Bare-chested 'Rambo' knifeman is caught on CCTV fighting his love rival in a vicious duel outside their homes after he discovered his girlfriend lurking inside his neighbour's flat 

  • CCTV shows a bare-chested Alan Bishop outside a house with a blade
  • He goes to confront his love rival Russell Morris outside their houses in Stoke
  • The pair - who both have criminal records -repeatedly lunge at each other
  • Court heard Bishop went to Morris's home because his ex-girlfriend was there

Two next-door neighbours had in a knife 'duel' outside their homes after rowing over a woman.

CCTV shows a bare-chested Alan Bishop with a knife tucked into his trousers as he goes next door to confront love rival Russell Morris during an early morning showdown in Stoke.

He is seen squaring up to Morris, 45, who is also armed with a blade.

CCTV shows a bare-chested Alan Bishop with a knife tucked into his trousers as he goes next door to confront his love rival Russell Morris outside their houses in Stoke. Both men then confront each other with blades (circled) 

CCTV shows a bare-chested Alan Bishop with a knife tucked into his trousers as he goes next door to confront his love rival Russell Morris outside their houses in Stoke. Both men then confront each other with blades (circled) 

The pair repeatedly lunge and slash at one another in a front garden before moving onto the pavement

The pair repeatedly lunge and slash at one another in a front garden before moving onto the pavement

At one point Bishop, 40, who can be seen wearing a Rambo-esque scarf around his face (left), falls to the ground as a horrified neighbour tries to intervene

At one point Bishop, 40, who can be seen wearing a Rambo-esque scarf around his face (left), falls to the ground as a horrified neighbour tries to intervene

The pair then repeatedly lunge and slash at one another in a front garden before moving onto the pavement.

At one point Bishop, 40, who can be seen wearing a Rambo-esque scarf around his face, falls to the ground as a horrified neighbour tries to intervene.

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard the fight happened at about 7.30am on December 7, 2015 in full view of the street.

The court was told Bishop had gone to his neighbour's home with a knife because he was unhappy his ex-girlfriend was staying there.

The defendants were jailed for 20 months each last week, reported the Stoke Sentinel.

Russell Morris (pictured) and Alan Bishop were both jailed for 20 months each last week after the terrifying knife fight in Stoke in December
Alan Bishop was jailed for 20 months

Russell Morris (left) and Alan Bishop (right) were both jailed for 20 months each last week after the terrifying knife fight in Stoke in December

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard that Bishop had gone to Morris's home with a knife because he was unhappy his ex-girlfriend was there

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard that Bishop had gone to Morris's home with a knife because he was unhappy his ex-girlfriend was there

Police released the CCTV footage in the hope it would warn others about the potentially fatal consequences of carrying knives.

A Staffordshire Police spokesman said: 'This is a dispute that clearly got way out of hand.

'We are pleased with the sentence handed down as it shows that assaults using knives will not be tolerated.'  

Sentencing the pair, Judge David Fletcher said: 'That sort of behaviour in a place where people live can never be condoned or accepted.'

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