'We're touring right until the due date': Elbow's Guy Garvey, 42, 'overjoyed' to be expecting his first child with Avengers actress Rachael Stirling, 39

Elbow returned with a seventh studio album in 2017, in spite of the departure of drummer Richard Jupp. 

But they can expect to gain one more roadie this year, after Guy Garvey announced that he is set to become a dad.

The band are scheduled to tour right up until the tour dad, but 42-year-old Guy insists he and wife Rachael Stirling are 'as ready as we can be' for the arrival.

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Cute couple: Elbow's Guy Garvey, 42, and Avengers actress Rachael Stirling are expecting their first child in 2017

Cute couple: Elbow's Guy Garvey, 42, and Avengers actress Rachael Stirling are expecting their first child in 2017

Speaking on BBC 5 Live's Afternoon edition, he said: 'We've got a baby on the way. I'm just overjoyed, you know? I'm so lucky. It's due quite soon - end of March beginning of April.

'We are as ready as we can be, considering Elbow are going on tour right up until the due date.'

Guy found love with Diana Rigg's daughter at the start of 2015 and they married the next year. 

Excited? Guy is due to be on tour with his band right up until the due date

Excited? Guy is due to be on tour with his band right up until the due date

Now 39, Avengers actress Rachael previously said she would love 'to get on it' and have children.

She told The Telegraph in January 2014: God, I’d love to go on it. But I have to want to have someone’s children first. You can’t do it for the sake of it or because the clock is ticking. It has to be right.'

On her hopes of meeting Mr Right, she added: 'But when you’re as bombastic and loud as I am, you terrify the bejesus out of men.

Starting a family: The pair met in early 2015 and married the next year

Starting a family: The pair met in early 2015 and married the next year

Welcoming a baby: Rachael previously said that she couldn't wait to start a family but wanted to find the right person

Welcoming a baby: Rachael previously said that she couldn't wait to start a family but wanted to find the right person

'And the only ones interested are the peacocks in life that go, "Oh, I’ll have a bit of her". And that’s not the kind of person I want.'

Guy previously revealed his actress wife is 'pleased and flattered' to have become something of a muse for his new songs.

He shared: 'When she hears herself in the lyric, she is of course pleased and flattered - but there is a song on there about our arguments. 

'The title track is going through ritualistic arguments, and why it happens, "We protect our little fictions when we bow to fear, little wilderness mementos only you and me hear."

The show must go on: Elbow - (L-R) Pete Turner, Richard Jupp, Guy, Pete Turner and Craig Potter - lost their drummer Richard from the line-up this year but continue to tour

The show must go on: Elbow - (L-R) Pete Turner, Richard Jupp, Guy, Pete Turner and Craig Potter - lost their drummer Richard from the line-up this year but continue to tour

'But the nature of true love is that you love the person with all their warts, and spots, and bellybutton fluff and whatever. Me writing about the ugly side of being married is letting Rachael know that it's all perfectly normal, in the hope that she doesn't leave me for a god.'

And Guy admits he has 'never been happier' in his life and says the older he gets, the happier he feels.

He added: 'I've never been happier in my life - and that's continued throughout my 20s, into my 30s and now my 40s. The older I get, the happier I get. Life throws new challenges at me all the time - 'challenges', that makes me sound like an adrenaline junkie - but I love being 40-odd.' 

They're back: They released a seventh studio album in 2017

They're back: They released a seventh studio album in 2017


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