Horrified student, 20, feared she would be electrocuted when water started gushing from a light fitting at her £131-a-week university 'halls from hell'

  • First year marketing student shocked when leak left water pouring into her room
  • She says she could have been electrocuted if she had tried to turn on her light
  • A number of rooms were flooded at the University of Gloucester halls 

A student feared she could have been electrocuted by water gushing from a light fitting in her £131-a-week university 'halls from hell'.

First year student Stella Silvente was terrified by the incident at the University of Gloucestershire's Regency Hall accommodation in Cheltenham on Monday.

The 20-year-old, who is studying marketing, advertising and branding, pays almost £568 a month for an en-suite bedroom in an eight-person flat in the off-campus halls.

Stella Silvente was shocked when water started pouring from a light fitting at her halls
Stella Silvente was shocked when water started pouring from a light fitting at her halls

Stella Silvente was shocked when water started pouring from a light fitting at her halls

Miss Silvente, from Bournemouth, said: 'For £131 a week, I think it is ridiculous. They are halls from hell.

'The video was filmed by my flatmate while I was in a lecture. He went into my room to show me what was going on and I had to leave uni to come straight back to make sure everything was ok.

'When I got home water was still pouring out of the light. If I had been at home and just woken up in a daze and turned on the light without realising all the water was coming out of it. I could have been electrocuted.

'It went on for about five hours in total - apparently a pipe had burst upstairs in a couple of different places.

'We are students and it shouldn't happen while we are living here. It's not really what you want when you have moved to a new town and are making new friends.'

First year student Miss Silvente says she could have been electrocuted by the water leak
First year student Miss Silvente says she could have been electrocuted by the water leak

First year student Miss Silvente says she could have been electrocuted by the water leak

Photos show a steady stream of water pouring from the light bulb during the incident

Photos show a steady stream of water pouring from the light bulb during the incident

A burst pipe flooded the bedrooms of some students at the site and other said water poured through light fittings and smoke detectors for around five hours.

Miss Silvente said: 'One girl whose room was above me, her room was like a swimming pool. In total about five rooms were completely flooded.

'Luckily my room was quite tidy and organised so there wasn't anything on the floor to get damaged, but my Macbook charger is destroyed.

'Luckily, by the time I got back they had turned all the electricity off. When I posted the video a lot of people were really concerned.

'My stepmum said how dangerous it was and my mum was worried. There was a risk of electrocution.'

A number of students rooms at the University of Gloucestershire were flooded on Monday

A number of students rooms at the University of Gloucestershire were flooded on Monday

Stewart Dove, director of student services at the University of Gloucestershire, said: 'After a burst water pipe our accommodation team acted quickly together with the property owners to swiftly resolve the issue and support the students affected.

'Six students have been temporarily rehoused in alternative university accommodation whilst the building is restored to its normal condition and safety checks are made.

'Students in halls also have insurance as part of their lease and we will provide support to make any claims for any damage caused.'

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