Thugs feed a pet hamster Tizer laced with LSD and a cannabis leaf as they filmed its reactions in a shocking video 

  • Corey Lee Destrow and Nchinmunya Ntembe both drugged the helpless rodent
  • Mr Chow can be seen acting erratically after drinking the concoction 
  • Destrow was jailed in January for his part in the cruel stunt but appealed his sentence
  • Ntembe was jailed for the incident as well as causing suffering to Mastiff dogs 

Two thugs filmed themselves feeding a hamster Tizer laced with LSD and a cannabis leaf to see how it reacted.

Corey Lee Destrow and his friend Nchinmunya Ntembe were sentenced in January for dosing Mr Chow with the powerful hallucinogenic, but the shocking video has just emerged online.

In it, Destrow and Ntembe, both 22 and from Lancaster, Lancashire, can be heard laughing as they begin drugging the rodent.

The  concoction of Tizer and LSD is prepared by one of the thugs for Mr Chow to unknowingly consume

The  concoction of Tizer and LSD is prepared by one of the thugs for Mr Chow to unknowingly consume

'This could be the end for Mr Chow. Or the beginning, we'll soon find out,' one of them says as the hamster starts drinking the Tizer.

After they laugh that some has landed in Mr Chow's eye, the animal begins acting erratically and is later seen chewing on a cannabis leaf.

As the film continues, the pair later remark: 'we are going to kill it' and 'it is going nuts'. 

The hamster starts 'going nuts for it' and the pair joke that the rodent has even taken some in the eye

The hamster starts 'going nuts for it' and the pair joke that the rodent has even taken some in the eye

Later in the video, Mr Chow can be seen acting erratically and frantically chewing on a cannabis leaf

Later in the video, Mr Chow can be seen acting erratically and frantically chewing on a cannabis leaf

Destrow was initially handed an eight-week prison sentence for his part in the cruel stunt, although this was reduced on appeal to 12 months community service, unpaid work and a two-year animal ban. 

On top of the hamster stunt, Ntembe was given four months behind jail for also causing unnecessary suffering to two Mastiff type dogs.

Mr Chow has since been given to the RSPCA and rehomed. 

RSPCA inspector Sarah Hayland said: 'It's clear that Ntembe and the other man involved with the hamster incident - who has already been dealt with - are aware that what they are doing could cause Mr Chow suffering.' 

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