming and horses on the show

Carrot and stick method: Martin sowed his passion for farming and horses on the show

Live link:  Martin appeared twice live on the show to discuss the animals with ITV morning host Lorraine Kelly 

Live link:  Martin appeared twice live on the show to discuss the animals with ITV morning host Lorraine Kelly 

 The star also confirmed the news that the ninth season of Doc Martin will be the last.

'We go down next month to Cornwall for season eight and season nine in 2019 - that as far as we know is the last - we might have to retire the doctor,' he said.  'He might be retirement age by then.'

Doc Martin - which follows the exploits of a cantankerous country doctor - has also been a surprise success overseas 

'It's very gratifying. The bonus of its success overseas has just been a delight,' he said.  

No return: Martin has dismissed the idea of a comeback for hit comedy series Men Behaving Badly as 'a bit seedy'

No return: Martin has dismissed the idea of a comeback for hit comedy series Men Behaving Badly as 'a bit seedy'

Martin and his wife Phillipa have a horse farm just outside Beaminster in Dorset where they own 12 horses with breeds ranging from Shetlands to Clydesdales.

And the actor expressed how much he loves his life on the farm. 'Farming keeps me grounded: animals never lie,' he told Dorset magazine last year. 'It’s a brilliant balance.

' I don’t have any gripes. I know I’m the luckiest man in the world but, as part of my job, I literally have people in my face, focus pullers or make-up and that’s absolutely fine, because they’re people I know and like but, when I’m back here, I’ve got all this space. It’s perfect.'

Nine lives: Martin's hit series Doc Martin is slated to end after 2019 and its ninth season 

Nine lives: Martin's hit series Doc Martin is slated to end after 2019 and its ninth season 


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