She certainly took a tumble! Cheerleaders try to create a cool choreographed dance routine in their car but lose it when one falls through the open sunroof onto her head

  • Five cheerleaders from Winter Springs, Florida, appear in the hilarious clip
  • Dominique Raspo, Jessica Girod start off the video in the front seat, singing along to Ke$ha's We R Who We R, when two more girls join in
  • At the end of the video their friend, Alyssa Mair, lowers herself through the sunroof upside down - but quickly tumbles onto the center console 

You know when you're trying to look cool, lip-syncing to a song like a rockstar in a music video, when something goes wrong and suddenly makes you glad there's not a camera rolling? Well, these girls weren't so lucky.

A group of high school cheerleaders from Winter Springs, Florida, decided to record themselves performing Ke$ha's We R Who We R while sitting in a parked car, clearly thinking they were about to make a cool clip for their social media pages.

But their choreographed routine didn't go exactly has planned, resulting in a goofy video that has since gone viral. 

Having fun: A group of cheerleaders from Winter Springs, Florida, recorded themselves dancing in a car

This one's for Twitter! The teens were trying to look cool, lip-syncing in their own private music video

The 17-second clip, which first hit Twitter in October, begins with two cheerleaders, Dominique Raspo and Jessica Girod, lip-syncing to the Ke$ha song in the front seats of a parked car.

Dressed in their purple Bears uniforms, the teenagers give plenty of attitude to the camera, playing out their own rock star fantasies as they bust out a few pre-planned dance moves.

They smile and blow kisses before a blonde friend pops up in the back seat to join the performance, shortly followed by another friend, who rises from her hiding spot behind the driver's seat. 

They all continue to mouth the words and dance as — surprise! — a fifth cheerleader, Alyssa Mair, appears, hanging upside-down and lowering herself from the sunroof. 

Hi there! Though it started with just Dominique Raspo (left) and Jessica Girod (right) in the front seat, two friends soon popped up in the back

Surprise! Then, a third, Alyssa Mair, lowers herself upside-down from the sunroof

As a cheerleader, Alyssa probably saw the acrobatic move, since she likely performs much trickier displays on the mats at cheerleading competitions.

In that case, though, the teen would have spotters — which she certainly didn't during the car dance. Which is why it shouldn't have been a huge shock when, after five seconds, Alyssa suddenly loses her balance.

She quickly crashes head first into the spot between Dominique and Jessica, emitting a scream as she tries to brace herself with her arms. The other girls all scream and laugh as she tumbles into the car.  

Ooops! Soon, though, she loses her balance and falls on top of her friends, who scream and laugh

Always cheering: Online commenters have cracked jokes about the fail, with one writing: 'Gimmie a V!'

Luckily, Alyssa seemed to be unharmed — and apparently, her ego wasn't much bruised either, since she happily shared the video on Twitter.

The clip has continued to gain traction, appearing on Imgur this week where commenters cracked jokes about the lip-dubbing fail.

'Gotta give her props for B-E-ing aggressive tho,' wrote one, while another, pointing out the position of Alyssa's legs after she fell, wrote: 'Gimmie a V!'

One more added: 'Goddammit Stacy! You, like, ruined it! - cheerleaders probably.'

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