Quick-thinking driver swerves to avoid a van after being forced off the road by a speeding car – but ends up smashing into an Audi pulling out of a driveway

  • Shocking CCTV footage captures the chaotic scenes in Bamford, Manchester
  • Brett Mullineaux, a resident, uploaded the footage on to social media
  • Greater Manchester Police said the incident had not been recorded on their log

Shocking footage shows the moment a speeding car shunts another vehicle off the road and into the side of an Audi leaving its driveway.

In the clip, a silver vehicle is driving on a single-carriageway road, when it is rammed on its right hand side by a purple car, which is trying to overtake at a high speed.

The purple car, which has sparks flying from its wheels, also clips another vehicle on the other side of the road as it completes the overtake.

Shocking footage shows the moment a speeding car shunts another vehicle off the road and into the side of an Audi leaving its driveway

Shocking footage shows the moment a speeding car shunts another vehicle off the road and into the side of an Audi leaving its driveway

The force from the shunt on the causes the silver car to hurtle towards the side of the road, and the driver has to swerve left on to the pavement to avoid hitting a van.

Other vehicles nearby are seen slowing down and stopping, but although it tries to brake, the silver car is unable to come to a halt.

The footage then switches to another camera and the silver car is shown smashing into a blue Audi, which is coming out of its driveway.

Part of the bumper flies into the air as the silver car hits the Audi side-on.

The incident took place last Tuesday on Bury Road in Bamford, Greater Manchester.

In the clip, a silver vehicle is driving on a single-carriagway road, when it is rammed on its right hand side by a purple car,

In the clip, a silver vehicle is driving on a single-carriagway road, when it is rammed on its right hand side by a purple car,

The force from the shunt on the causes the silver car to hurtle towards the side of the road

The force from the shunt on the causes the silver car to hurtle towards the side of the road

Brett Mullineaux, who uploaded the footage on to social media, said it was taken on the CCTV cameras of one of his friends, who lives on the street.

He explained that the road was a dangerous one, where many accidents had happened in the past.

He said: 'A young lad was killed on the same road not long ago, there are lots of accidents on the same road.

'I believe the car that ran the car off the road was fleeing police.'

The footage then switches to another camera and the silver car is shown smashing into a blue Audi, which is coming out of its driveway

The footage then switches to another camera and the silver car is shown smashing into a blue Audi, which is coming out of its driveway

Greater Manchester Police said the incident had not been recorded on their log

Greater Manchester Police said the incident had not been recorded on their log

A spokeswoman for driving charity Brake said: 'Overtaking on single carriageway roads is one of the most dangerous and usually unnecessary manoeuvres a driver can perform, often forcing other drivers to swerve, pull over or brake to avoid a collision.

'This alarming footage shows a driver who seems to believe that their journey is more important than the safety of other road users.

'It is vital that roads police are given the resources they need to crack down on this kind of dangerous driving behaviour.'

Greater Manchester Police said the incident had not been recorded on their log.


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