
Comment & Analysis

There are simply too many seats in the sky

Virgin has pulled its discount brand Tigerair out of the Bali market.

Pressure is mounting on Australian airlines to make fresh cuts to capacity after Virgin Australia's softer than expected second quarter left investors worrying about the state of the aviation market.

Miners smiling but gloomy days ahead for banks

Mining companies have China to thank for a big rebound.

In the next couple of weeks investors will see real evidence of the fact that the Australian corporate earnings drought has broken. After two years of falling profits they are now expected to rise around 6 to 7 per cent.

Lord save us from being governed by bankers

There was good cause to privatise the poles and wires in NSW.

With Our Glad Berejiklian - the archetypal girl who works harder than the boys - replacing pin-up boy Mike Baird as premier of NSW, should the citizens of other states be envious? Don't be too sure.

Trump's TPP move is not a slam dunk for US

Steel awaiting distribution at a US Steel Corp plant in Indiana.

It's a slam dunk, right? Blocking imports into the US will be good for the US economy, adding jobs and helping to make the US great again, at least according to the mantra of the newly installed US President Donald Trump.

China finally invents a ballpoint pen of its own

Chinese manufacturers make around 40 billion pens a year.

It was a years-long effort that cost millions of dollars and required the leadership of a state-run corporate colossus. It was front-page news, widely discussed on talk shows and celebrated on social media.

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