Chaos over new rules on booster seats for toddlers: Warning parents will be left confused by regulations that will see backless chairs banned for smaller children 

  •  A study by found just 13 percent of parents understand new rules
  •  The UN want to ensure toddlers use high-backed child seats as long as possible
  •  Experts believe booster seas are not safe for small children because they are  less secure and do not guard against side-on collisions

New rules on child car seats will confuse parents, experts warned last night.

Manufacturers will no longer be able to produce backless boosters for smaller children.

Parents who own one can still use it if their child weighs at least 2st 5lb (15kg). 

But any new booster seats that manufacturers put out will have stricter size thresholds.

The United Nations wants children to use these seats until they are older. They say they give better protection against side impact

Q & A

These backless booster seats are being phased out for children under six

These backless booster seats are being phased out for children under six

What is going on?

Changes are being made to the weight and height rules on backless booster seats and cushions. Currently parents can use booster seats for children who weigh 15kg (2st 5lb) and above – typically aged three and over. But manufacturers are being banned from making such products for children this young. All backless boosters made in the future will be restricted to children weighing more than 22kg (3st 6.5lb) and 125cm (4ft 1in) tall – in line with a typical six-year-old.

Why is this necessary?

The UN, which sets safety standards for car seats, believes booster cushions are insufficiently safe for small children. This is partly because they are less securely anchored and, lacking backs and sides, provide much less protection from collisions.

Do I have to get rid of my child’s booster seat?

This is where it gets confusing. If you already have a booster seat and your child weighs at least 15kg, the current weight threshold, then you will be able to continue to use it legally. The new legislation is designed to ensure that manufacturers stop producing booster seats for smaller children. So parents buying booster seats in future will have to ensure their child meets the new weight and height thresholds to use them. The restrictions should be clearly labelled on the seats.

When do the new rules come in?

Even the Department for Transport does not seem to know for sure because the regulations come from the UN but are being enforced by the European Union. The DfT says on its website that the legislation will be introduced by March, but it is understood the changes could come into force as soon as tomorrow.

What happens if I break the rules?

As before, parents who put their child in the wrong kind of car seat for their height or weight can be fined £100. Babies must travel in rear-facing car seats until they are at least 15 months old. Children must use special seats until they are either 12 or 4ft 5in tall.

Children using them will have to weigh at least 3st 6.5lb (22kg) and be taller than 4ft 1in (125cm).

The regulations stem from the United Nations, which sets safety standards for car seats. 

Its experts believe boosters are not safe for small children because they are less secure and do not guard against side-on collisions.

They want to ensure toddlers continue to use high-backed child seats for as long as possible.

But a study by found just 13 percent of parents understand the rule change – which applies only to new booster seats.

‘The current regulations are understandably hard to understand and the new changes may make it even trickier for parents to keep their children safe,’ said Amanda Stretton, motoring editor at the comparison site.

‘The fact that car seats bought before the law change will still be acceptable to use sends mixed messages. The Government needs to simplify the messaging around backless car seat use so there is no misunderstanding over what is and is not safe.’

To make matters worse, there is even confusion about when the legislation will be introduced.

The Department of Transport’s website says the laws will come into force by March 1. But sources said the legislation might be implemented tomorrow.

Insiders say the lack of clarity is because the laws stem from the UN yet are being enforced by the European Union.

Retailers, including Halfords, had not been expecting the legislation to be introduced until next month. It is offering parents the chance to trade in any cushion booster bought at one of its shops for a 20 per cent discount on a high-back booster.

Tanya Robinson, child safety centre manager at the Transport Research Laboratory, said: ‘There is a large amount of uncertainty among parents and carers about the latest changes to child restraint regulations.

‘Regardless of the detail of the regulations, it is vital that parents ensure that their child is in the correct type of seat for their height and weight, as this will allow for maximum protection in the event of an accident.’ 

Booster cushions that are already being manufactured in compliance with current regulations can continue to be sold and used after the new legislation comes into force.

Parents caught with their child in the car in the wrong kind of seat risk a £100 fine. Children must use special seats until they are either 12 years old or 4ft 5in tall (135cm), whichever comes first.


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