'We're in paradise but I feel like I'm in hell': Debbie walks out on John during an explosive argument at the MAFS dinner party... before Cheryl declares she is 'done' with Jonathan and runs

  • The Married At First Sight couples all met for the first time at a dinner party
  • Deborah blamed John for their relationship troubles and complained to others
  • She has been upset she wasn't paired with a Polynesian man by the experts
  • After other couples took John's side, Deborah walked out of the dinner
  • Later Cheryl and Jonathan fought and she left without him too 

First comes love, then comes marriage.

Or, in the case of Married at First Sight, first comes marriage and then love... potentially with somebody else's bride or groom.

Following Tuesday night's emotion-filled honeymoons, those who tuned in on Wednesday night were treated to even more drama at the always entertaining group dinner party. 

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First impressions: The couples all met for the first time in Wednesday night's Married At First Sight during a dinner party 

First impressions: The couples all met for the first time in Wednesday night's Married At First Sight during a dinner party 

Unhappy: At the dinner party, Debbie was extremely unhappy about the relationship, telling other couples

Unhappy: At the dinner party, Debbie was extremely unhappy about the relationship, telling other couples

Uh oh: Prior to the dinner, John said the couple's future looked 'grim' and that the relationship was a 'failure'

Uh oh: Prior to the dinner, John said the couple's future looked 'grim' and that the relationship was a 'failure'

So dramatic in fact, that two brides ended up walking out after explosive fights with their grooms.  

Before the night began, John and Deborah were shown still having a difficult time on their honeymoon in Samoa.

After being asked about deal breakers, 53-year-old Deborah listed smoking, drinking, gambling, and someone who watches football—all things John does.

The father-of-two was clearly not having a good time, telling his wife the future of the relationship looked 'grim'. 'We're in paradise but I feel like I'm in hell,' he told the camera. 

As they got ready for the dinner party, John, who had taken off his wedding ring and moved out of the couple's apartment on their honeymoon, said he wondered if there would be any other 'failures'. 

The couples then started to arrive at the dinner, where the men and women would meet for the first time.

Weighing in: The experts watched the couples at the dinner party and offered their opinions on John and Deborah's relationship

Weighing in: The experts watched the couples at the dinner party and offered their opinions on John and Deborah's relationship

'You dumped me': The 53-year-old told couples that John didn't want to be with her

'You dumped me': The 53-year-old told couples that John didn't want to be with her

Anthony and Nadia were the first to arrive, followed by a stream of eight other pairs. Finally Andrew arrived, alone, as bride Lauren had run away and refused to return to him on the day of their wedding. 

Once everyone had arrived, and Andrew was forced to explain that Lauren had left him on their wedding day.

And the trouble started not long after.

Heated: She then got angry and once again said that she wanted a Polynesian man for her husband

Heated: She then got angry and once again said that she wanted a Polynesian man for her husband

Awkward: Other people at the dinner party, like Vanessa, looked uncomfortable with the outburst

Awkward: Other people at the dinner party, like Vanessa, looked uncomfortable with the outburst

Deborah was clearly unhappy from the start, commenting to John about him not serving her food.

She soon was telling everyone at the table exactly how unhappy she was that John wasn't wearing her ring.

'You gave up on the wedding night, you dumped me on the wedding night,' Deborah said to John. 

As Cheryl tried to play peacemaker, John explained himself and his perspective on the broken relationship.

'She said, "I couldn't be more disappointed in what you are, I'm shattered,"' he said. 

'He asked if he was what I expected and I said no because I'm honest,' Deborah retorted. 'I said from the beginning I wanted someone from the Polynesian islands, someone who has culture.'

Blame game: Others like Cheryl tried to help, but Deborah got angry because she felt they weren't listening to her

Blame game: Others like Cheryl tried to help, but Deborah got angry because she felt they weren't listening to her

Going, going, gone: The 53-year-old then gathered her bag and left the dinner, getting into a taxi

Going, going, gone: The 53-year-old then gathered her bag and left the dinner, getting into a taxi

Puzzled: John said he didn't know if his wife had quit the entire experiment or not

Puzzled: John said he didn't know if his wife had quit the entire experiment or not

As other couples tried to give their view, Deborah exploded into a rant, saying that it was John's fault the relationship wasn't working. 

She then left the table, collected her bag, and walked out to get a taxi and leave. 

John, who didn't realise she had left, was told by a producer what had happened after he went to follow her some minutes later.

'I don't know if she's gone home to the hotel or walked out of the whole experiment,' he said.

Ignored: Meanwhile Cheryl and Jonathan had barely spoken all night

Ignored: Meanwhile Cheryl and Jonathan had barely spoken all night

'It's f***ing awkward': Cheryl told Jonathan off for treating her badly during the night

'It's f***ing awkward': Cheryl told Jonathan off for treating her badly during the night

It wasn't long after Debbie's departure that tensions boiled over between Cheryl and Jonathan as well.

The couple hadn't spoken all night, so Cheryl asked her husband to come into the other room with her and talk. 

'It's f***ing awkward,' the hair salon manager said. 'No guy that likes me would ever act like you did. I feel like complete s***.'

Tears: When he didn't respond kindly, Cheryl got upset and sought comfort with Nadia
'He's stuck up': She told fellow contestants that she didn't like her new husband at all

Tears: When he didn't respond kindly, Cheryl got upset and sought comfort with Nadia

'I'm done': Cheryl then told a producer she was 'done' and left the dinner

'I'm done': Cheryl then told a producer she was 'done' and left the dinner

Untouched: Jonathan didn't seem moved by Cheryl being upset

Untouched: Jonathan didn't seem moved by Cheryl being upset

When Jonathan didn't show any sympathy, the 25-year-old turned to a producer to declare she was 'done.'

Crying, she left the room and walked through where the others were finishing dinner. 

After being comforted by Nadia, she declared once again that she was 'done' and that her husband was 'stuck up' before getting her bag and leaving without him. 

Married At First Sight returns 7pm Sunday on Channel Nine. 

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