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Documentary film following young Irish women as they attempt to find a solution for their unexpected pregnancy.

Documentary film following young Irish women as they attempt to find a solution for their unexpected pregnancy. Read More
pledged of £6,500 goal

Funding Canceled

Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator on September 18, 2013.

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About this project

 This film will present the diverse stories of three young women; all on the verge of making this life-changing decision, while struggling with the government's policies and the belief systems of their loved ones.

According to the department of health UK, an average of 5000 women every year travel from Ireland and Northern Ireland to England to terminate their pregnancy due to the illegality of abortions in these countries.   

These three fascinating coming of age stories would be linked intrinsically by these womens' parallel decisions, which would explore themes of bravery and conquering their fears. 

Please visit our website  and facebook page for updates, details and information about this important film. 


Every day at the abortion clinic down my road, a group of Catholic volunteers protest to try to convince the girls to choose life for their unborn children. This is where I met Katy.

I interviewed her and her mum at the clinic just after she had undergone her abortion while the group marched down to perform a prayer vigil outside.

Katy, (19): “I wouldn't want to raise a child the same way I was brought up, without a father”.

Then, I travelled to Ireland to stay with her and document her fascinating story. There, I realised how so many women's lives are directly influenced by Ireland & Northern Ireland's criminalisation of abortions.

 I learned that each woman has her own unique circumstances, be it financial problems, relationship problems, health risks or simply not being ready for motherhood. Each one of them goes through her own meaningful journey, and I personally feel that it's important to tell these stories and hopefully raise awareness about their predicaments. 


The tragic death of Savita Halappanavar and last month's amendments to the Irish legal system raises the issue's place on the public's agenda, therefore making this documentary very timely. Now is the time to tell the world their stories. 


We hope to reach the widest audience possible through the personal stories of these brave women, raise awareness on these issues and open up viewers' hearts and minds.

What will we use your donation for? 

Your donation will allow my crew and I to travel to Ireland for three weeks, get in touch with the girls and document their journeys. 

 1. Equipment- We will need to rent lighting, camera and sound equipment to create a high quality film within the budget's constraints.

 2. Travel & Accommodation- Your donation would make it possible to respond quickly to girls from different areas in Ireland who wish to take part in the project and follow their stories as they unfold.

3. Post production- Renting edit, sound and grading facilities. Applying for film festival and distribution fees. 



The camera will observe the girls' journeys in a 'fly on the wall' documentary film-making style. There will therefore be no interference with their individual decision making processes. 

Some may say that there is no such thing as objective reality, but in full cooperation with the girls at all stages of production, we shall try and recount their stories as authentically as possible.


Ireland's blend of magnificent landscapes and colourful cityscape will be the backdrop of the film's visual style, juxtaposing the interesting differences between the peaceful Irish countryside with the city's bustling environment against the very personal struggles that these girls face in relation to their surroundings. 


 Inbar Livne- Producer Director 

Grow up in Haifa, Israel, as a part of a multinational-multicultural society, which subsists in a reality of constant struggle, shaped her understanding as well as outlook of human conflicts. Inbar served for two years as a director-producer of documentaries and fiction films in the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Those films aimed to deal with the army’s actions and results and their social-educational implications. After which, she moved to London, where she did a BA course in Practical Filmmaking at the Met FIlm School, and with this experience, shot and edited a feature-length documentary 'When Tottenham Exploded' which dealt with the social aspects that led to London riots of August 2011. It recently won ‘Best Short Documentary’ award at the London Independent Film Festival 2013. Her short documentary ‘Brand Yourself’, which examined the implications of communication through social media, was exhibited in the Tate-Modern Tanks under a new media exhibition. In Her latest documentary Bedouin Jdid, she explore how the Bedouin people's problematic urbanization process raises questions about individuality in the age of globalization.

 Brendan Harvey-Lighting Cameraman

Brendan has a strong background in documentary making. His father is a documentary producer and works freelance for a variety of TV channels including National Geographic, Discovery Channel and 60 minutes Australia. Therefore he has had the chance to work on a variety of high budget documentaries. He attended the BA course in Cinematography at the Met Film School in London. He has worked on many shoots including short films, music videos and promos. His passion still lies in documentary and has produced and shot his own films. He loves the authenticity of capturing people's true stories and experiences; he possesses an artistically visual talent and pushes to obtain the best aesthetics under all circumstances.

*Due to sensitivity of subject the crew is minimal.

 Who are we to judge what's right?

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche. It is important to state that this film will support women in either decision they make, and will document how they deal with the aftermath of their decision.

 An opportunity to be a part of it! 

This is your chance to be a part of this project and allow these stories to come to light, raising awareness on the challenges these women face and influencing a change in mentality towards their situation. 

Wish to know more about the subject?

Abortion in Ireland: divorcing Church from State? 

Savita Halappanavar: Medical misadventure verdict in inquest

 How Savita Halappanavar's death called attention to Irish abortion law

Ireland passes law allowing limited rights to abortion

The Ireland abortion debate, summed up in one disrespectful gesture

Abortion bill 'does not change' Irish law

What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions? 

Three women give their own powerful and harrowing testimony of being forced to travel to Britain to terminate pregnancies with fatal abnormalities. 

Risks and challenges

We understand the challenge ahead of us of finding someone willing to share their story, due to various factors such as family pressure, strict religious beliefs and fear of repercussions, however we are fully committed to proving that we are simply there to document their struggles and promote awareness in order to help even more women in similar situations, and not to judge.
I have managed to make contacts that will enable me to be present right from the beginning stages of pregnancy in order to present these womens' journeys in real time. Being from a similar age group, I am in the unique position of being able to work with them to tell their stories from their perspective.

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    You will receive a NEWSLETTER with exclusive photos of the journeys through Ireland's magnificent views, delivered to your HOUSE and your email! +

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    Pledge £100 or more About $156 USD

    You will receive an HD digital copy of our complete DOCUMENTARY +
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    Pledge £500 or more About $778 USD

    get TWO tickets to the PREMIERE OF YOUR CHOICE! during the production we will give you an in-depth perspective on the process and the contributes involved, and answer any questions you have about the film +
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    tickets to the PREMIERE OF YOUR CHOICE +
    a DVD + all the above.

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Funding period

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